Search Results - Urban Institute Press
Vouchers and the Provision of Public Services
Published 2000“…A Brookings Institution Press, Committee for Economic Development, and Urban Institute Press publication For decades, the use of vouchers has been widely…”
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The Changing American Family and Public Policy
Published 1988“…This book brings a social science perspective to bear on family change and family policy; identifies the determinants of change; and analyzes the role that…”
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Does Training for the Disadvantaged Work? Evidence from the National JTPA Study
Published 1996“…The Federal Government has sponsored job training for the unemployed and economically disadvantaged for more than three decades. The National Job Training…”
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Adolescent Pregnancy in an Urban Environment: Issues, Programs, and Evaluation
Published 01-08-1991“…An in-depth discussion of national and local statistics regarding teenage and adolescent pregnancy and the developmental issues involved opens this analysis…”
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Child Poverty & Public Policy
Published 1993“…This collection documents how far we still are in the United States from putting our knowledge about child well being and policy into practice. It provides an…”
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Educational Economics: Where Do School Funds Go?
Published in Urban Institute Press (05-04-2010)“…Imagine if a school were to spend more per pupil on ceramics electives than core science classes. What if a district were to push more funding to wealthy…”
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The Work Alternative. Welfare Reform and the Realities of the Job Market
Published 1994“…Contributions to this book are based on presentations at a conference hosted by The Urban Institute in April 1994 to consider the challenges of achieving…”
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Examining Comprehensive School Reform
Published in Urban Institute Press (01-11-2006)“…Urban school reformers for decades have tried to improve educational outcomes for underserved and disadvantaged students, with the assistance of constantly…”
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Meeting the Needs of Children with Disabilities
Published in Urban Institute Press (01-12-2007)“…Seldom do the needs of children with disabilities divide neatly along program lines. Instead, children and their families navigate a large, complex, and…”
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Children of Incarcerated Parents: A Handbook for Researchers and Practitioners
Published in Urban Institute Press (01-11-2010)“…For the nearly 2 million children in the United States whose parents are in prison, caretaking necessary for optimal development is disrupted. These vulnerable…”
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Poverty amid Prosperity: Immigration and the Changing Face of Rural California
Published 1997“…This book synthesizes the views of California's preeminent rural development researchers on how immigration is transforming rural California communities. It…”
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Improving the Odds: Increasing the Effectiveness of Publicly Funded Training
Published 2000“…This book, which is intended for policymakers, administrators, and researchers, contains 13 research papers and reviews of the literature on increasing the…”
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Nurturing Young Black Males. Challenges to Agencies, Programs, and Social Policy
Published 1994“…This fundamentally encouraging book describes programs that offer young Black males from high-risk environments the same nurturing opportunities that other…”
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Creating a New Teaching Profession
Published in Urban Institute Press (01-10-2009)“…Considering that having a quality teacher is the foremost in-school predictor of students' success, ensuring teacher excellence is vital to the nation's…”
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Juvenile Drug Courts and Teen Substance Abuse
Published in Urban Institute Press (2004)“…Juvenile justice officials across the United States are embracing a new method of dealing with adolescent substance abuse. Importing a popular innovation from…”
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Saving America's High Schools
Published in Urban Institute Press (01-11-2009)“…Our educational system is in a continuous state of reform, yet outcomes are nowhere near what we can accept. Though the search for answers is perpetual, many…”
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Reshaping the American Workforce in a Changing Economy
Published in Urban Institute Press (2010)“…What directions should workforce policy in the U.S. take over the next few decades in light of major labor market developments that will likely occur--such as…”
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Reconnecting Disadvantaged Young Men
Published in Urban Institute Press (01-01-2006)“…By several recent counts, the United States is home to 2 to 3 million youth age 16 through 24 who are out of school and out of work. Much has been written on…”
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Mexican Americans in Comparative Perspective
Published 1985“…The outgrowth of a conference intended to broaden the base of objective information about the Mexican American community, this collection of 13 papers examines…”
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