Search Results - Medigent Foundation
Use of ciNPWT in cardiac surgery: single center observational study
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (29-09-2020)“…Surgical site infections and complications (SSI, SSC) are relatively rare but potentially devastating events; particularly in cardiac surgery because of the…”
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Severe deep neck infections successfully treated with negative pressure wound therapy with instillation - a case report
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (23-06-2020)“…Background: Deep neck infection (DNI) is a life-threatening complication associated with significant mortality and morbidity rates. The most common causes of…”
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Prevention and therapy of acute and chronic wounds using NPWT devices during the COVID-19 pandemic, recommendation from The NPWT Working Group
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (17-04-2020)“…Recent SARS-CoV-2 pandemic leading to a rapidly increasing number of hospitalizations enforced reevaluation of wound management strategies. The optimal…”
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Deferred anastomosis in severe secondary peritonitis using a temporary intestinal shunt – case report
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (31-03-2020)“…Introduction: As part of the damage control surgery concept applied to the treatment of sepsis due to severe secondary peritonitis following intestinal…”
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Novel, self-made and cost-ective technique for closed-incision negative pressure wound therapy
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (31-03-2020)“…Background: It has been suggested that applying the negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) to a closedsurgical incision may hasten the healing of the incision…”
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Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) in Breast Surgery
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (28-12-2019)“…Background: The use of Negative Pressure Wound Dressing has been found to promote the wound healing process, therefore, reducing the risk of surgical site…”
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The The role of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in the management of orocutaneous fistulas in cancer patients - a case series
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (28-12-2019)“…Background: Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) is used in the treatment of various wounds. The study demonstrates a novel use of vessel patch as a sealant…”
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Negative pressure wound therapy as a „bridge” for the final reconstruction of tissue defect following a degloving injury of the forearm – a case report
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (01-10-2019)“…Degloving injuries are traumatic avulsions usually resulting in large areas of soft tissue defects. The injury involves separation of skin and subcutaneous…”
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Single-use NPWT device with telemedical wound monitoring in the treatment of acne inversa in apregnant patient – case report
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (20-07-2019)“…Acne inversa (AI) is a chronic inflammatory skindisease significantly impacting the patient’s quality of life.Management guidelines for acne inversa during…”
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Instillation-TIME (iTIME) as a rationale amendment for TIME conception. Is there enough evidence for the efficiency of negative pressure wound therapy with instillation (iNPWT) to announce a breakthrough idea for wound treatment?
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (20-07-2019)“…An increased number of patients developing difficult-to-heal wounds results in billions spending for chronic wound care management. Introduction of TIME…”
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The role of negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment of pilonidal disease
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (04-04-2019)“…Pilonidal disease is a particularly difficult disorder to treat. Guidelines and recommendations for the treatment of pilonidal disease neglects the use of…”
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From fistula to disability. Severe infection due to anal fistula treated with NPWT — case report
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (04-04-2019)“…Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is increasingly used to facilitate wound healing. There are various types of wounds - primarily closed or open, clean or…”
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Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Necrotizing Fasciitis and Compartment Syndrome of the Upper Extremity — a case report
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (04-04-2019)“…Aims: Necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is a life threatening infection of the subcutaneous tissues that spreads along the underlying fascia. Despite the early and…”
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Applying NPWT to bleeding open wounds after forefoot amputation in diabetic foot patients - a case report
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (22-12-2018)“…NPWT is increasingly used in patients with diabetic foot. The protocol for performing NPWT is subject to debate. Main concerns regard the type of suction to…”
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New perspectives in the treatment of hard-to-heal wound
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (22-12-2018)“…Hard-to-heal wounds continue to be a challenge in the everyday surgical practice. Their treatment is time-consuming, expensive and in many cases requires…”
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Selective resection of the bone with preservation of soft tissues (“empty toe technique”) combined with negative pressure wound therapy for treatment of osteomyelitis of the great toe - a case report
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (28-09-2018)“…Diabetic foot ulceration (DFU) is a serious complication of diabetes mellitus, and one that is difficult to treat. In many cases of DFU, chronic osteomyelitis…”
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Application of NPWT in the surgical treatment of wounds and injuries of various locations - case series
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (28-09-2018)“…In the modern world, local military conflicts are not uncommon. A feature of local wars is a dynamically changing tactical situation, which can lead to massive…”
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Evaluation of the preoperative preparation effectiveness with the ozone therapy and NPWT usage in patients with pressure sores after spinal cord injuries
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (16-07-2018)“…Surgical treatment of 178 patients with pressure sores in the rehabilitation period of traumatic illness was analyzed. A surgical approach of treatment with…”
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Successful treatment of postoperative, radiation-associated wound dehiscence around tracheostomy with negative pressure wound therapy
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (16-07-2018)“…We present case report of 62-year-old man who underwent total laryngectomy, bilateral neck dissection and radiotherapy due to laryngeal cancer. After 11 months…”
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Negative pressure wound therapy in a chronic radiation dermatitis of the scalp
Published in Negative pressure wound therapy journal (01-04-2018)Get full text
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