Search Results - Institut National d'Etudes Demographiques

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  1. 1

    Sustaining Fertility through Public Policy: The Range of Options by McDonald, Peter

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-05-2002)
    “…This paper describes the range of policies that might be used to support fertility rates at a moderate level, that is, around an average of 1.7-1.9 births per…”
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    Étudier les parcours individuels et conjugaux en France. Enjeux scientifiques et choix méthodologiques de l'enquête Épic by Rault, Wilfried, Régnier-Loilier, Arnaud

    Published in Population (France) (2019)
    “…Pourquoi et comment réaliser une nouvelle enquête sur la formation des couples en France au début du XXIe siècle ? Cet article présente les principaux…”
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    The Death Toll of the Rwandan Genocide: A Detailed Analysis for Gikongoro Province by Verpoorten, Marijke

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-07-2005)
    “…The death toll of the Rwandan genocide remains highly debatable. The frequently quoted estimate of 500,000 Tutsi killed is based on the population census of…”
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    Le rôle du capital humain prémigratoire dans l’intégration économique des immigrés en France : compétences métier vs compétences transversales by Ukrayinchuk, Nadiya, Chojnicki, Xavier

    Published in Population (France) (24-11-2020)
    “…L’objectif de cet article est de différencier le rôle joué par les compétences transversales et les compétences métier accumulées à l’étranger, sur les chances…”
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    Re-Emerging Diversity: Rapid Fertility Changes in Central and Eastern Europe after the Collapse of the Communist Regimes by Sobotka, Tomás

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-07-2003)
    “…This article provides a detailed analysis of recent fertility changes in 15 countries of central and eastern Europe and in the former East Germany. It focuses…”
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    La vie hors couple, une vie hors norme ? Expériences du célibat dans la France contemporaine by Bergström, Marie, Courtel, Françoise, Vivier, Géraldine

    Published in Population (France) (2019)
    “…Depuis les années 1970, avec le recul de l’âge à la mise en couple et, plus encore, l’augmentation des séparations, les périodes de vie « hors couple »…”
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    Social Transformation of the Paris Agglomeration in the 20th Century: A Longitudinal and Cohort Approach to Inequalities in Access to the City by Le Roux, Guillaume, Imbert, Christophe, Bringé, Arnaud, Bonvalet, Catherine

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2020)
    “…The Paris region changed radically over the second half of the 20th century as the population of Paris intra-muros declined, its old quarters were renovated,…”
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    Who Steps Back?: Dual-earner Couples’ Organization of Paid Work and Leave Uptake After Childbearing in Belgium by Wood, Jonas, Marynissen, Leen

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2019)
    “…Although Western countries have witnessed the unprecedented rise of the dual-earner model, the shift towards gender equality in the labour force remains…”
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    The First World War and the Disappearance of Surnames in France: A Trial Estimation Based on the Galton–Watson Model by Darlu, Pierre, Chareille, Pascal

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2020)
    “…The possible reduction of the stock of surnames attributable to the First World War (1914–1918) in France has yet to be explored. This article offers an…”
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  11. 11

    Fertility Differences by Education in Britain and France: The Role of Religion by Peri-Rotem, Nitzan

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2020)
    “…Female education is generally associated with lower fertility and higher rates of childlessness. However, it remains unclear whether higher education implies…”
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    Mobilité genrée au Sénégal by Chort, Isabelle, de Vreyer, Philippe, Zuber, Thomas, Guerrouche, Karine

    Published in Population (France) (01-01-2020)
    “…Cet article examine les mouvements de migration interne au Sénégal à l’aide de données individuelles provenant d’une étude représentative sur le plan national…”
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    Studying Individual and Conjugal Trajectories in France: Scientific and Methodological Choices in the EPIC Survey by Rault, Wilfried, Régnier-Loilier, Arnaud

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2019)
    “…Why should we perform a new survey on couple formation in France at the beginning of the 21st century? And how should it be conducted? This article presents…”
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    Immigrant Employment Trajectories in France, 1968–2008: A Sociohistorical Approach by Blavier, Pierre, Perdoncin, Anton

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2020)
    “…In public debate, immigrants are often considered a homogeneous and undifferentiated group. Informed by historical and sociodemographic research, this article…”
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    Leaving the Child Welfare Services: From Institutional Housing to the Initial Steps on the Housing Market by Dietrich-Ragon, Pascale

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2020)
    “…In France, 138,000 children and adolescents in danger—1.6% of the population aged under 18—are cared for by the child welfare services (Aide Sociale à…”
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    Repopulation Following the Spanish Expulsion of the Moriscos, 1610–1800: A Malthusian Perspective by Marco-Gracia, Francisco J.

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2020)
    “…The expulsion of the Moriscos from the Kingdom of Aragon in 1610 left many villages empty, which the authorities quickly tried to repopulate by offering…”
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    Gendered Mobility Patterns in Senegal by Chort, Isabelle, De Vreyer, Philippe, Zuber, Thomas

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2020)
    “…This study explores internal migration patterns in Senegal using individual panel data from a nationally representative survey collected in 2006–2007 and…”
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  18. 18

    Duration and Intensity When Estimating Smoking-Attributable Mortality: Development of a New Method Applied to the Case of Lung Cancer in France by Grignon, Michel, Renaud, Thomas

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2020)
    “…The standard method for estimating smoking-attributable mortality (SAM) does not account for smoking duration and time since cessation, which prevents analysts…”
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    The Demography of Sub-Saharan Africa in the 21st Century: Transformations Since 2000, Outlook to 2050 by Tabutin, Dominique, Schoumaker, Bruno

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2020)
    “…This article provides both an in-depth overview of the major sociodemographic and health changes that have occurred in sub-Saharan Africa (47 countries, 1.1…”
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    ‘Figuring’ Out the Russian Flu: A Pandemic Becomes a Statistical Event (1889–1893) by Vagneron, Frédéric

    Published in Population (English ed. : 2002) (01-01-2020)
    “…The use of figures to describe the magnitude and extent of a flu epidemic constituted a scientific innovation in late 19th-century France. The article…”
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