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  1. 1

    Prawo właściwe dla odpowiedzialności za szkody w środowisku naturalnym w świetle rozporządzenia Rzym II by Wowerka, Arkadiusz

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-12-2023)
    “…Normy prawa prywatnego międzynarodowego dotyczące prawa właściwego dla szkód środowiskowych zostały skodyfikowane w rozporządzeniu Rzym II w sprawie prawa…”
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    Impact of European Integration on Substantive and Formal Constitutional Amendments in Spain in the Light of the Spanish Constitutional Court’s Jurisprudence and Constitutional Practice by Jackiewicz, Andrzej, Rytel-Warzocha, Anna

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-09-2024)
    “…The purpose of the article is to answer the question of how the process of European integration has influenced the Spanish constitutional order. Taking the…”
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    Deputies as Subjects of Parliamentary Accountability – Means of Action by Młynarska-Sobaczewska, Anna, Zaleśny, Jacek

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-09-2024)
    “…The article presents the most important issues in the accountability relationship between MPs and governments and their members. The various instruments of…”
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    Essential Elements of the Democratic Rule of Law as an Expression of Constitutional Identity in the Czech Constitution by Tomoszek, Maxim

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-09-2024)
    “…The present article consists of two parts. The first part focuses on the concept of constitutional identity in a general comparative perspective and its…”
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    Mechanisms for Control of the Executive by the Bundestag by Juchniewicz, Joanna

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-09-2024)
    “…One of the functions of the representative body, alongside the legislative function, is the control function. It is a very important element of…”
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    The Object Protected by the Criminalization of Insult to a Human Corpse in Polish Law by Najman, Michał

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-09-2024)
    “…The insult of a human corpse is one of the oldest crimes. The guarantee of the inviolability of a human body after death, as well as the cult of the deceased…”
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    On the Road to Electoral Democracy? Erosion of the Free and Fair Elections Standard in the Era of the Polish Constitutional Crisis after 2015 by Mistygacz, Michał

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-09-2024)
    “…which can be described as a democratic system devoid of liberal values. It is characterised by restrictions on freedom of association, freedom of speech and…”
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    The Court of Justice of the European Union as the Creator of a Protective Standard Against Discrimination on the Basis of Sexual Orientation: A Critical Analysis by Szczerba-Zawada, Aleksandra, Suszko, Matuszsz

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-09-2024)
    “…Sexual orientation is one of the characteristics legally protected under European Union law. The normative dimension of the principles of equal treatment and…”
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    Protection of Personal Data Processed in Artificial Intelligence Systems by Jędrzejczak, Maria

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-09-2024)
    “…The text undertakes an analysis of European Union regulations on the prevention of data protection breaches in AI systems, taking into account the provisions…”
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    National Parliaments in the European Union – Toward a More Active Role? by Bačić, Petar, Marasović, Nikolina

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-09-2024)
    “…The Lisbon Treaty created different possibilities for national parliaments to secure their greater involvement in the overall functioning of the EU and in the…”
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    EU Association Agreement with Ukraine and Unrecognized Territories by Mushak, Nataliia, Muraviov, Viktor

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-09-2024)
    “…The focus of this article is a legal analysis of the status of Crimea and the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR)…”
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    Weryfikacja legalności i wiarygodności dowodów elektronicznych w kontradyktoryjnym procesie karnym by Szumiło-Kulczycka, Dobrosława

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-06-2024)
    “…The article concerns the issue of verifying the legality of obtaining electronic evidence in criminal proceedings and verifying the reliability of the…”
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    Wybrane aspekty wykorzystywania nowoczesnych technologii w pracy sędziego orzekającego w sprawach karnych. Stan obecny i perspektywa na przyszłość by Zbiciak, Adrian

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-06-2024)
    “…The article concerns selected issues related to the use of modern technologies in a criminal trial from the perspective of a judge. First, three matters…”
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    Dostęp do danych elektronicznych dotyczących treści w postępowaniu karnym – wyzwania krajowe i międzynarodowe by Kusak, Martyna

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-06-2024)
    “…Modern distant communication is no longer limited to telephone calls. It also includes text messages, voice messages or photos sent via applications, instant…”
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    W poszukiwaniu dowodów elektronicznych – europejski nakaz wydania dowodów elektronicznych oraz inne narzędzia międzynarodowego pozyskiwania danych dla potrzeb postępowania karnego by Tosza, Stanisław

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-06-2024)
    “…In July 2023, after more than five years of negotiations, the EU adopted the Regulation on European Production Orders and European Preservation Orders for…”
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    O potrzebie zmian w regulacjach prawnych dotyczących pozyskiwania informacji pochodzących z nośników danych dla celów postępowania karnego by Jasiński, Wojciech

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-06-2024)
    “…The article discusses the problem of statutory regulation of obtaining information from data carriers for the purposes of criminal proceedings. First, the…”
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    Realizacja prawa do obrony w związku z przesłuchaniem oraz udziałem na odległość w rozprawie i posiedzeniu aresztowym w świetle orzecznictwa ETPC by Lach, Arkadiusz

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (15-06-2024)
    “…Exercise of the Right to Defence in Connection with Interrogation and Remote Participation in a Criminal Trial and Detention Hearing in the Light of ECtHR Case…”
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    Special Jurisdiction Based on the Place Where Damage Occurred in Cases Related to the Dissemination of Disparaging Comments on the Internet Judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 21 December 2021, C-251/20, Gtflix Tv v DR by Konieczna, Kinga

    Published in Gdańskie studia prawnicze (2024)
    “…An approving commentary on the judgment of the Court (Grand Chamber) of 21 December 2021 in Case C-251/20 Gtflix Tv v DR. In the judgment commented on, the…”
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