Search Results - Classical Association of the Middle West and South

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  1. 1

    “Some of my Best Friends…:” Reading Prejudice in Juvenal's Third Satire by Gallia, Andrew

    “…Long regarded as thelocus classicusfor Roman antipathy toward contemporary Greeks, Juvenal's thirdSatirearticulates the views of the narrator's “friend”…”
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    Caput mundi: Female Hair as Symbolic Vehicle of Domination in Ovidian Love Elegy by Pandey, Nandini B

    “…This paper suggests some far-reaching symbolic implications for women's hair in Latin love elegy. Hairdressing, hairdressers and hair loss provided a…”
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    Da femina ne sim: Gender, Genre and Violence in Ovid's Caenis Episode by Freas, Debra

    “…Neptune rapes Caenis in Book 12 of Ovid's Metamorphoses and then grants her a wish. She replies with da femina ne sim, an utterance that has important…”
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    Christian Martyr as Homeric Hero: A Literary Allusion in Perpetua's Passio by Warwick, Celsiana

    “…This article argues that the scenes in Perpetua's Passio in which her father begs her to recant her Christianity contain allusions to scenes in the Iliad in…”
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    Dendroepigraphy: Botanical Realities in a Bucolic Motif by Buckler, Daniel, Hay, Paul

    “…The dendroepigraphy motif, in which characters carve texts into trees, can be read in light of botanical science as a hermeneutic tool for Latin bucolic…”
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    The Apparatus Criticus in the Digital Age by Keeline, Tom

    “…In this paper I describe a new model for the apparatus criticus in the digital age, one which eliminates many of the limitations of the traditional print…”
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    Rebuilding an Empire with Minecraft: Bringing the Classics into the Digital Space by Craft, Jessie

    “…This article presents an innovative manner to supplement history and foreign language classes with a 3D modeling of ancient Rome by the widely played video…”
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    The Exiled Ovid's Reception of Gallus by Claassen, Jo-Marie

    “…The poet Cornelius Gallus may be termed the “first exiled poet” of the Augustan regime, although his banishment from Augustus' circle of friends (between 29…”
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    Founding Colonies and Fostering Careers in the Middle Republic by Coles, Amanda J

    “…During the middle Republic, boards of Roman colonial commissioners,tresviri coloniae deducendae, founded colonies throughout the Italian peninsula. The boards'…”
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    Melampus in Callimachus and Hesiod by Kampakoglou, Alexandros

    “…Fr. 54e Harder derives from Heracles ' speech to Molorcus before he kills the Nemean Lion in Callimachus' Victoria Berenices. The mention of Melampus at lines…”
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    Making Classics (Even More) Cool: Building a Thriving Classics Day at a University by Simmons, Robert Holschuh

    “…The University of North Carolina at Greensboro has put on a Classics Day each school year since 2011. The event has grown dramatically in scope, refinement and…”
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    Human and Asinine Postures in Apuleius’ Golden Ass by O'Sullivan, Timothy M

    “…This article examines the ways in which Apuleius' Metamorphoses thematizes the contrast between the prone posture of the ass and the upright posture of the…”
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    Alexander's Persian Pillow and Plutarch's Cultured Commander by Brunelle, Christopher

    “…This paper investigates the famous story, preserved by Plutarch (Alex.8), that Alexander kept a copy of theIliadunder his pillow. Given the physical properties…”
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    Jocasta's Catilinarian Oration (Sen.Phoen.632–43) by Ginsberg, Lauren

    “…As Seneca's Jocasta pleads with Polynices to cease his assault on his homeland and return into exile, she borrows language from Cicero'sIn Catilinam1 and…”
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    Court Reform,Klērōtēria, and Comic Testimony by Carawan, Edwin

    “…In fourth-century Athens jurors were assigned to ten sections in the tribe (A—K), then selected for duty (or excluded from it) in a multi-stage lottery…”
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    Mōchos the Phoenician Sage in Ampelius by Keyser, Paul T

    “…Ampelius 2.7 explains that Libra honors the inventor of the balance, the puzzling and much-emended personal name MOCHOS. Emendation is unnecessary: “Mōchos” is…”
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    Reconsidering some Plautine Elements in Plautus (Amphitryo302–7,Captivi80–4) by Fontaine, Michael

    “…This paper supplements myFunny Words in Plautine Comedy(2010) by reinterpreting two famous “Plautine elements in Plautus.” Part one (onAmphitryo302–7) argues…”
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    Pseudolus at the Ludi Megalenses: Re-Creating Roman Comedy in Context by Sultan, Nancy

    “…This is a post-production report on a student reenactment of the Roman Ludi Megalenses (Megalensia) including a ludus scaenicus, at Illinois Wesleyan…”
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    “…This article examines the earliest uses of the eponymous word Augustus as a divine epithet outside of Rome. It argues that during the reigns of Augustus and…”
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    “…Horace is sometimes said to profess in the Odes a "poetics of presence," a philosophical or aesthetic orientation that privileges the here and now. This…”
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