Search Results - Academy “Stefan cel Mare” of the MIA of the Republic of Moldova
PROIECTUL CRIMART – ISF POLICE: obiective, realizări și perspective
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…In its evolution, the General Police Inspectorate (GPI) of the MIA approves different Development Strategies and Action Plans regarding their implementation…”
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Aspecte de drept comparat privind omorul săvârșit în stare de afect – experiența Republicii Federative Germania şi a Federației Ruse
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…Murder committed in the heat of passion is a crime that arouses increased interest both from the theorists and from the perspective of national judicial…”
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Infracțiunea de huliganism în legislațiile penale ale unor state membre UE
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…This article provides a comparative legal analysis of the legislation of different countries on criminal liability for public order offences, and in particular…”
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Competența organului de urmărire penală al Centrului Național Anticorupție în contextul ultimelor modificări ale Codului de procedură penală
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…This article is devoted to the field of competence of criminal investigation bodies and has as its object of study the competence of the criminal investigation…”
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Interpretarea critică a principiilor detecției minciunii în criminalistică
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…In this article we aim to analyze and evaluate some interviewing and feigned behavior detection techniques used by researchers and practitioners in policing.We…”
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Reflecții teoretico-aplicative privind accesiunea ca mod de dobândire a dreptului de proprietate
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…It is well known that nowadays people tend to own certain assets, whether they are movable or immovable assets. In most cases, these goods are purchased by…”
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Managementul eficient al proiectelor de apărare și securitate națională pe baza metodologiei PRINCE2 pe exemplul Academiei de Poliție din Szczytno
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…The article presents issues related to the preparation and implementation of projects involving Polish and European aid funds. The author emphasises that the…”
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Categoriile actelor consensuale în cadrul procesului contravențional
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…Contraventional liability is one of the main forms of legal liability, the mainstay in the field of combating offences. It is indisputable that the lawful,…”
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Considerații privind infracțiunea de lipsire de libertate în mod ilegal conform Codului Penal al României
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…This offense is based on art. 205 of the Criminal Code of Romania, being part of the offenses against the freedom of the person.Freedom being a fundamental…”
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Faptele de spălăre a banilor și de finanțare a terorismului
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…As an element of international crime, money laundering and the financing of terrorism are global phenomena for which an affective solution to combat has not…”
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Asigurarea securității penitenciare prin prevenirea introducerii obiectelor și substanțelor interzise în instituțiile penitenciare
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…The article is dedicated to the problem of preventing and combating the introduction of objects, substances and food products that are prohibited for keeping,…”
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Procedura de înregistrare și evidență a contravențiilor și cauzelor contravenționale
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…In order to prevent, combat and take effective measures against the contraventional phenomenon, it is necessary to know the statistical data, to understand the…”
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Reflecții privind pregătirea pentru efectuarea reconstituirii faptei
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…The tactic of performing the reconstruction of the act represents a criminal prosecution action, which is less researched in the specialized literature. This…”
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Activitatea de management a ofițerului de urmărire penală în cadrul procesului penal
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…Today, a crucial contribution to criminal prosecution is made by the criminal investigation officer. This study reflects his status in the criminal process,…”
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Traficul ilicit de droguri: tendințe criminologice și amenințări la adresa securității populației
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…The content of this article reflects the danger and criminological trends of illicit drug trafficking, as well as the threats of that phenomenon to the…”
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Detențiunea pe viață a copiilor, aspecte de drept penal comparat
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…Life imprisonment is a custodial sentence that allows the state to keep the person in its custody for the entire life. The punishment of life imprisonment is…”
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Despre infracțiunea săvârșită cu intenție depășită – studiu cazuistic
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…The crime committed with an exceeded intention is part of the category of the thorniest problems of criminal law, and the discussions and polemics about it…”
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Jurisprudența selectivă națională și a CtEDO cu privire la adoptarea deciziilor în apelul penal
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…The European Union promotes human rights and strives to ensure that they are respected everywhere in world. The Republic of Moldova and those responsible in…”
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Reflecții privind normativitatea juridică a investigațiilor speciale ca mecanism al respectării drepturilor persoanei în Republica Moldova
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…The work is dedicated to the analysis of a subject of particular importance from the perspective of respecting the rights and freedoms of the person in the…”
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Dimensiuni teoretice privind conceptul de control al achizițiilor publice
Published in Legea şi Viaţa (2023)“…Through this research, the author will identify the importance and impact of the institution of public procurement control, which has particular relevance in…”
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