Search Results - "von Keyserlingk, C"
Sub-ballistic Growth of Rényi Entropies due to Diffusion
Published in Physical review letters (28-06-2019)“…We investigate the dynamics of quantum entanglement after a global quench and uncover a qualitative difference between the behavior of the von Neumann entropy…”
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Diffusive Hydrodynamics of Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators with Charge Conservation
Published in Physical review. X (07-09-2018)“…The scrambling of quantum information in closed many-body systems, as measured by out-of-time-ordered correlation functions (OTOCs), has received considerable…”
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Operator Hydrodynamics, OTOCs, and Entanglement Growth in Systems without Conservation Laws
Published in Physical review. X (11-04-2018)“…Thermalization and scrambling are the subject of much recent study from the perspective of many-body quantum systems with locally bounded Hilbert spaces (“spin…”
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The current economic burden of illness of osteoporosis in Canada
Published in Osteoporosis international (01-10-2016)“…Summary We estimate the current burden of illness of osteoporosis in Canada is double ($4.6 billion) our previous estimates ($2.3 billion) due to improved data…”
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Enhanced Bulk-Edge Coulomb Coupling in Fractional Fabry-Perot Interferometers
Published in Physical review letters (18-09-2015)“…Recent experiments use Fabry-Perot (FP) interferometry to claim that the ν=5/2 quantum Hall state exhibits non-Abelian topological order. We note that the…”
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Three-dimensional topological lattice models with surface anyons
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics (09-01-2013)“…We study a class of three=dimensional (3D) exactly solvable models of topological matter first put forward by Walker and Wang. In this work, we give a full…”
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Lapatinib for the treatment of HER2-overexpressing breast cancer
Published in Health technology assessment (Winchester, England) (01-10-2009)“…This paper presents a summary of the evidence review group (ERG) report into the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of lapatinib for the treatment…”
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Itinerant ferromagnetism with finite-ranged interactions
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics (20-05-2013)“…Quantum fluctuations are of central importance in itinerant ferromagnets; when modeled by a homogeneous electron gas with contact interactions, fluctuations…”
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Phase diagram of the three-dimensional subsystem toric code
Published in Physical review research (02-10-2024)“…Subsystem quantum error-correcting codes typically involve measuring a sequence of noncommuting parity check operators. They can sometimes exhibit greater…”
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Phase diagram of the three-dimensional subsystem toric code
Published 25-08-2024“…Phys. Rev. Research 6, 043007 (2024) Subsystem quantum error-correcting codes typically involve measuring a sequence of non-commuting parity check operators…”
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Walker-Wang models and axion electrodynamics
Published in Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics (26-01-2015)“…We connect a family of gauge theories (Maxwell theories with a magnetoelectric coupling [theta] = 2[pi]k, k [isin] Z) to the family of 3D topological lattice…”
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Operator Spreading in the Memory Matrix Formalism
Published 12-04-2022“…J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 (2022) 274007 The spread and scrambling of quantum information is a topic of considerable current interest. Numerous studies…”
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On Classical and Hybrid Shadows of Quantum States
Published 20-11-2022“…SciPost Phys. 14, 094 (2023) Classical shadows are a computationally efficient approach to storing quantum states on a classical computer for the purposes of…”
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Published in Value in health (2011)Get full text
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Operator backflow and the classical simulation of quantum transport
Published 18-11-2021“…Tensor product states have proved extremely powerful for simulating the area-law entangled states of many-body systems, such as the ground states of gapped…”
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Entanglement growth after inhomogenous quenches
Published 01-07-2019“…Phys. Rev. B 100, 125139 (2019) We study the growth of entanglement in quantum systems with a conserved quantity exhibiting diffusive transport, focusing on…”
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Itinerant ferromagnetism in an interacting Fermi gas with mass imbalance
Published in Physical review. A, Atomic, molecular, and optical physics (24-05-2011)“…We study the emergence of itinerant ferromagnetism in an ultracold atomic gas with a variable mass ratio between the up- and down-spin species. Mass imbalance…”
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Diffusive hydrodynamics of out-of-time-ordered correlators with charge conservation
Published 09-07-2018“…Phys. Rev. X 8, 031058 (2018) The scrambling of quantum information in closed many-body systems, as measured by out-of-time-ordered correlation functions…”
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