Search Results - "van Heijst, G J F"
CFD simulation of pollutant dispersion around isolated buildings: On the role of convective and turbulent mass fluxes in the prediction accuracy
Published in Journal of hazardous materials (30-10-2011)“…[Display omitted] ► Pollutant transport can be decomposed into turbulent and convective fluxes. ► Accuracy of RANS and LES is explained by observing these…”
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Extreme Small-Scale Clustering of Droplets in Turbulence Driven by Hydrodynamic Interactions
Published in Physical review letters (15-06-2018)“…We perform three-dimensional particle tracking measurements on droplets in a turbulent airflow. The droplets display the well-known preferential concentration…”
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Large-Eddy Simulation of pollutant dispersion around a cubical building: Analysis of the turbulent mass transport mechanism by unsteady concentration and velocity statistics
Published in Environmental pollution (1987) (01-08-2012)“…Pollutant transport due to the turbulent wind flow around buildings is a complex phenomenon which is challenging to reproduce with Computational Fluid Dynamics…”
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On the suitability of steady RANS CFD for forced mixing ventilation at transitional slot Reynolds numbers
Published in Indoor air (01-06-2013)“…Accurate prediction of ventilation flow is of primary importance for designing a healthy, comfortable, and energy‐efficient indoor environment. Since the…”
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Kramers-Kronig relations for the dielectric function and the static conductivity of Coulomb systems
Published in Europhysics letters (01-04-2010)“…The mutual influence of singularities of the dielectric permittivity ε (q, ω) in a Coulomb system in two limiting cases ω $\rightarrow$ 0, q $\rightarrow$ 0…”
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Laboratory Modeling of Geophysical Vortices
Published in Annual review of fluid mechanics (01-01-2009)“…Investigators have modeled oceanic and atmospheric vortices in the laboratory in a number of different ways, employing background rotation, density effects,…”
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Fourier spectral and wavelet solvers for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations with volume-penalization: Convergence of a dipole–wall collision
Published in Journal of computational physics (10-12-2007)“…In this study, we use volume-penalization to mimic the presence of obstacles in a flow or a domain with no-slip boundaries. This allows in principle the use of…”
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Intrinsic three-dimensionality in electromagnetically driven shallow flows
Published in Europhysics letters (01-07-2008)“…The canonical laboratory set-up to study two-dimensional turbulence is the electromagnetically driven shallow one- or two-layer fluid…”
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The effect of an urban park on the microclimate in its vicinity: a case study for Antwerp, Belgium
Published in International journal of climatology (01-04-2018)“…The cooling effect from an urban park located in Antwerp, Belgium is analysed with computational fluid dynamics simulations. The analysis is based on three…”
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CFD simulation of near-field pollutant dispersion on a high-resolution grid: A case study by LES and RANS for a building group in downtown Montreal
Published in Atmospheric environment (1994) (2011)“…Turbulence modeling and validation by experiments are key issues in the simulation of micro-scale atmospheric dispersion. This study evaluates the performance…”
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Predicting Nocturnal Wind and Temperature Profiles Based on External Forcing Parameters
Published in Boundary-layer meteorology (2013)“…We introduce a simple, physically consistent method to predict nocturnal wind and temperature profiles from external forcing parameters such as the geostrophic…”
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Instantaneous characteristics of interacting opposing plane jets in a generic enclosure measured with PIV
Published in Experiments in fluids (2023)“…Knowledge of the instantaneous flow behaviour of interacting opposing jets, in addition to knowledge of the mean flow, is important for science and practice…”
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Meandering streams in a shallow fluid layer
Published in Europhysics letters (01-03-2009)“…Decaying turbulence in a shallow flow is shown to be characterized by the emergence of long-lived meandering currents, which are closely related to pronounced…”
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Exact relation in the density functional theory
Published in Europhysics letters (01-12-2010)“…Based on the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, an exact integral expression is derived, which relates the nonuniform density to the inverse response function in the…”
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PIV measurements of isothermal plane turbulent impinging jets at moderate Reynolds numbers
Published in Experiments in fluids (01-04-2017)“…This paper contains a detailed experimental analysis of an isothermal plane turbulent impinging jet (PTIJ) for two jet widths at moderate Reynolds numbers…”
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Dipole-wall collision in a shallow fluid
Published in European journal of mechanics, B, Fluids (01-05-2009)“…Recent experiments on a freely evolving dipolar vortex in a homogeneous shallow fluid layer have clearly shown the importance of vertical secondary flows on…”
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Dipole formation and collisions in a stratified fluid
Published in Nature (London) (20-07-1989)“…Because of its relevance to large-scale geophysical flows, two-dimensional turbulence has attracted increasing attention during the past two decades. Here, the…”
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High-resolution single-camera photogrammetry: incorporation of refraction at a fluid interface
Published in Experiments in fluids (01-01-2020)“…Photogrammetry uses images of a three-dimensional structure to derive information about its shape and position. In this work, a photogrammetric technique is…”
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PIV measurements and analysis of transitional flow in a reduced-scale model: Ventilation by a free plane jet with Coanda effect
Published in Building and environment (01-10-2012)“…Knowledge of indoor ventilation airflow is essential for creating a healthy, comfortable and energy-efficient indoor climate in buildings, airplanes, cars,…”
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Tripolar vortices in a rotating fluid
Published in Nature (London) (13-04-1989)“…A laboratory experiment in which a tripolar structure is found to emerge from an unstable cyclonic vortex in a homogeneous rotating fluid is described…”
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