Search Results - "van Dortmont, L M"

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  1. 1

    Retrospective analysis of factors influencing the operative result after percutaneous osteosynthesis of intracapsular femoral neck fractures by Schep, N.W.L., Heintjes, R.J., Martens, E.P., van Dortmont, L.M.C., van Vugt, A.B.

    Published in Injury (01-10-2004)
    “…A retrospective analysis of 104 patients with an intracapsular femoral neck fracture, treated with closed reduction and internal fixation showed that the…”
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    Epidural Analgesia with Ropivacaine during Labour in a Patient with a SCN5A Gene Mutation by Dons-Sinke, I. J. J., Adriaens, V. F. R., van der Marel, C. D., Gonzalez Candel, A., Roos-Hesselink, J. W., Duvekot, J. J., Dirckx, M., van der Knijff-van Dortmont, A. L. M. J., Scoones, G. P.

    Published in Case reports in anesthesiology (01-01-2016)
    “…SCN5A gene mutations can lead to ion channel defects which can cause cardiac conduction disturbances. In the presence of specific ECG characteristics, this…”
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    Saccular Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Patient Characteristics, Clinical Presentation, Treatment, and Outcomes in the Netherlands by Karthaus, Eleonora G, Tong, Thaïs M L, Vahl, Anco, Hamming, Jaap F

    Published in Annals of surgery (01-11-2019)
    “…OBJECTIVE:The aim of this was to analyze differences between saccular-shaped abdominal aortic aneurysms (SaAAAs) and fusiform abdominal aortic aneurysms…”
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    Outcomes in Octogenarians and the Effect of Comorbidities After Intact Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in the Netherlands: A Nationwide Cohort Study by de Bruin, Jorg L., Bendermacher, B.L., Blankensteijn, J.D., van der Bogt, K.E., Bosma, J., Brehm, V., de Bruijn, M.T., Castenmiller, P.H., Cazander, G., Dawson, I., Dijkstra, M.L., Drouven, J.W., Elsman, B.H., van der Elst, A., van Eps, R.G., Frans, F.A., Geelkerken, R.H., van Gent, W.B., de Haan, E.F., Hazenberg, C.E., Hendriks, J.M., Hinnen, J.W., Hissink, R.J., den Hoed, P.T., Hoencamp, R., Hogendoorn, W., Hopmans, C.J., Idu, M.M., Jacobs, M.J., Jiang, H.H., de Jong, S.C., Jongkind, V., Kapma, M.R., Kievit, J.K., Klemm, P.L., Klinkert, P., Koelemaij, M.J., Koning, G.G., Kropman, R.H., Kruse, R.R., van der Laan, L., van Lammeren, G.W., Lauret, G.J., Leenders, B.J., Legemate, D.A., Lemson, M.S., Loos, M.J., Mahmoud, D.E., Mattens, E.C., Menting, T.P., Minnee, R.C., van de Mortel, R.H., Nagesser, S.K., Naves, C.C., Nevenzel-Putters, A.M., Nieuwenhuis, D.H., Nieuwenhuizen, J., van Nieuwenhuizen, R.C., Noyez, V.J., Oranen, B.I., Poyck, P.P., van Rijn, M.J., de Roo, R.A., Rouwet, E.V., van Sambeek, M.R., Samyn, M.G., van Schaik, J., van Schaik, P.M., Schepers, A., Schlosser, F.J., te Slaa, A., Smeets, R.R., de Smet, A.A., van der Steenhoven, T.J., van Sterkenburg, S.M., Stokmans, R.A., Teraa, M., Testroote, M.J., Tha-In, T., The, R.M., Vaes, R.H., Vafi, A.A., Vahl, A.C., Veger, H.T., Veldman, M.G., Vermeulen, C.F., Vierhout, B.P., van der Vliet, J.A., Vriens, P.W., Wallis de Vries, B.M., Warlé, M.C., Welten, G.M., Wiersema, A.M., Wikkeling, O.R., Wille, J., Willems, M.C., Willigendael, E.M., Wilschut, E.D., Wittens, C.H., Yazar, O.

    “…Age is an independent risk factor for mortality after both elective open surgical repair (OSR) and endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). As a result of an…”
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    Nationwide Outcomes of Octogenarians Following Open or Endovascular Management After Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms by de Bruin, Jorg L., Verhagen, Hence J. M., MG, van Andringa de Kempenaer, CH, Arts, OJ, Bakker, WB, Barendregt, JA, Bekken, BL, Bendermacher, M, van den Berg, RJ, Bleker, ME, Bodegom, KE, van der Bogt, J, Bosma, LH, Bouwman, MT, de Bruijn, JP, van Brussel, E, Cancrinus, JW, Drouven, BH, Elsman, MJ, Faber, TM, Fokkema, WM, Fritschy, PH, Fung Kon Jin, WB, van Gent, RF, van den Haak, EF, de Haan, GF, Hajer, CE, Hazenberg, PP, Hedeman Joosten, LG, van der Hem, JM, Hendriks, GH, Ho, MT, Hoedt, M, Hommes, RG, Hulsebos, KM, Huntjens, RJ, Janssen, SC, de Jong, GG, Koning, R, Konings, JH, van Laanen, JH, Lardenoye, RC, Lind, PF, Liqui Lung, MJ, Loos, CG, Manshanden, EC, Mattens, BM, Mees, GC, von Meijenfeldt, TP, Menting, R, Metz, JC, de Mol van Otterloo, MJ, Molegraaf, W, Mulder, CC, Naves, JH, Nederhoed, HW, Palamba, AG, Peppelenbosch, AS, van Petersen, BJ, Petri, ME, Pierie, AJ, Ploeg, ED, Ponfoort, A, Prent, MM, Reijnen, MJ, van Rijn, PB, Salemans, MR, van Sambeek, HP, van ‘t Sant, PM, van Schaik, DM, Scharn, A, Schepers, FP, Schol, Slaa A, te, AA, de Smet, AO, Sondakh, DA, Stigter, RP, Strating, JE, Sybrandy, BJ, Telgenkamp, RM, The, I, Thomassen, K, Türkcan, AC, Vahl, HT, Veger, MG, Veldman, HJ, Verhagen, BA, Verhoeven, CF, Vermeulen, MJ, Visser, R, Voorhoeve, GA, Vos, MT, Voute, V, van Weel, WI, Willaert, ME, Witte, CH, Wittens, CY, Wong, R, Wouda, KK, Yeung

    Published in Journal of endovascular therapy (01-06-2023)
    “…Purpose: Octogenarians are known to have less-favorable outcomes following ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (rAAA) repair compared with their younger…”
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    Innovative biochemisurgical treatment for stabilisation of an end-stage chronic wound in a complex vascular compromized patient by Algharib, A, van Dortmont, L M C, Hendrix, M G R, Riedel, S, Möller, R, Koning, G G

    “…Treating advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease (e.g. PAOD IV) poses a significant challenge, as conventional treatments quite often fall short at this…”
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    Editor's Choice – Nationwide Analysis of Patients Undergoing Iliac Artery Aneurysm Repair in the Netherlands by Koelemay, Mark J.W., Balm, Ron, Van den Akker, P.J., Akkersdijk, G.P., Baal, J.G., Balm, R., Bender, M.H., Bendermacher, B.L., van den Berg, M., Beuk, R.J., Bleker, R.J., Bodegom, M.E., Boll, A.P., Booster, M.H., Borger van der Burg, B.L., de Borst, G.J., Breek, J.C., Brehm, V., Brinckman, M.J., Brom, H.L., de Bruijn, M.T., Brummel, P., Buijk, S.E., Buscher, H.C., den Butter, G., Castenmiller, P.H., Cazander, G., Coveliers, H.M., Derom, A.F., Dinkelman, M.K., Elsman, B.H., van der Elst, A., van Eps, R.G., Faber, M.J., Glade, G.J., de Groot, H.G., van den Haak, R.F., Hajer, G.F., Hedeman Joosten, P.P., Heyligers, J.M., Ho, G.H., Hoffmann, W.H., Hollander, E.J., Idu, M.M., Jacobs, M.J., Jongkind, V., Kapma, M.R., Koedam, N.A., Koning, G.G., Koning, O.H., Krasznai, A.G., Leijdekkers, V.J., Lijkwan, M.A., Liqui Lung, P.F., Meerwaldt, R., Mees, B.M., Metz, R., Montauban van Swijndregt, Y.C., Morak, M.J., Nagesser, S.K., van Nieuwenhuizen, R.C., van Petersen, A.S., Pierie, M.E., Ploeg, A.J., Ponfoort, E.D., ten Raa, S., van Sambeek, M.R., Samyn, M.G., van ’t Sant, H.P., Schepers, A., Schlejen, P.M., Schlosser, F.J., Schouten, O., Schreve, M.A., Schurink, G.W., Sikkink, C.J., Smeets, H.J., Smeets, L., Smit, P.C., Smits, T.M., Sondakh, A.O., Stultiëns, G.N., Tournoij, E., Ünlü, Ç., Veger, H.T., Veldman, M.G., Verhoeven, B.A., Vos, A.W., de Vos, B., Vos, G.A., de Vries, M., Wallis de Vries, B.M., van Wanroij, J.L., Warlé, M.C., Wever, J.J., Witte, M.E., Wittens, C.H., Wolf-de Jonge, I.C., Yazar, O., Zeebregts, C.J.

    “…The new 2019 guideline of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) recommends consideration for elective iliac artery aneurysm (eIAA) repair when the…”
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    A Composite Measure for Quality of Care in Patients with Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis Using Textbook Outcome by Kuhrij, Laurien S., Vahl, Anco C., Willems, Martine C.M., Elshof, Jan W., de Borst, Gert J., Akkersdijk, G.J., Balm, R., Botman, J.M., Brehm, V., Brummel, P., van Brussel, J.P., Buijs, M.A., Cancrinus, E., Castenmiller, P.H., Daemen, J.H., Dawson, I., Dijkstra, M.L., Dirven, M., Elsman, B.H., van der Elst, A., Fung Kon Jin, P.H., van Gent, W.B., Groenendijk, R.P., Hamming, J.F., Hedeman Joosten, P.P., Helleman, J.N., Ho, G.H., den Hoed, P.T., Hoksbergen, A.W., Hommes, M., Idu, M.M., Jiang, H.H., Jongkind, V., Kapma, M.R., Kolkert, J.L., Koning, G.G., Konings, R., Kruse, R.R., van der Laan, M.J., Lardenoye, J.H., Leenders, B.J., Lind, R.C., Loos, M.J., Loubert, M.C., Mahmoud, D.E., Manshanden, C.G., Mattens, E.C., von Meijenfeldt, G.C., Menting, T.P., Minnee, R.C., van de Mortel, R.H., Nevenzel-Putters, A.M., Nieuwenhuis, D.H., van Nieuwenhuizen, R.C., Nio, D., Oomen, A.P., Palamba, H.W., Peppelenbosch, A.G., Ploeg, A.J., Ponfoort, E.D., ten Raa, S., Raymakers, J.T., Reijnen, M.M., van Rijn, M.J., de Roo, R.A., van Sambeek, M.R., van ’t Sant, H.P., van Schaik, J., van Schaik, P.M., Scharn, D.M., Scholtes, V.P., Schreve, M.A., Sikkink, C.J., Smeets, L., Smit, P.C., Snoeijs, M.G., Speijers, M.J., van der Steenhoven, T.J., van Sterkenburg, S.M., Stigter, D.A., Stokmans, R.A., Sybrandy, J.E., Teijink, J.A., Telgenkamp, B.J., Tha-In, T., The, R.M., Thijsse, W.J., Truijers, M., Tutein Nolthenius, R.P., van der Vliet, J.A., Vos, C.G., Vos, G.A., Voute, M.T., de Vries, A.C., de Vries, M., van de Water, W., Welten, G.M., Wouda, R., Yazar, O., Yeung, K.K.

    “…Composite measures may better objectify hospital performance than individual outcome measures (IOM). Textbook outcome (TO) is an outcome measure achieved for…”
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  10. 10

    Nationwide Analysis of Patients Undergoing Iliac Artery Aneurysm Repair in the Netherlands by Jalalzadeh, Hamid, Indrakusuma, Reza, Koelemay, Mark J W, Balm, Ron, Van den Akker, L H, Van den Akker, P J, Akkersdijk, G J, Akkersdijk, G P, Akkersdijk, W L, van Andringa de Kempenaer, M G, Arts, C H, Avontuur, J A, Baal, J G, Bakker, O J, Balm, R, Barendregt, W B, Bender, M H, Bendermacher, B L, van den Berg, M, Berger, P, Beuk, R J, Blankensteijn, J D, Bleker, R J, Bockel, J H, Bodegom, M E, Bogt, K E, Boll, A P, Booster, M H, Borger van der Burg, B L, de Borst, G J, Bos-van Rossum, W T, Bosma, J, Botman, J M, Bouwman, L H, Breek, J C, Brehm, V, Brinckman, M J, van den Broek, T H, Brom, H L, de Bruijn, M T, de Bruin, J L, Brummel, P, van Brussel, J P, Buijk, S E, Buimer, M G, Burger, D H, Buscher, H C, den Butter, G, Cancrinus, E, Castenmiller, P H, Cazander, G, Coveliers, H M, Cuypers, P H, Daemen, J H, Dawson, I, Derom, A F, Dijkema, A R, Diks, J, Dinkelman, M K, Dirven, M, Dolmans, D E, van Doorn, R C, van Dortmont, L M, van der Eb, M M, Eefting, D, van Eijck, G J, Elshof, J W, Elsman, B H, van der Elst, A, van Engeland, M I, van Eps, R G, Faber, M J, de Fijter, W M, Fioole, B, Fritschy, W M, Geelkerken, R H, van Gent, W B, Glade, G J, Govaert, B, Groenendijk, R P, de Groot, H G, van den Haak, R F, de Haan, E F, Hajer, G F, Hamming, J F, van Hattum, E S, Hazenberg, C E, Hedeman Joosten, P P, Helleman, J N, van der Hem, L G, Hendriks, J M, van Herwaarden, J A, Heyligers, J M, Hinnen, J W, Hissink, R J, Ho, G H, den Hoed, P T, Hoedt, M T, van Hoek, F, Hoencamp, R

    “…The new 2019 guideline of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) recommends consideration for elective iliac artery aneurysm (eIAA) repair when the…”
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  11. 11

    Quality of life from a randomized trial of open and endovascular repair for abdominal aortic aneurysm by de Bruin, J. L., Groenwold, R. H. H., Baas, A. F., Brownrigg, J. R., Prinssen, M., Grobbee, D. E., Blankensteijn, J. D.

    Published in British journal of surgery (01-07-2016)
    “…Background Long‐term survival is similar after open or endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm. Few data exist on the effect of either procedure on…”
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    Patients with a Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Are Better Informed in Hospitals with an “EVAR-preferred” Strategy: An Instrumental Variable Analysis of the Dutch Surgical Aneurysm Audit by Lijftogt, Niki, Amodio, Sonia, Bendermacher, B.L., Blankensteijn, J.D., van der Bogt, K.E., Bosma, J., Brehm, V., de Bruijn, M.T., Castenmiller, P.H., Cazander, G., Dawson, I., Dijkstra, M.L., Drouven, J.W., Elsman, B.H., van der Elst, A., van Eps, R.G., Frans, F.A., Geelkerken, R.H., van Gent, W.B., de Haan, E.F., Hazenberg, C.E., Hendriks, J.M., Hinnen, J.W., Hissink, R.J., den Hoed, P.T., Hoencamp, R., Hogendoorn, W., Hopmans, C.J., Idu, M.M., Jacobs, M.J., Jiang, H.H., de Jong, S.C., Jongkind, V., Kapma, M.R., Kievit, J.K., Klemm, P.L., Klinkert, P., Koelemaij, M.J., Koning, G.G., Kropman, R.H., Kruse, R.R., van der Laan, L., van Lammeren, G.W., Lauret, G.J., Leenders, B.J., Legemate, D.A., Lemson, M.S., Loos, M.J., Mahmoud, D.E., Mattens, E.C., Menting, T.P., Minnee, R.C., van de Mortel, R.H., Nagesser, S.K., Naves, C.C., Nevenzel-Putters, A.M., Nieuwenhuis, D.H., Nieuwenhuizen, J., van Nieuwenhuizen, R.C., Noyez, V.J., Oranen, B.I., Poyck, P.P., van Rijn, M.J., de Roo, R.A., Rouwet, E.V., van Sambeek, M.R., Samyn, M.G., van Schaik, J., van Schaik, P.M., Schepers, A., Schlosser, F.J., te Slaa, A., Smeets, R.R., de Smet, A.A., van der Steenhoven, T.J., van Sterkenburg, S.M., Stokmans, R.A., Teraa, M., Testroote, M.J., The, R.M., Vaes, R.H., Vafi, A.A., Vahl, A.C., Veger, H.T., Veldman, M.G., Vermeulen, C.F., Vierhout, B.P., van der Vliet, J.A., Vriens, P.W., Wallis de Vries, B.M., Warlé, M.C., Welten, G.M., Wiersema, A.M., Wikkeling, O.R., Wille, J., Willems, M.C., Willigendael, E.M., Wilschut, E.D., Wittens, C.H., Yazar, O.

    Published in Annals of vascular surgery (01-11-2020)
    “…While several observational studies suggested a lower postoperative mortality after minimal invasive endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) in patients with a…”
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  13. 13

    National Numbers of Secondary Aortic Reinterventions after Primary Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Surgery from the Dutch Surgical Aneurysm Audit by Karthaus, Eleonora G., Vahl, Anco, de Borst, Gert J., Hamming, Jaap F., Akkersdijk, G.J., Balm, R., Botman, J.M., Brehm, V., Brummel, P., van Brussel, J.P., Buijs, M.A., Cancrinus, E., Castenmiller, P.H., Daemen, J.H., Dawson, I., Dijkstra, M.L., Dirven, M., Elsman, B.H., van der Elst, A., Fung Kon Jin, P.H., van Gent, W.B., Groenendijk, R.P., Hamming, J.F., Hedeman Joosten, P.P., Helleman, J.N., Ho, G.H., den Hoed, P.T., Hoksbergen, A.W., Hommes, M., Idu, M.M., Jansbeken, J.R., Jiang, H.H., Jongkind, V., Kapma, M.R., Kolkert, J.L., Koning, G.G., Konings, R., Kruse, R.R., van der Laan, M.J., Lardenoye, J.H., Lauret, G.J., Leenders, B.J., Lind, R.C., Loos, M.J., Loubert, M.C., Mahmoud, D.E., Manshanden, C.G., Mattens, E.C., von Meijenfeldt, G.C., Menting, T.P., Minnee, R.C., van de Mortel, R.H., Nevenzel-Putters, A.M., Nieuwenhuis, D.H., van Nieuwenhuizen, R.C., Nio, D., Oomen, A.P., Palamba, H.W., Peppelenbosch, A.G., Ploeg, A.J., Ponfoort, E.D., ten Raa, S., Raymakers, J.T., Reijnen, M.M., van Rijn, M.J., de Roo, R.A., van Sambeek, M.R., van Schaik, J., van Schaik, P.M., Scharn, D.M., Scholtes, V.P., Schreve, M.A., Sikkink, C.J., Smeets, L., Smit, P.C., Snoeijs, M.G., Speijers, M.J., van der Steenhoven, T.J., van Sterkenburg, S.M., Stigter, D.A., Stokmans, R.A., Sybrandy, J.E., Teijink, J.A., Telgenkamp, B.J., Tha-In, T., The, R.M., Thijsse, W.J., Truijers, M., Tutein Nolthenius, R.P., van der Vliet, J.A., Vos, C.G., Vos, G.A., Voute, M.T., de Vries, A.C., de Vries, M., van de Water, W., Welten, G.M., Wouda, R., Yazar, O., Yeung, K.K.

    Published in Annals of vascular surgery (01-10-2020)
    “…Long-term secondary aortic reinterventions (SARs) can be a sign of (lack of) effectiveness of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) surgery. This study provides…”
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  14. 14

    Complications of hemiarthroplasty by Van Dortmont, L M, Wereldsma, J C

    Published in International surgery (01-04-1996)
    “…The objective of this study was to evaluate the complications of hemiarthroplasty for displaced intracapsular femoral neck fractures. The case histories of 543…”
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    Short-term outcomes of open surgical abdominal aortic aneurysm repair from the Dutch Surgical Aneurysm Audit by Geraedts, A C M, Alberga, A J, Koelemay, M J W, Verhagen, H J M, Vahl, A C, Balm, R

    Published in BJS open (01-10-2021)
    “…The sharp decrease in open surgical repair (OSR) for abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) has raised concerns about contemporary postoperative outcomes. The study…”
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    Seeding of intravascular stents by the xenotransplantation of genetically modified endothelial cells by Kutryk, M J, van Dortmont, L M, de Crom, R P, van der Kamp, A W, Verdouw, P D, van der Giessen, W J

    “…A novel approach of cell seeding of stents using xenotransplanted endothelium is proposed. The advantages of this approach are that these doubly transgenic…”
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    Effect of mental state on mortality after hemiarthroplasty for fracture of the femoral neck. A retrospective study of 543 patients by van Dortmont, L M, Oner, F C, Wereldsma, J C, Mulder, P G

    Published in The European journal of surgery (01-04-1994)
    “…To assess mortality and functional results of Thompson's hemiarthroplasty for fractured neck of femur in patients with and without senile dementia…”
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    Innovative biochemisurgical treatment for stabilisation of an end-stage chronic wound in a complex vascular compromized patient by Algharib, A, van Dortmont, L M C, Hendrix, M G R, Riedel, S, Möller, R, Koning, G G

    “…INTRODUCTIONTreating advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease (e.g. PAOD IV) poses a significant challenge, as conventional treatments quite often fall…”
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  19. 19

    Outcome after hemi-arthroplasty for displaced intracapsular femoral neck fracture related to mental state by van Dortmont, L.M.C., Douw, C.M., van Breukelen, A.M.A., Laurens, D.R., Mulder, P.G.H., Wereldsma, J.C.J., van Vugt, A.B.

    Published in Injury (01-06-2000)
    “…This study was performed to assess mortality and functional outcome after hemi-arthroplasty for displaced intracapsular femoral neck fractures in relation to…”
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  20. 20

    Caesarean section in conflict with the patient's right to self-determination? by Blondeau, Marie-José C E, Koorengevel, Kathelijne M, Schneider, A J Tom, van der Knijff-van Dortmont, A L M J Anouk, Dondorp, Wybo J

    “…Competent patients have the right to refuse treatment and healthcare workers should acknowledge their wishes. In the Netherlands there are conflicting…”
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