Search Results - "et all"

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  1. 1

    Badai Pasti Berlalu (The Storm Will Surely Pass) by Et all, Irwan Abdullah, Oktavira, Maylisa

    Published in al-Albab (01-06-2014)
    “…The border is the outermost region of a country that borders neighboring countries. Indonesia, as an archipelagic country, has many regions directly bordered…”
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  2. 2

    Mesa-redonda: a recepção dos anos 60 by Et all, Rosalind Krauss

    “…Este debate entre os críticos Rosalind Krauss, Denis Hollier, Annette Michelson, Hal Foster, Silvia Kolbowski, Martha Buskirk, Benjamin Buchloh, promovido pela…”
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    Матеріали науково-практичної конференції з міжнародною участю «Інфекційні захворювання у дітей. Сучасний погляд на діагностику, лікування та профілактику», 24 березня 2016 р., м. Київ, Україна 142–154 by Bolbot, Yu.K., Vynohrad, N.O., Holub et all, A.P.

    Published in Aktualʹnai͡a︡ infektologii͡a (26-01-2022)
    “…В статье представлены тезисы Научно-Практической конференции с международным участием "Инфекционные заболевания у детей. Современный взгляд на диагностику,…”
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  4. 4

    Синдром Барттера в практиці нефролога (спостереження з практики) by Taran, O., Rotova et all, S.

    Published in Pochki (19-01-2022)
    “…У статті викладено питання патогенезу, клініки та лікування синдрому Барттера на прикладі клінічного випадку…”
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    Bartter Syndrome in the Practice of a Nephrologist (Case Report) by O. Taran, S. Rotova et all

    Published in Pochki (01-08-2015)
    “…The article describes the issues of pathogenesis, clinic and treatment of the syndrome of Bartter on the example of clinical case…”
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  7. 7

    Mobilizing Youth for Participation in Nigerian Agricultural Transformation Agenda: A Grassroots’ Approach by J S Lyocks, et all

    Published in Journal of agricultural extension (01-12-2013)
    “…The study examined the best approach to mobilize youth to participate in the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) of Nigeria. The study was conducted in…”
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  8. 8

    Mobilizing Youth for Participation in Nigerian Agricultural Transformation Agenda: A Grassroots’ Approach by J S Lyocks, et all

    Published in Journal of agricultural extension (01-12-2013)
    “…The study examined the best approach to mobilize youth to participate in the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) of Nigeria. The study was conducted in…”
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  9. 9

    Mobilizing Youth for Participation in Nigerian Agricultural Transformation Agenda: A Grassroots’ Approach by J S Lyocks, et all

    Published in Journal of agricultural extension (01-12-2013)
    “…The study examined the best approach to mobilize youth to participate in the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) of Nigeria. The study was conducted in…”
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  10. 10

    Тези міжнародного симпозіуму «Захворювання кістково-м’язової системи та вік», м. Львів, 5–7 травня, 2015 by Andrusha, A., Bakalyuk, T.G., Barbosa et all, Ana Paula

    Published in Bolʹ, sustavy, pozvonochnik (20-01-2022)
    “…Наведені тези міжнародного симпозіуму «Захворювання кістково-м’язової системи та вік», що відбувся  5–7 травня 2015 року у м. Львів, Україна…”
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    Proceedings of Scientific Practical Conference with International Participation «Infectious Diseases in Children. Current View on Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention», March 24, 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine by Yu.K. Bolbot, N.O. Vynohrad, A.P. Holub et all

    Published in Aktualʹnai͡a︡ infektologii͡a (01-04-2016)
    “…The article presents abstracts of Scientific-Practical conference with international participation "Infectious diseases in children. A contemporary look at…”
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  12. 12

    Proceedings of the International Symposium «Bone and Joint Diseases and the Age by A. Andrusha, T.G. Bakalyuk, Ana Paula Barbosa et all

    Published in Bolʹ, sustavy, pozvonochnik (01-04-2015)
    “…Proceedings of the International Symposium «Bone and Joint Diseases and the Age» (Lviv (Ukraine), May’ 5 -7, 2015) are presented…”
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    Some Sources and Sinks of Monomethyl and Inorganic Mercury on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian High Arctic by St. Louis, Vincent L, Sharp, Martin J, Steffen, Alexandra, May, Al, Barker, Joel, Kirk, Jane L, Kelly, David J. A, Arnott, Shelley E, Keatley, Bronwyn, Smol, John P

    Published in Environmental science & technology (15-04-2005)
    “…We identified some of the sources and sinks of monomethyl mercury (MMHg) and inorganic mercury (HgII) on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian High Arctic…”
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  14. 14

    Estimado de la reducción de la emisión de co2 por accione de ahorro de electricidad en las condiciones de Cuba;Estimation of reduction of CO2 emission by electric power saving project in the Cuba conditions by Irina Salazar - Fonseca et all

    Published in Ingeniería energética (01-11-2010)
    “…Este trabajo expone los resultados del estudio realizado a las numerosas vías que existen para el cálculo del factor de emisión de CO2 a nivel mundial. A…”
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    Interactions of lysozyme in guanidinium chloride solutions from static and dynamic light-scattering measurements by Liu, Wei, Cellmer, Troy, Keerl, David, Prausnitz, John M., Blanch, Harvey W.

    Published in Biotechnology and bioengineering (20-05-2005)
    “…The interactions of partially unfolded proteins provide insight into protein folding and protein aggregation. In this work, we studied partially unfolded hen…”
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    Effects of temperature on growth, adenosine phosphates, ATPase and cellular defense response of juvenile shrimp Macrobrachium nipponense by Wang, Wei-Na, Wang, An-Li, Liu, Yuan, Xiu, Jun, Liu, Zhen-Bo, Sun, Ru-Yong

    Published in Aquaculture (15-06-2006)
    “…This study examined the effects of temperature on growth, adenosine phosphates, ATPase and cellular defense response of juvenile shrimps Macrobrachium…”
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    Observation of associated near-side and away-side long-range correlations in root S-NN=5.02 TeV Proton-Lead collisions with the ATLAS Detector by Onofre, A., Castro, Nuno Filipe Silva Fernandes, ATLAS Collaboration

    Published in Physical review letters (2013)
    “…Two-particle correlations in relative azimuthal angle ( ) and pseudorapidity ( ) are measured in ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sNN p ¼ 5:02 TeV p þ Pb collisions…”
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    Efficacy of zinc in young infants with acute watery diarrhea by Brooks, W Abdullah, Santosham, Mathuram, Roy, Swapan K, Faruque, Abu SG, Wahed, M Abdu'l, Nahar, Kamrun, Khan, Ashrafu'l I, Khan, A Fazu'l, Fuchs, George J, Black, Robert E

    Published in The American journal of clinical nutrition (01-09-2005)
    “…BACKGROUND: Recent studies reported that zinc significantly reduced the duration and volume of acute watery diarrhea in children aged [>/=]4 mo, but there were…”
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    Hepatocyte Growth Factor Is a Potent Angiogenic Factor Which Stimulates Endothelial Cell Motility and Growth by Bussolino, F., Di Renzo, M. F., Ziche, M., Bocchietto, E., Olivero, M., Naldini, L., Gaudino, G., Tamagnone, L., Coffer, A., Comoglio, P. M.

    Published in The Journal of cell biology (01-11-1992)
    “…Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF, also known as Scatter Factor) is a powerful mitogen or motility factor in different cells, acting through the tyrosine kinase…”
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    Discriminación de factores genéticos en el déficit de atención. Genetic and environmental factors discrimination in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder by Francisco Lopera, et all

    Published in Psicoespacios (01-12-2006)
    “…Genetic and environmental factors discrimination in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Resumen Con el fin de elucidar los componentes genéticos y…”
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