Search Results - "dos Santos Ribeiro, Gustavo"

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  1. 1

    Diagnostic performance of SARC-F and SARC-CalF in screening for sarcopenia in older adults in Northern Brazil by Barreto de Lima, Alex, dos Santos Ribeiro, Gustavo, Henriques-Neto, Duarte, Rúbio Gouveia, Élvio, Baptista, Fátima

    Published in Scientific reports (20-07-2023)
    “…To compare the performance of SARC-F and SARC-CalF as screening tools for sarcopenia. Cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of 312 community-dwelling…”
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    Application and Measurement Properties of the Talk Test in Cardiopulmonary Patients: A Systematic Review by Vieira, Ariany Marques, Martins, Edgar Manoel, Althoff, Amanda, Rech, Daiana Aparecida, Ribeiro, Gustavo Dos Santos, Matte, Darlan Laurício, Karsten, Marlus

    Published in Reviews in cardiovascular medicine (24-06-2022)
    “…The talk test (TT) evaluates the exercise intensity by measuring speech comfort level during aerobic exercise. There are several application protocols…”
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    Muscle Weakness and Walking Slowness for the Identification of Sarcopenia in the Older Adults from Northern Brazil: A Cross-Sectional Study by Lima, Alex Barreto de, Henrinques-Neto, Duarte, Ribeiro, Gustavo Dos Santos, Gouveia, Elvio Rúbio, Baptista, Fátima

    “…Background: This study aimed to analyze the prevalence of sarcopenia in elderly people from Northern Brazil according to muscle weakness or walking slowness…”
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    Erro técnico de medida em antropometria: análise de precisão e exatidão em diferentes plicômetros by Ribeiro, Gustavo dos Santos, Fragoso, Emerson Barata, Nunes, Rodrigo D’Azevedo, Lopes, André Luiz

    “…Introdução: Existem diferentes plicômetros destinados a mensurar dobras cutâneas. No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a confiabilidade de suas medidas.Objetivo:…”
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    Simulação numérica tridimensional da ascensão de uma bolha e da coalescência vertical de duas bolhas em um meio líquido by dos Santos Guzella, Matheus, Czelusniak, Luiz Eduardo, Pessoa Mapelli, Vinícius, dos Santos Ribeiro, Gustavo, Cabezas-Gómez, Luben

    Published in C.Q.D. (01-02-2019)
    “…O método de Lattice Boltzmann (LB) tem atraído muita atenção nos últimos anos para simulação de escoamentos isotérmicos e não isotérmicos. Os problemas…”
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    EFFECT OF SARCOPENIA ON SURVIVAL, HOSPITALIZATION, AND FUNCTIONAL CAPACITY OF ADULTS AND ELDERLY WITH LUNG CANCER by de Marco vieira, Jhonata, Lopes, Taina de Souza, Ribeiro, Gustavo dos Santos, Karsten, Marlus

    “…Lung cancer is associated with numerous metabolic abnormalities that can cause changes in body composition and neuromuscular capacity. Sarcopenia refers to the…”
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    Software development to standardize the clinical diagnosis of exercise oscillatory ventilation in heart failure by dos Santos Ribeiro, Gustavo, Beltrame, Thomas, Fernando Deresz, Luís, Hansen, Dominique, Agostoni, Piergiuseppe, Karsten, Marlus

    “…Background Exercise oscillatory ventilation (EOV) is characterized by periodic oscillations of minute ventilation during cardiopulmonary exercise testing…”
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    O alongamento como fator interviniente na hipertrofia muscular: um estudo preliminar by Ribeiro, Gustavo dos Santos

    “…Muitas atribuições são dadas ao alongamento, contudo nem todas possuem comprovação científica. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os efeitos do alongamento…”
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    Fatores associados aos sintomas depressivos em agentes comunitários de saúde by Barbosa, Mariane Silveira, Brito, Maria Fernanda Santos Figueiredo, Rossi-Barbosa, Luiza Augusta Rosa, Santos, Gustavo Ribeiro dos, Moreira, Kênia Souto

    Published in PsychTech & Health Journal (01-09-2023)
    “…Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo foi responder à pergunta “Quais são os fatores associados à prevalência de sintomas depressivos em agentes comunitários de…”
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    Can RR intervals editing and selection techniques interfere with the analysis of heart rate variability? by Ribeiro, Gustavo dos Santos, Neves, Victor Ribeiro, Deresz, Luís Fernando, Melo, Rosangela Domingues, Dal Lago, Pedro, Karsten, Marlus

    “…•95% confidence interval identified more doubtful points than other studied methods.•Correction techniques do not influence the final set of RR…”
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    Muscular area of the thickness does not predic height of the vertical jump in professional football athletes/AREA MUSCULAR DA COXA NAO PREDIZ ALTURA DO SALTO VERTICAL EM ATLETAS DE FUTEBOL PROFISSIONAL by Vitoria, Marcio, Lopes, Andre, Garllip, Daniel, Ribeiro, Gustavo dos Santos

    Published in Revista Brasileira de Futsal e Futebol (15-01-2018)
    “…Football is an intermittent sport characterized by high-intensity actions. One method commonly used to predict muscle power is to measure muscle mass. The…”
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    Área muscular da coxa não prediz altura do salto vertical em atletas de futebol profissional by Márcio Ricardo Vitória, André Luiz Lopes, Daniel C Garlipp, Gustavo dos Santos Ribeiro

    Published in Revista Brasileira de Futsal e Futebol (01-12-2018)
    “…Futebol é um esporte intermitente caracterizado por ações de alta intensidade. Um método comumente usado para predizer a potência muscular é a aferição da…”
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    Efeito do agachamento com carga equalizada na potência de membros inferiores de judocas de alto rendimento by Adriano Rodrigues Dubal, Maria de Lourdes Mazzoleni Portela, Gustavo dos Santos Ribeiro, André Luíz Lopes

    “…Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito de uma sessão de agachamento com carga equalizada na capacidade contrátil e elástica dos membros inferiores de judocas de elite…”
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    Muscular area of the thickness does not predic height of the vertical jump in professional football athletes/AREA MUSCULAR DA COXA NAO PREDIZ ALTURA DO SALTO VERTICAL EM ATLETAS DE FUTEBOL PROFISSIONAL by Vitoria, Marcio, Lopes, Andre, Garllip, Daniel, Ribeiro, Gustavo dos Santos

    Published in Revista Brasileira de Futsal e Futebol (15-01-2018)
    “…Football is an intermittent sport characterized by high-intensity actions. One method commonly used to predict muscle power is to measure muscle mass. The…”
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    “…ABSTRACT Body composition: historical evolution of tissue fractionation anatomic modelThere are two major types of human body fractionation: chemical and…”
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