Search Results - "del Peso, J."

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  1. 1

    Measurement of charm and beauty production in deep inelastic ep scattering from decays into muons at HERA by Magill, S., Musgrave, B., Yoshida, R., Antonioli, P., Bellagamba, L., Cindolo, F., Polini, A., Basile, M., Zichichi, A., Jakob, H.-P., Paul, E., Schönberg, V., Brook, N. H., Heath, G. P., Fazio, S., Schioppa, M., Ibrahim, Z. A., Sciulli, F., Eskreys, A., Olkiewicz, K., Suszycki, L., Behr, J., Blohm, C., Fang, S., Gregor, I., Hain, W., Klein, U., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Miglioranzi, S., Namsoo, T., Notz, D., Youngman, C., Lohmann, W., Gallo, E., Bamberger, A., Dobur, D., Bussey, P. J., Papageorgiu, K., Schörner-Sadenius, T., Turcato, M., Fry, C., Long, K. R., Tapper, A. D., Aushev, V., Kuprash, O., Lontkovskyi, D., Sorokin, Iu, Volynets, O., de Favereau, J., Jimenez, M., del Peso, J., Schwartz, J., Zhou, C., Tsurugai, T., Dolgoshein, B. A., Dementiev, R. K., Gladilin, L. K., Golubkov, Yu. A., Khein, L. A., Zotkin, D. S., Abt, I., Caldwell, A., Grigorescu, G., Koffeman, E., Pellegrino, A., Vázquez, M., Durkin, L. S., Lee, A., Allfrey, P. D., Horton, K., Walczak, R., Dusini, S., Longhin, A., Stanco, L., Brugnera, R., Garfagnini, A., Raval, A., Iga, Y., Marini, G., Hart, J. C., Levy, A., Maeda, J., Kagawa, S., Tawara, T., Hamatsu, R., Kaji, H., Ota, O., Ferrero, M. I., Sola, V., Arneodo, M., Boutle, S. K., Jones, T. W., Malka, J., Eisenberg, Y., Brownson, E., Reeder, D. D., Smith, W. H., Bhadra, S., Noor, U., Standage, J.

    “…The production of charm and beauty quarks in ep interactions has been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA for squared four-momentum exchange Q 2 >20 GeV 2…”
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  2. 2

    Exclusive electroproduction of two pions at HERA by Abramowicz, H., Aggarwal, R., Antonov, A., Ashery, D., Bachynska, O., Bamberger, A., Bartosik, N., Bindi, M., Blohm, C., Brümmer, N., Bruni, G., Bussey, P. J., Chekanov, S., Chwastowski, J., Contin, A., Cooper-Sarkar, A. M., Dal Corso, F., Dementiev, R. K., Derrick, M., Dobur, D., Dusini, S., Eisenberg, Y., Fang, S., Ferrando, J., Garfagnini, A., Golubkov, Yu. A., Grabowska-Bołd, I., Grebenyuk, J., Grigorescu, G., Grzelak, G., Gwenlan, C., Hart, J. C., Hilger, E., Hochman, D., Horton, K., Kadenko, I., Kananov, S., Kanno, T., Kim, J. Y., Korol, Ie, Kuprash, O., Kuze, M., Levchenko, B. B., Libov, V., Limentani, S., Ling, T. Y., Lohmann, W., Lohrmann, E., Lontkovskyi, D., Maeda, J., Marini, G., Mastroberardino, A., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Mergelmeyer, S., Miglioranzi, S., Mohamad Idris, F., Monaco, V., Namsoo, T., Nobe, T., Notz, D., Nuncio-Quiroz, A. E., Okazaki, N., Onishchuk, Yu, Pawlik, B., Pelfer, P. G., Pellegrino, A., Perlański, W., Polini, A., Raval, A., Reeder, D. D., Roloff, P., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Savin, A. A., Schioppa, M., Schneekloth, U., Schönberg, V., Schwartz, J., Sciulli, F., Shehzadi, R., Singh, I., Son, D., Stifutkin, A., Stopa, P., Szuba, D., Tapper, A. D., Tiecke, H., Tsurugai, T., Verbytskyi, A., Viazlo, O., Volynets, O., Wan Abdullah, W. A. T., Wrona, K., Yamada, S., Youngman, C., Żarnecki, A. F., Zeuner, W., Zhou, C., Zolko, M., Zotkin, D. S.

    “…The exclusive electroproduction of two pions in the mass range 0.4< M ππ <2.5 GeV has been studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated…”
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  3. 3

    Measurement of charged current deep inelastic scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised electron beam at HERA by Magill, S., Musgrave, B., Antonioli, P., Bellagamba, L., Cindolo, F., Polini, A., Basile, M., Zichichi, A., Brook, N. H., Heath, G. P., Fazio, S., Schioppa, M., Ibrahim, Z. A., Sciulli, F., Eskreys, A., Blohm, C., Bonato, A., Fang, S., Gregor, I., Haas, T., Hain, W., Katkov, I. I., Klein, U., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Miglioranzi, S., Montanari, A., Namsoo, T., Notz, D., Rinaldi, L., Roloff, P., Rubinsky, I., Szuba, D., Szuba, J., Wrona, K., Youngman, C., Zeuner, W., Bamberger, A., Vlasov, N. N., Doyle, A. T., Skillicorn, I. O., Lohrmann, E., Perrey, H., Foudas, C., Long, K. R., Tokushuku, K., Aushev, V., Bachynska, O., Libov, V., Makarenko, I., Verbytskyi, A., Piotrzkowski, K., Barreiro, F., del Peso, J., Antonov, A., Sosnovtsev, V., Stifutkin, A., Ermolov, P. F., Golubkov, Yu. A., Lukina, O. Yu, Proskuryakov, A. S., Shcheglova, L. M., Kollar, D., Keramidas, A., Koffeman, E., Kooijman, P., Tiecke, H., Lee, A., Bell, M. A., Cooper-Sarkar, A. M., Foster, B., Horton, K., Walczak, R., Bertolin, A., Dusini, S., Longhin, A., Stanco, L., Bellan, P., Limentani, S., Raval, A., Nigro, A., Levy, A., Kuze, M., Hori, R., Okazaki, N., Hamatsu, R., Kaji, H., Ota, O., Ri, Y. D., Arneodo, M., Butterworth, J. M., Jones, T. W., Wing, M., Łużniak, P., Plucinski, P., Eisenberg, Y., Karshon, U., Brownson, E., Savin, A. A., Wolfe, H., Hartner, G.

    “…Measurements of the cross sections for charged current deep inelastic scattering in e − p collisions with longitudinally polarised electron beams are…”
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  4. 4

    Measurement of beauty production in deep inelastic scattering at HERA using decays into electrons by Abramowicz, H., Aggarwal, R., Antonov, A., Bachynska, O., Barbagli, G., Bellagamba, L., Bindi, M., Blohm, C., Bołd, T., Boos, E. G., Brümmer, N., Bruni, G., Bussey, P. J., Bylsma, B., Chwastowski, J., Cooper-Sarkar, A. M., Corradi, M., D’Agostini, G., De Pasquale, S., Devenish, R. C. E., Dolgoshein, B. A., Ferrando, J., Galas, A., Gallo, E., Garfagnini, A., Gladilin, L. K., Gladkov, D., Glasman, C., Göttlicher, P., Grabowska-Bołd, I., Grebenyuk, J., Gregor, I., Gueta, O., Gwenlan, C., Hart, J. C., Hilger, E., Hochman, D., Horton, K., Jakob, H.-P., Januschek, F., Jimenez, M., Kahle, B., Kananov, S., Kanno, T., Keramidas, A., Kisielewska, D., Klein, U., Koffeman, E., Korol, I., Kötz, U., Kuze, M., Levchenko, B. B., Libov, V., Lobodzinska, E., Lohmann, W., Longhin, A., Maeda, J., Magill, S., Makarenko, I., Malka, J., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Miglioranzi, S., Montanari, A., Morris, J. D., Nania, R., Notz, D., Oliver, K., Parenti, A., Paul, E., Pawlak, J. M., Pelfer, P. G., Plucinski, P., Raval, A., Ri, Y. D., Roloff, P., Ron, E., Rubinsky, I., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Savin, A. A., Schioppa, M., Schönberg, V., Sciulli, F., Shimizu, S., Smith, W. H., Sola, V., Sosnovtsev, V., Stanco, L., Suchkov, S., Szuba, D., Tapper, A. D., Vázquez, M., Whitmore, J. J., Wolfe, H., Wrona, K., Youngman, C., Żarnecki, A. F., Zawiejski, L., Zenaiev, O., Zhou, C.

    “…The production of beauty quarks in ep interactions has been studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA for exchanged four-momentum squared Q 2 >10 GeV 2 , using an…”
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  5. 5

    Production of excited charm and charm-strange mesons at HERA by Magill, S., Musgrave, B., Yoshida, R., Antonioli, P., Bellagamba, L., Cindolo, F., Polini, A., Basile, M., Zichichi, A., Jakob, H.-P., Schönberg, V., Brook, N. H., Heath, G. P., Capua, M., Mastroberardino, A., Susinno, G., Tassi, E., Stopa, P., Zawiejski, L., Łukasik, J., Przybycień, M., Bonato, A., Hain, W., Klein, U., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Miglioranzi, S., Namsoo, T., Parenti, A., Rinaldi, L., Wolf, G., Lohmann, W., Pelfer, P. G., Bussey, P. J., Doyle, A. T., Forrest, M., Skillicorn, I. O., Papageorgiu, K., Schörner-Sadenius, T., Stadie, H., Turcato, M., Long, K. R., Bachynska, O., Libov, V., Son, D., Piotrzkowski, K., Soares, M., Corriveau, F., Walsh, R., Zhou, C., Dolgoshein, B. A., Ermolov, P. F., Golubkov, Yu. A., Khein, L. A., Korzhavina, I. A., Kuzmin, V. A., Lukina, O. Yu, Abt, I., Caldwell, A., Grigorescu, G., Koffeman, E., Pellegrino, A., Vázquez, M., Durkin, L. S., Lee, A., Allfrey, P. D., Uribe-Estrada, C., Walczak, R., Dusini, S., Longhin, A., Stanco, L., Brugnera, R., Garfagnini, A., Whitmore, J. J., D’Agostini, G., Nigro, A., Abramowicz, H., Ingbir, R., Kananov, S., Stern, A., Kuze, M., Hori, R., Shimizu, S., Hamatsu, R., Kaji, H., Costa, M., Ferrero, M. I., Arneodo, M., Ruspa, M., Fourletov, S., Martin, J. F., Stewart, T. P., Butterworth, J. M., Gwenlan, C., Wing, M., Grzelak, G., Malka, J., Danielson, T., Savin, A. A., Wolfe, H., Cui, Y.

    “…The production of excited charm, D 1 (2420) 0 and D 2 * (2460) 0 , and charm-strange, D s 1 (2536) ± , mesons in ep collisions was measured with the ZEUS…”
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  6. 6

    Evaluation of the local hadronic calibration with combined beam-test data for the endcap and forward calorimeters of ATLAS in the pseudorapidity region by Pinfold, J., Soukup, J., Archambault, J.P., Cojocaru, C., Khakzad, M., Oakham, G., Schram, M., Vincter, M.G., Datskov, V., Drobin, V., Fedorov, A., Golubykh, S., Javadov, N., Kalinnikov, V., Kakurin, S., Kazarinov, M., Kukhtin, V., Ladygin, E., Lazarev, A., Neganov, A., Petrova, L., Pisarev, I., Rousakovitch, N., Serochkin, E., Shilov, S., Shalyugin, A., Usov, Yu, Pecsy, M., Stavina, P., Strizenec, P., Barreiro, F., Gabaldon, C., Labarga, F., Nebot, E., Oliver, C., Rodier, S., del Peso, J., Belkin, A., Heldmann, M., Koepke, L., Othegraven, R., Schliephake, T., Schroff, D., Secker, H., Thomas, J., Benchouk, C., Djama, F., Hubaut, F., Monnier, E., Niess, V., Pralavorio, P., Raymond, M., Resende, B., Sauvage, D., Serfon, C., Tisserant, S., Toth, J., Azuelos, G., Delsart, P., Leroy, C., Mehdiyev, R., Akimov, A., Blagov, M., Komar, A., Snesarev, A., Speransky, M., Sulin, V., Yakimenko, M., Epshtein, V., Khovansky, V., Shatalov, P., Barillari, T., Erdmann, J., Kiryunin, A., Kurchaninov, L., Menke, S., Nagel, M., Oberlack, H., Pospelov, G., Salihagic, D., Schacht, P., Chen, T., Ping, J., Qi, M., Maslennikov, A., Soukharev, A., Talyshev, A., Tikhonov, Yu, Cavalleri, P., Schwemling, P., Chekulaev, S., Denisov, S., Evdokimov, V., Levitsky, M., Minaenko, A., Mitrofanov, G., Moiseev, A., Pleskatch, A., Stoyanova, D., Zakamsky, L.

    “…The local hadronic calibration scheme developed for the reconstruction and calibration of jets and missing transverse energy in ATLAS has been evaluated using…”
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  7. 7

    Measurement of high-Q 2 charged current deep inelastic scattering cross sections with a longitudinally polarised positron beam at HERA by Abramowicz, H., Abt, I., Adamczyk, L., Adamus, M., Aggarwal, R., Antonelli, S., Antonioli, P., Antonov, A., Arneodo, M., Aushev, V., Aushev, Y., Bachynska, O., Bamberger, A., Barakbaev, A. N., Barbagli, G., Bari, G., Barreiro, F., Bartsch, D., Basile, M., Behnke, O., Behr, J., Behrens, U., Bellagamba, L., Bertolin, A., Bhadra, S., Bindi, M., Blohm, C., Bokhonov, V., Bołd, T., Boos, E. G., Borras, K., Boscherini, D., Bot, D., Boutle, S. K., Brock, I., Brownson, E., Brugnera, R., Brümmer, N., Bruni, A., Bruni, G., Brzozowska, B., Bussey, P. J., Butterworth, J. M., Bylsma, B., Caldwell, A., Capua, M., Carlin, R., Catterall, C. D., Chekanov, S., Chwastowski, J., Ciborowski, J., Ciesielski, R., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Contin, A., Cooper-Sarkar, A. M., Coppola, N., Corradi, M., Corriveau, F., Costa, M., D’Agostini, G., Dal Corso, F., del Peso, J., Dementiev, R. K., De Pasquale, S., Derrick, M., Devenish, R. C. E., Dobur, D., Dolgoshein, B. A., Dolinska, G., Doyle, A. T., Drugakov, V., Durkin, L. S., Dusini, S., Eisenberg, Y., Ermolov , P. F., Eskreys, A., Fang, S., Fazio, S., Ferrando, J., Ferrero, M. I., Figiel, J., Forrest, M., Foster, B., Fourletov, S., Gach, G., Galas, A., Gallo, E., Garfagnini, A., Geiser, A., Gialas, I., Gladilin, L. K., Gladkov, D., Glasman, C., Gogota, O., Golubkov, Yu. A., Göttlicher, P., Grabowska-Bołd, I., Grebenyuk, J., Gregor, I.

    “…Measurements of the cross sections for charged current deep inelastic scattering in e+p collisions with a longitudinally polarised positron beam are presented…”
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  8. 8

    Measurement of beauty production in DIS and extraction at ZEUS by Abramowicz, H., Aggarwal, R., Antonov, A., Aushev, Y., Bachynska, O., Bartsch, D., Basile, M., Blohm, C., Bołd, T., Borras, K., Brock, I., Bruni, A., Bussey, P. J., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Corriveau, F., Costa, M., Dementiev, R. K., Derrick, M., Dobur, D., Eisenberg, Y., Fang, S., Figiel, J., Foster, B., Garfagnini, A., Golubkov, Yu. A., Grabowska-Bołd, I., Grebenyuk, J., Grigorescu, G., Hamatsu, R., Hartmann, H., Hartner, G., Hochman, D., Ibrahim, Z. A., Ingbir, R., Jakob, H.-P., Januschek, F., Karstens, F., Kaur, M., Kim, J. Y., Kisielewska, D., Kitamura, S., Klein, U., Kooijman, P., Korol, Ie, Korzhavina, I. A., Kötz, U., Levchenko, B. B., Libov, V., Lobodzinska, E., Lohmann, W., Lohrmann, E., Longhin, A., Łużniak, P., Maeda, J., Magill, S., Mattingly, M. C. K., Miglioranzi, S., Montanari, A., Morris, J. D., Musgrave, B., Nagano, K., Nicholass, D., Notz, D., Nowak, R. J., Ota, O., Parenti, A., Paul, E., Pelfer, P. G., Perrey, H., Plucinski, P., Raval, A., Ri, Y. D., Roloff, P., Ron, E., Rubinsky, I., Ruspa, M., Sacchi, R., Savin, A. A., Schioppa, M., Schönberg, V., Sciulli, F., Shimizu, S., Smith, W. H., Sola, V., Sosnovtsev, V., Stanco, L., Suchkov, S., Szuba, D., Tapper, A. D., Tomalak, O., Vázquez, M., Whitmore, J. J., Wolfe, H., Wrona, K., Youngman, C., Żarnecki, A. F., Zawiejski, L., Zhmak, N., Zhou, C.

    “…Beauty production in deep inelastic scattering with events in which a muon and a jet are observed in the final state has been measured with the ZEUS detector…”
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  9. 9

    HiggsToFourLeptonsEV in the ATLAS EventView analysis framework by Lagouri, Th, Barreiro, F., del Peso, J.

    “…ATLAS is one of the four experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. This experiment has been designed to study a large range of physics topics,…”
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  10. 10

    Corrosion behavior of IN-800 superalloy in waste-incineration environments : Hot corrosion by molten chlorides by OTERO, E, PARDO, A, MERINO, M. C, UTRILLA, M. V, LOPEZ, M. D, DEL PESO, J. L

    Published in Oxidation of metals (01-06-1999)
    “…The corrosion resistance of the IN-800 superalloy in contact with a molten mixture of (52-48) mol.% PbCl sub(2)-KCl, similar to that found in…”
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  12. 12

    Hadron energy reconstruction for the ATLAS calorimetry in the framework of the non-parametrical method by Akhmadaliev, S., Amaral, P., Ambrosini, G., Amorim, A., Anderson, K., Andrieux, M.L., Aubert, B., Auge, E., Badaud, F., Baisin, L., Barreiro, F., Battistoni, G., Bazan, A., Bazizi, K., Belymam, A., Benchekroun, D., Berglund, S., Berset, J.C., Blanchot, G., Bogush, A., Bohm, C., Boldea, V., Bonivento, W., Bosman, M., Bouhemaid, N., Breton, D., Brette, P., Bromberg, C., Budagov, J., Burdin, S., Caloba, L., Camarena, F., Camin, D.V., Canton, B., Caprini, M., Carvalho, J., Casado, P., Castillo, M.V., Cavalli, D., Cavalli-Sforza, M., Cavasinni, V., Chadelas, R., Chalifour, M., Chekhtman, L., Chevalley, J.L., Chirikov-Zorin, I., Chlachidze, G., Citterio, M., Cleland, W.E., Clement, C., Cobal, M., Cogswell, F., Colas, J., Collot, J., Cologna, S., Constantinescu, S., Costa, G., Costanzo, D., Crouau, M., Daudon, F., David, J., David, M., Davidek, T., Dawson, J., De, K., de La Taille, C., del Peso, J., del Prete, T., de Saintignon, P., Di Girolamo, B., Dinkespiller, B., Dita, S., Dodd, J., Dolejsi, J., Dolezal, Z., Downing, R., Dugne, J.J., Dzahini, Daniel, Efthymiopoulos, I., Errede, D., Errede, S., Evans, H., Eynard, G., Fassi, F., Fassnacht, P., Ferrari, Anthony, Ferrer, A., Flaminio, V., Fournier, D., Fumagalli, G., Gallas, E., Gaspar, M., Giakoumopoulou, V., Gianotti, F., Gildemeister, O., Giokaris, N., Glagolev, V., Glebov, V., Gomes, A., Gonzalez, V.

    “…This paper discusses hadron energy reconstruction for the ATLAS barrel prototype combined calorimeter (consisting of a lead-liquid argon electromagnetic part…”
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  13. 13

    Exclusive photoproduction of ϒ mesons at HERA by Derrick, M., Nicholass, D., Yoshida, R., Mattingly, M.C.K., Antonioli, P., Bari, G., Bellagamba, L., Cindolo, F., Corradi, M., Iacobucci, G., De Pasquale, S., Sartorelli, G., Brock, I., Hilger, E., Shehzadi, R., Wlasenko, M., Heath, G.P., Morris, J.D., Fazio, S., Ibrahim, Z.A., Eskreys, A., Figiel, J., Galas, A., Zawiejski, L., Adamczyk, L., Kisielewska, D., Przybycień, M., Kotański, A., Behnke, O., Behr, J., Fang, S., Gregor, I., Haas, T., Katkov, I.I., Lobodzinska, E., Mankel, R., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Montanari, A., Parenti, A., Szuba, D., Wolf, G., Wrona, K., Youngman, C., Drugakov, V., Schlenstedt, S., Barbagli, G., Pelfer, P.G., Dobur, D., Forrest, M., Skillicorn, I.O., Schörner-Sadenius, T., Turcato, M., Foudas, C., Matsumoto, T., Nagano, K., Yamazaki, Y., Libov, V., Lontkovskyi, D., Verbytskyi, A., Son, D., Barreiro, F., Jimenez, M., Schwartz, J., Antonov, A., Sosnovtsev, V., Dementiev, R.K., Gladilin, L.K., Kuzmin, V.A., Levchenko, B.B., Proskuryakov, A.S., Vázquez, M., Brümmer, N., Lee, A., Bertolin, A., Longhin, A., Stanco, L., Carlin, R., Oh, B.Y., Raval, A., Marini, G., Hart, J.C., Okazaki, N., Shimizu, S., Kaji, H., Costa, M., Arneodo, M., Fourletov, S., Martin, J.F., Ciborowski, J., Malka, J., Pawlak, J.M., Perlanski, W., Plucinski, P., Eisenberg, Y., Hochman, D., Karshon, U., Smith, W.H., Menary, S., Standage, J., Whyte, J.

    Published in Physics letters. B (14-09-2009)
    “…The exclusive photoproduction reaction γp→ϒp has been studied with the ZEUS experiment in ep collisions at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 468 pb−1. The…”
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  14. 14

    A QCD analysis of ZEUS diffractive data by Derrick, M., Nicholass, D., Yoshida, R., Mattingly, M.C.K., Antonioli, P., Bari, G., Bellagamba, L., Cindolo, F., Antonelli, S., Cifarelli, L., Contin, A., Sartorelli, G., Bartsch, D., Jüngst, M., Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E., Samson, U., Kaur, M., Kaur, P., Fazio, S., Ibrahim, Z.A., Wan Abdullah, W.A.T., Ning, Y., Ren, Z., Eskreys, A., Figiel, J., Stopa, P., Suszycki, L., Behnke, O., Behr, J., Fang, S., Gregor, I., Haas, T., Katkov, I.I., Libov, V., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Montanari, A., Parenti, A., Roloff, P., Szuba, J., Verbytskyi, A., Yagües-Molina, A.G., Zeuner, W., Bamberger, A., Karstens, F., Vlasov, N.N., Bussey, P.J., Doyle, A.T., Holm, U., Klanner, R., Stadie, H., Matsumoto, T., Tokushuku, K., Yamazaki, Y., Barakbaev, A.N., Aushev, V., Lontkovskyi, D., Salii, A., Sorokin, Iu, Viazlo, V., Piotrzkowski, K., Glasman, C., Dolgoshein, B.A., Gladkov, D., Suchkov, S., Khein, L.A., Korzhavina, I.A., Shcheglova, L.M., Abt, I., Reisert, B., Schmidke, W.B., Grigorescu, G., Kooijman, P., Pellegrino, A., Tiecke, H., Ling, T.Y., Foster, B., Oliver, K., Bertolin, A., Oh, B.Y., Marini, G., Levy, A., Stern, A., Kuze, M., Hori, R., Okazaki, N., Shimizu, S., Ota, O., Costa, M., Solano, A., Ruspa, M., Loizides, J.H., Wing, M., Łużniak, P., Żarnecki, A.F., Adamus, M., Brownson, E., Savin, A.A., Wolfe, H., Bhadra, S., Noor, U.

    Published in Nuclear physics. B (21-05-2010)
    “…ZEUS inclusive diffractive-cross-section measurements have been used in a DGLAP next-to-leading-order QCD analysis to extract the diffractive parton…”
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  15. 15

    Deep inelastic scattering with leading protons or large rapidity gaps at HERA by Derrick, M., Nicholass, D., Yoshida, R., Mattingly, M.C.K., Antonioli, P., Bari, G., Bellagamba, L., Cara Romeo, G., Massam, T., Basile, M., Bindi, M., Palmonari, F., Paul, E., Wlasenko, M., Kaur, M., Singh, I., Capua, M., Tassi, E., Idris, F. Mohamad, Kamaluddin, B., Abdullah, W.A.T. Wan, Ning, Y., Ren, Z., Olkiewicz, K., Stopa, P., Bołd, T., Suszycki, L., Behrens, U., Blohm, C., Borras, K., Bot, D., Ciesielski, R., Fourletova, J., Geiser, A., Göttlicher, P., Gregor, I., Hain, W., Katkov, I.I., Lisovyi, M., Mankel, R., Theedt, T., Ukleja, J., Wolf, G., Wrona, K., Molina, A.G. Yagües, Youngman, C., Lohmann, W., Schlenstedt, S., Barbagli, G., Dobur, D., Gialas, I., Holm, U., Schleper, P., Sztuk, J., Tokushuku, K., Bachynska, O., Borodin, M., Sorokin, Iu, Volynets, O., Labarga, L., Liu, C., Antonov, A., Gladkov, D., Sosnovtsev, V., Stifutkin, A., Gladilin, L.K., Kuzmin, V.A., Proskuryakov, A.S., Pellegrino, A., Vázquez, M., Brümmer, N., Bylsma, B., Lee, A., Cooper-Sarkar, A.M., Ferrando, J., Bertolin, A., Stanco, L., Bellan, P., Brugnera, R., Carlin, R., Hart, J.C., Abramowicz, H., Ingbir, R., Levy, A., Hori, R., Kaji, H., Kitamura, S., Ri, Y.D., Cirio, R., Ferrero, M.I., Solano, A., Fourletov, S., Stewart, T.P., Brzozowska, B., Ciborowski, J., Malka, J., Ukleja, A., Reeder, D.D., Smith, W.H., Standage, J.

    Published in Nuclear physics. B (21-07-2009)
    “…The dissociation of virtual photons, γ ⋆ p → X p , in events with a large rapidity gap between X and the outgoing proton, as well as in events in which the…”
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  16. 16

    Inclusive-jet photoproduction at HERA and determination of αs by Abramowicz, H., Abt, I., Adamczyk, L., Aggarwal, R., Antonioli, P., Arneodo, M., Bamberger, A., Bartosik, N., Basile, M., Behnke, O., Behr, J., Behrens, U., Bellagamba, L., Bot, D., Brzozowska, B., Catterall, C.D., Ciesielski, R., Cindolo, F., Cooper-Sarkar, A.M., Coppola, N., del Peso, J., Dementiev, R.K., Eisenberg, Y., Eskreys, A., Fazio, S., Ferrero, M.I., Garfagnini, A., Geiser, A., Gogota, O., Grigorescu, G., Gueta, O., Guzik, M., Gwenlan, C., Hain, W., Hamatsu, R., Hart, J.C., Hartmann, H., Hori, R., Horton, K., Hüttmann, A., Iga, Y., Ingbir, R., Kaur, P., Khein, L.A., Kim, J.Y., Kitamura, S., Kooijman, P., Korol, Ie, Kowalski, H., Ling, T.Y., Löhr, B., Longhin, A., Lukina, O.Yu, Makarenko, I., Malka, J., Mastroberardino, A., Miglioranzi, S., Mohamad Idris, F., Monaco, V., Montanari, A., Nagano, K., Nania, R., Nobe, T., Notz, D., Nowak, R.J., Okazaki, N., Papageorgiu, K., Pawlak, J.M., Perrey, H., Pluciński, P., Pokrovskiy, N.S., Reeder, D.D., Ren, Z., Robertson, A., Rubinsky, I., Ruspa, M., Schioppa, M., Shehzadi, R., Singh, I., Słomiński, W., Solano, A., Son, D., Stanco, L., Stefaniuk, N., Stern, A., Stopa, P., Theedt, T., Trusov, V., Turcato, M., Tymieniecka, T., Vlasov, N.N., Walczak, R., Wan Abdullah, W.A.T., Wrona, K., Yamada, S., Yamazaki, Y., Zabiegalov, O., Zhautykov, B.O., Zichichi, A., Zotkin, D.S.

    Published in Nuclear physics. B (01-11-2012)
    “…Inclusive-jet cross sections have been measured in the reaction ep→e+jet+X for photon virtuality Q2<1 GeV2 and γp centre-of-mass energies in the region…”
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    Journal Article
  17. 17

    Measurement of the longitudinal proton structure function at HERA by Derrick, M., Nicholass, D., Yoshida, R., Mattingly, M.C.K., Antonioli, P., Bari, G., Bellagamba, L., Cindolo, F., Iacobucci, G., Antonelli, S., Cifarelli, L., Contin, A., Sartorelli, G., Bartsch, D., Jüngst, M., Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E., Samson, U., Schioppa, M., Kim, J.Y., Ibrahim, Z.A., Eskreys, A., Galas, A., Zawiejski, L., Adamczyk, L., Grabowska-Bołd, I., Kisielewska, D., Przybycień, M., Kotański, A., Behnke, O., Coppola, N., Grebenyuk, J., Januschek, F., Katkov, I.I., Klein, U., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Montanari, A., Parenti, A., Wolf, G., Wrona, K., Youngman, C., Lohmann, W., Schlenstedt, S., Gallo, E., Bamberger, A., Bussey, P.J., Gialas, I., Lohrmann, E., Perrey, H., Schleper, P., Turcato, M., Foudas, C., Matsumoto, T., Tokushuku, K., Yamazaki, Y., Barakbaev, A.N., Aushev, V., Kadenko, I., Libov, V., Verbytskyi, A., Son, D., Terrón, J., Uribe-Estrada, C., Corriveau, F., Schwartz, J., Dolgoshein, B.A., Stifutkin, A., Ermolov, P.F., Gladilin, L.K., Golubkov, Yu.A., Proskuryakov, A.S., Caldwell, A., Vázquez, M., Wiggers, L., Brümmer, N., Foster, B., Oliver, K., Bertolin, A., Oh, B.Y., Cole, J.E., Abramowicz, H., Ingbir, R., Kuze, M., Hori, R., Tawara, T., Kaji, H., Ri, Y.D., Sacchi, R., Jones, T.W., Brzozowska, B., Ciborowski, J., Malka, J., Pawlak, J.M., Perlanski, W., Eisenberg, Y., Hochman, D., Karshon, U., Smith, W.H., Menary, S., Standage, J., Whyte, J.

    Published in Physics letters. B (23-11-2009)
    “…The reduced cross sections for ep deep inelastic scattering have been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA at three different centre-of-mass energies, 318,…”
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    Journal Article
  18. 18

    Exclusive electroproduction of J/ ψ mesons at HERA by Derrick, M., Loizides, J.H., Yoshida, R., Pavel, N., Basile, M., Bruni, A., Cara Romeo, G., Cindolo, F., Corradi, M., Margotti, A., Nania, R., Rinaldi, L., Aghuzumtsyan, G., Bartsch, D., Goers, S., Hartmann, H., Jakob, H.-P., Kind, O., Meyer, U., Paul, E., Renner, R., Bailey, D.S., Cole, J.E., Wing, M., Ning, Y., Ren, Z., Schmidke, W.B., Eskreys, A., Figiel, J., Galas, A., Olkiewicz, K., Stopa, P., Kowal, A.M., Przybycień, M., Szuba, D., Bloch, I., Dannheim, D., Geiser, A., Haas, T., Hillert, S., Kahle, B., Nguyen, C.N., Notz, D., Youngman, C., Barbagli, G., Genta, C., Bussey, P.J., Hamilton, J., Schörner-Sadenius, T., Stonjek, S., Ziegler, Ar, Collins-Tooth, C., Nagano, K., Yamada, S., Zhautykov, B.O., Piotrzkowski, K., Glasman, C., Zambrana, M., Corriveau, F., Walsh, R., Suchkov, S., Levchenko, B.B., Caldwell, A., Liu, X., Sutiak, J., Grijpink, S., Maddox, E., Tiecke, H., de Wolf, E., Brümmer, N., Bylsma, B., Durkin, L.S., Ling, T.Y., Devenish, R.C.E., Gwenlan, C., Kohno, T., Walczak, R., Brugnera, R., Marini, G., Hart, J.C., Gabareen, A., Kuze, M., Yamashita, T., Ferrero, M.I., Koop, T., Hall-Wilton, R., Jones, T.W., Sutton, M.R., Ciborowski, J., Ciesielski, R., Łużniak, P., Tymieniecka, T., Ukleja, J., Adamus, M., Reeder, D.D., Ryan, P., Savin, A.A., Bhadra, S., Fourletov, S., Hartner, G.

    Published in Nuclear physics. B (06-09-2004)
    “…The exclusive electroproduction of J/ ψ mesons, ep→ epJ/ ψ, has been studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA for virtualities of the exchanged photon in the…”
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  19. 19

    Inclusive dijet cross sections in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at HERA by Abramowicz, H., Aggarwal, R., Antonelli, S., Antonov, A., Bachynska, O., Barbagli, G., Bartsch, D., Basile, M., Blohm, C., Borras, K., Brock, I., Bruni, A., Carlin, R., Catterall, C. D., Chwastowski, J., Cifarelli, L., Cindolo, F., Corriveau, F., Costa, M., D’Agostini, G., Dal Corso, F., Dementiev, R. K., Dobur, D., Eisenberg, Y., Fang, S., Figiel, J., Foster, B., Garfagnini, A., Gladkov, D., Golubkov, Yu. A., Grabowska-Bołd, I., Grebenyuk, J., Grigorescu, G., Hain, W., Hilger, E., Hochman, D., Ibrahim, Z. A., Ingbir, R., Jakob, H.-P., Januschek, F., Jones, T. W., Kadenko, I., Karstens, F., Kaur, M., Kim, J. Y., Kisielewska, D., Kitamura, S., Klein, U., Kotański, A., Kowalski, H., Kulinski, P., Libov, V., Malka, J., Mattingly, M. C. K., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Miglioranzi, S., Morris, J. D., Notz, D., Oh, B. Y., Okazaki, N., Olkiewicz, K., Parenti, A., Pawlik, B., Perlanski, W., Perrey, H., Piotrzkowski, K., Polini, A., Proskuryakov, A. S., Ren, Z., Robertson, A., Roloff, P., Ron, E., Samson, U., Schleper, P., Shcheglova, L. M., Singh, I., Skillicorn, I. O., Smith, W. H., Solano, A., Spiridonov, A., Stewart, T. P., Stopa, P., Susinno, G., Szuba, D., Tassi, E., Tiecke, H., Tokushuku, K., Turcato, M., Tymieniecka, T., Viazlo, O., Vlasov, N. N., Wan Abdullah, W. A. T., Wing, M., Wolfe, H., Yamada, S., Youngman, C., Zeuner, W., Zhmak, N., Zhou, C., Zichichi, A.

    “…Single- and double-differential inclusive dijet cross sections in neutral current deep inelastic ep scattering have been measured with the ZEUS detector using…”
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  20. 20

    Measurement of isolated photon production in deep inelastic ep scattering by Derrick, M., Nicholass, D., Yoshida, R., Mattingly, M.C.K., Antonioli, P., Bari, G., Bellagamba, L., Cindolo, F., Antonelli, S., Cifarelli, L., Contin, A., Sartorelli, G., Bartsch, D., Jüngst, M., Nuncio-Quiroz, A.E., Samson, U., Kaur, M., Kaur, P., Fazio, S., Ibrahim, Z.A., Abdullah, W.A.T. Wan, Ning, Y., Ren, Z., Eskreys, A., Figiel, J., Stopa, P., Łukasik, J., Suszycki, L., Behnke, O., Behr, J., Fang, S., Gregor, I., Haas, T., Katkov, I.I., Libov, V., Melzer-Pellmann, I.-A., Montanari, A., Parenti, A., Wolf, G., Wrona, K., Youngman, C., Lohmann, W., Schlenstedt, S., Gallo, E., Bamberger, A., Bussey, P.J., Gialas, I., Lohrmann, E., Perrey, H., Schleper, P., Turcato, M., Tapper, A.D., Yamada, S., Boos, E.G., Zhautykov, B.O., Korol, Ie, Kuprash, O., Verbytskyi, A., Son, D., Glasman, C., Ron, E., Zhou, C., Sosnovtsev, V., Stifutkin, A., Suchkov, S., Gladilin, L.K., Golubkov, Yu.A., Khein, L.A., Levchenko, B.B., Shcheglova, L.M., Caldwell, A., Grigorescu, G., Bertolin, A., Longhin, A., Stanco, L., Carlin, R., Oh, B.Y., Raval, A., Iga, Y., Marini, G., Levy, A., Stern, A., Kuze, M., Hori, R., Okazaki, N., Shimizu, S., Ota, O., Costa, M., Solano, A., Ruspa, M., Loizides, J.H., Wing, M., Łużniak, P., Żarnecki, A.F., Adamus, M., Brownson, E., Savin, A.A., Wolfe, H., Bhadra, S., Noor, U.

    Published in Physics letters. B (05-04-2010)
    “…Isolated photon production in deep inelastic ep scattering has been measured with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of 320 pb−1…”
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