Search Results - "de Stefani, Giovanni Laranjo"
The utilization of thorium in Small Modular Reactors – Part I: Neutronic assessment
Published in Annals of nuclear energy (01-10-2018)“…•Converting a Small Modular Reactor (SMR) UO2 core to the (Th/U)O2 core.•Reducing the amount of using 235U, burnable poison and soluble boron for SMRs by using…”
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Thorium as nuclear fuel in Brazil: 1951 to 2023
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (01-04-2024)“…This paper presents a literature review of the utilization of thorium as a nuclear fuel in Brazil. The initial section delves into the historical context,…”
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Core reduction for increasing neutron flux and radioisotope production in the IEA-R1 research reactor
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (01-05-2024)“…•compaction of the reactor core to increase the magnitude of the nêutron flux in the irradiator;•Study of thermal and neutronic safety parameters in reactor…”
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Outcomes and achievements from researches orienting the future in nuclear fission technology: NFT-18: Brazil, Peru and Bolivia
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (01-05-2024)Get full text
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Detailed neutronic calculations of the AP1000 reactor core with the Serpent code
Published in Progress in nuclear energy (New series) (01-09-2019)“…In this work we present some validation results for reactor core modeling with the Serpent code performed for the first cycle of the AP1000 reactor. The…”
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Analysis of the SWOT matrix as a strategy for implementing the Ap-Th1000 Reactor in Brazil
Published in Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences (03-05-2024)“…This article analyzes the SWOT Matrix for the implementation of the AP-Th1000 reactor with thorium fuel, aiming at a future replacement of the current nuclear…”
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Feasibility of Converting NuScale SMRs from UO2 to Mixed (Pu,Th)O2 and (U,Th)O2 Cores: A Parametric Study of the Seed-Blanket Fuel Assembly
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (01-08-2024)“…•Parametric study to define a seed-blanket fuel element for a Small Modular Reactor;•Study of the fuel assembly thorium cycle with uranium and plutonium oxides…”
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Optimized modular nuclear reactor project utilizing artificial intelligence: Seed-blanket concept
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (01-07-2024)“…•Parametric study using G. A. and PSO aimed at developing a seed-blanket fuel element for an SMR.•Development of an SMR fuel assembly for the thorium fuel…”
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Single heated channel analysis of the AP-Th 1000 concept
Published in Nuclear engineering and design (15-04-2024)“…•Thermohydraulic calculation using Ansys CFX code.•Steady-state single-phase analysis.•Prediction of the Critical Heat Flux (CHF) and MDNBR assess.•Hottest…”
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Consolidation of the new nuclear calculation methodology of the IEA-R1 reactor/ Consolidacao da nova metodologia de calculo nuclear do reator IEA-R1/ Consolidacion de la nueva metodologia de calculo nuclear del reactor IEA-R1
Published in Revista Internacional de Ciências (01-07-2017)“…The IEA-R1 neutron and thermo-hydraulic calculation methodology is composed of 5 computational codes from the area of reactor physics: which have a symbiotic…”
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STC-MOX-Th: Um Novo Codigo Termo-Hidraulico para Pesquisa e Ensino/STC-MOX-Th: A New Thermal Hydraulic Code for Research and Education/STC-MOX-Th: Un Nuevo Codigo Hidraulico Termico para la Investigacion y la Educacion
Published in Revista Internacional de Ciências (01-05-2020)“…O trabalho trata da criação de um programa elaborado em ambiente MATLAB que calcula os limites térmicos de projeto de um típico reator a água pressurizada…”
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Consolidation of the new nuclear calculation methodology of the IEA-R1 reactor/ Consolidacao da nova metodologia de calculo nuclear do reator IEA-R1/ Consolidacion de la nueva metodologia de calculo nuclear del reactor IEA-R1
Published in Revista Internacional de Ciências (01-07-2017)“…The IEA-R1 neutron and thermo-hydraulic calculation methodology is composed of 5 computational codes from the area of reactor physics: which have a symbiotic…”
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Comparison of Estimates of Costs involved between two Decommissioning Strategies for PWR type Nuclear Power Plants
Published in Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences (23-01-2023)“…This work compares the project costs of two possible decommissioning strategies for a hypothetical nuclear site with similar characteristics to the CNAAA…”
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