Search Results - "de Souza, Alexandre Gomes"
Multi-trait index: selection and recommendation of superior black bean genotypes as new improved varieties
Published in BMC plant biology (10-06-2024)“…Common bean provides diet rich in vitamins, fiber, minerals, and protein, which could contribute into food security of needy populations in many countries…”
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Grain processing, adaptability, and stability of red rice cultivars
Published in Ciência rural (01-01-2022)“…Red rice is consumed in whole grain form due to its beneficial nutritional attributes and has become an option for crop diversification. Several factors during…”
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Estimation of genetic diversity in full-sib families of elephant grass Cenchrus purpureus (Schumach.) Morrone
Published in Pesquisa agropecuária tropical (2023)“…ABSTRACT One of the challenges of the energy sector is the identification of renewable resources with less impact on the environment and that are economically…”
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Adaptability and stability of black bean genotypes for Rio de Janeiro, by GGE biplot analysis
Published in Crop breeding and applied biotechnology (2023)“…The study of adaptability and yield stability is essential for the selection and recommendation of new cultivars. Thus, this study determined the adaptability…”
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Genetic divergence and truncation and simultaneous selection in inbred families (S1) of elephant grass for bioenergetic purposes via mixed models
Published in Scientific reports (01-08-2024)“…The State University of North Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro (UENF) has been developing for fifteen years a breeding program that aims at the development of new…”
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Estimation of repeatability and genotypic superiority of elephant grass half-sib families for energy purposes using mixed models
Published in Scientia agricola (2023)“…ABSTRACT The mixed-model methodology is an alternative to select genotypes for traits highly influenced by the environment. In addition, this method allows FOR…”
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Black bean genotypes for adaptability, stability, and productivity via mixed models for the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Published in Ciência rural (2025)“…The study of adaptability, stability, and productivity is essential for selecting and recommending superior genotypes. This fact is particularly the case for…”
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Adaptability and stability of black and purple bean genotypes
Published in Pesquisa agropecuária tropical (2022)“…ABSTRACT Selecting the best genotypes is difficult, due to the genotype × environment interaction effect. When this interaction is present, the study of…”
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Genotypic selection of pre-clultivars of carioca and early carioca beans for the Agreste-Sertão of Pernambuco, Brazil
Published in Ciência rural (2023)“…Genotype x environment interactions represent a major challenge in identifying and selecting genotypes responsive to different climate and soil conditions…”
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External debt sustainability and policy rules in a small globalized economy
Published in Structural change and economic dynamics (01-09-2011)“…► The model discusses growth and stability from a Kaleckian perspective in a developing economy in which the real interest and real exchange rates are strongly…”
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Adaptability and stability of black bean genotypes with normal and early cycle
Published in Euphytica (01-02-2024)“…In the selection process of common bean genotypes with high yield performance associated with high adaptability and stability, accurate statistical procedures…”
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Phenotypic traits and genetic diversity of elephant grass for bioenergy purposes
Published in Genetic resources and crop evolution (13-09-2024)Get full text
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Simultaneous selection for yield, adaptability and stability and repeatability coefficient in full-sib families of elephant grass for energy purposes via mixed models
Published in Euphytica (01-11-2022)“…Elephant grass has stood out as a potential crop for energy production. Therefore, aiming to increase selection efficiency and considering the importance of…”
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Grain processing, adaptability, and stability of red rice cultivars/Beneficiamento de graos, adaptabilidade e estabilidade de cultivares de arroz vermelho
Published in Ciência rural (01-12-2022)“…Red rice is consumed in whole grain form due to its beneficial nutritional attributes and has become an option for crop diversification. Several factors during…”
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Crescimento e produção de hastes florais de gladíolo cultivado sob diferentes tensões de água no solo
Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (01-08-2009)“…As plantas ornamentais, em geral, e o gladíolo, em particular, são bastante suscetíveis às variações do nível de água no solo. No presente estudo foram…”
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Crescimento e produção de hastes florais de gladíolo cultivado sob diferentes tensões de água no solo Growth and production of gladiolus floral stems under different soil water tensions
Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (01-08-2009)“…As plantas ornamentais, em geral, e o gladíolo, em particular, são bastante suscetíveis às variações do nível de água no solo. No presente estudo foram…”
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Crescimento e produção de hastes florais de gladíolo cultivado sob diferentes tensões de água no solo
Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (01-08-2009)“…As plantas ornamentais, em geral, e o gladíolo, em particular, são bastante suscetíveis às variações do nível de água no solo. No presente estudo foram…”
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