Search Results - "de Schlemper, Susana Regina Mello"
Phytobiotic effect of Marrubium vulgare and Leonurus sibiricus on productive performance of griller-type broilers
Published in Ciência rural (01-01-2021)“…The food industry is in a continuous search for strategies of reducing of antibiotic residues in livestock production, given the development of…”
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Inhibitory effect of hydroalcoholic extract of Cunila spicata Benth. on phlogistic agents-induced cellular migration in the airways of mice
Published in Journal of ethnopharmacology (15-07-2023)“…Cunila spicata Benth. Is a creeping and aromatic plant that has an ethnopharmacological indication in the southern region of Brazil, in the Araucaria Forest…”
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Comportamento de suínos da raça Moura em sistema silvipastoril
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (01-09-2024)“…Resumo A produção animal vislumbra conciliar sustentabilidade e eficiência. Nesse contexto, os sistemas silvipastoris emergem como uma alternativa promissora e…”
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Antiedematogenic effects of the polar fractions of Persea cordata Mez. (Lauraceae) on microvascular extravasation in rat skin
Published in Journal of ethnopharmacology (28-10-2013)“…Persea cordata Mez. (Lauraceae) is a medicinal plant used in veterinary ethnopharmacology, which is a popular medicine used as an anti-inflammatory and healing…”
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Pesquisa-ação participativa e a construção do conceito de ciências
Published in Revista Insignare Scientia (17-05-2023)“…O estágio supervisionado como processo formativo pode proporcionar o contexto de aprendizagem originada do trabalho colaborativo, e a pesquisa-ação…”
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Behaviour of Moura breed pigs in silvopastoral systems
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (2024)“…Abstract Animal production aims to reconcile sustainability and efficiency. In this context, silvopastoral systems emerge as a promising and little explored…”
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Phytobiotic effect of Marrubium vulgare and Leonurus sibiricus on productive performance of griller-type broilers/Efeito fitobiótico da Marrubium vulgare e Leonurus sibiricus sobre o desempenho produtivo de frangos de corte tipo griller
Published in Ciência rural (01-12-2021)“…The food industry is in a continuous search for strategies of reducing of antibiotic residues in livestock production, given the development of…”
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The concept of sustainable development revisited
Published in Foundations of science (01-09-2000)“…The concept of sustainable development is here revised in the light of a brief historical analysis, followed by a semantic analysis of the expressions…”
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