Search Results - "de Santis Braga, Elisabete"
Histopathological Changes in Estuarine Catfish: A Temporal Approach in a Marine Protected Area
Published in Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (01-01-2024)“…Abstract The Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon Complex (CIELC) is an area of low anthropogenic impact; however, it is not completely isolated from human…”
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Metal Binding and Sources of Humic Substances in Recent Sediments from the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagoon Complex (South-Eastern Brazil)
Published in Applied sciences (01-09-2021)“…The Cananéia-Iguape estuarine–lagoon complex (São Paulo state, Brazil) is a natural laboratory to study metal binding by humic substances (HS) in subtropical…”
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Emerging contaminants (Rh, Pd, and Pt) in surface sediments from a Brazilian subtropical estuary influenced by anthropogenic activities
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-02-2021)“…The concentrations of Platinum (Pt), Rhodium (Rh) and Palladium (Pd) were evaluated from a highly impacted estuary in Brazil influenced by industrial pole,…”
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Seasonal variation of nutrients and hydrological conditions in the State Marine Park of Laje de Santos (SMPLS) and adjacent continental shelf areas (South Atlantic Ocean - Brazil)
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-12-2017)“…Abstract Marine parks constitute important areas for the conservation of marine life and the genetic heritage around the world. The creation of such marine…”
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Oligotrophic water conditions associated with organic matter regeneration support life and indicate pollution on the western side of Fernando de Noronha Island - NE, Brazil (3°S)
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-03-2018)“…Abstract Oligotrophy has its basis in low inorganic nutrient availability and it is generally known that in equatorial waters inorganic nutrient availability…”
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Different silicon forms sinalize an input of urbanized river and indicate the presence of phytoplankton with silicon structures in the tropical coastal area of Recife (PE-Brazil)
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-01-2018)“…Abstract The urbanized areas mark its presence in the hydrological systems with some biogeochemical signs including silicon inputs. Natural influence of…”
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Dissolved organic nutrients (C, N, P) in seawater on the continental shelf in the Southwestern South Atlantic with emphasis State Marine Park of Laje de Santos (SMPLS) - São Paulo - Brazil
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-12-2017)“…Abstract The main objective of this work is evaluate seasonal and spatial distribution of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON),…”
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Dissolved organic matter (C, N, P) on the Pernambuco coast and Fernando de Noronha archipelago (Tropical Zone of Western South Atlantic, Brazil) - A contribution to the evaluation of environmental impact
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-01-2018)“…Abstract The dissolved organic compounds found in seawater offer an indication of biogeochemical processes and anthropogenic influence in the light of their…”
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Nuclear abnormalities in erythrocytes and morphometric indexes in the catfish Cathorops spixii (Ariidae) from different sites on the southeastern Brazilian coast
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-09-2012)“…Nuclear abnormalities in erythrocytes (NAE) were taken as biomarkers in the catfish Cathorops spixii (Ariidae) sampled in an estuary little affected by human…”
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Microphytoplankton assemblages in shallow waters at Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica) during the summer 2002-2003
Published in Polar biology (01-10-2007)“…Microphytoplankton populations were studied in shallow coastal water (<60 m) near the Brazilian Antarctic Station Comandante Ferraz (EACF) and three reference…”
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A chemical analysis of sediment pore water in oxygen-free atmosphere: application to a contaminated area
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-06-2005)Get full text
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Perspectivas do ensino de Geociências
Published in Estudos Avançados (01-12-2018)“…RESUMO O ensino de Ciências foi incorporado aos currículos escolares somente no século XIX. No Brasil-Império o ensino das Ciências Naturais era incipiente,…”
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Multi-indicators of environmental pollution in the Olaria system, Cananéia, São Paulo (SP), Brazil
Published in Ocean and Coastal Research (Online) (2023)“…Abstract The assessment of water quality using multiple abiotic and biological indicators is very important for understanding anthropogenic impacts and the…”
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Oligotrophic water conditions associated with organic matter regeneration support life and indicate pollution on the western side of Fernando de Noronha Island - NE, Brazil (3°S) Elisabete de Santis Braga
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-01-2018)“…Oligotrophy has its basis in low inorganic nutrient availability and it is generally known that in equatorial waters inorganic nutrient availability is…”
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Seasonal variation of atmospheric and terrestrial nutrients and their influence on primary production in an oligotrophic coastal system-southeastern Brazil
Published in Brazilian journal of oceanography (01-01-1999)“…In an oligotrophic coastal zone, land drainage and atmospheric precipitation can temporarily modify the concentrations of specific dissolved compounds in local…”
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Perspectivas do ensino de Geociências
Published in Estudos avançados (01-12-2018)“…RESUMO O ensino de Ciências foi incorporado aos currículos escolares somente no século XIX. No Brasil-Império o ensino das Ciências Naturais era incipiente,…”
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