Search Results - "de Oliveira Franco, Ana Paula Gebert"
Dentistry Applications of Fiber Bragg Gratings: Irradiation Protocols for Bulk Fill Flow Dental Composites
Published in Journal of lightwave technology (15-09-2019)“…This study evaluates the polymerization shrinkage of a bulk fill flow composite photoactivated by continuous or ramped irradiation. Sample teeth were prepared…”
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An in situ evaluation of the polymerization shrinkage, degree of conversion, and bond strength of resin cements used for luting fiber posts
Published in The Journal of prosthetic dentistry (01-10-2016)“…Abstract Statement of problem The behavior and magnitude of the deformations that occur during polymerization and the behavior of the luting agents of glass…”
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Bulk Fill flow resin contraction using 3D finite element model and calibration by Fiber Bragg Grating measurement
Published in Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering (01-11-2020)“…Contraction due to polymerization of dental resin can cause failure on the adhesive interfaces, can lead to problems such as the appearance of gaps in the…”
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Adding mechanobiological cell features to finite element analysis of an immediately loaded dental implant
Published in European journal of oral sciences (01-08-2024)“…Finite element analysis (FEA) has been used to analyze the behavior of dental materials, mainly in implantology. However, FEA is a mechanical analysis and few…”
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Pseudoaneurysm after arthroscopic procedure in the knee
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2015)“…The aim of this study was to review all cases of pseudoaneurysm in the literature, in predominantly arthroscopic procedures on the knee, and to report on a…”
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Hamstring tendons insertion – an anatomical study
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2013)“…To study the anatomy of the hamstring tendons insertion and anatomical relationships. Ten cadaver knees with medial and anterior intact structures were…”
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Oblique popliteal ligament – an anatomical study
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2013)“…To study the anatomy of the oblique popliteal ligament, as regards its dimensions, expansion and anatomical relationships. Eleven cadaver knees were dissected…”
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Biomechanical analysis of a double fixation method for tendon graft in porcine tibia – using an interference screw plus staple
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2018)“…The aim of the study was to compare the mechanical behavior of interference screw tibial fixation vs. screw-plus-staple tibial fixation in an animal model…”
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Properties of bulk dental composites using fiber Bragg grating sensors
Published in 2017 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference (IMOC) (01-08-2017)“…The technique recommended to achieve adhesion of composites to the enamel and dentine in dentistry is incremental with gradual photo-activation. Bulk fill…”
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Análise biomecânica da dupla fixação de enxerto tendinoso em tíbia porcina – uso de parafuso de interferência e agrafe
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2018)“…Comparar o comportamento mecânico da fixação tibial com parafuso de interferência versus parafuso de interferência com agrafe, em modelo animal. Foram…”
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The stress evaluation of root posts using the finite element analysis
Published in Revista Sul-Brasileira de odontologia (29-06-2012)“…Introduction and objective: The aim of this investigation was to evaluate through Finite Element Analysis (FEA) the displacement and stress distribution of…”
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The stress evaluation of root posts using the finite element analysis
Published in Revista Sul-Brasileira de odontologia (01-04-2011)“…Introduction and objective: The aim of this investigation was to evaluate through Finite Element Analysis (FEA) the displacement and stress distribution of…”
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Pseudoaneurisma após procedimento artroscópico no joelho
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-03-2015)“…O objetivo deste estudo é revisar na literatura todos os casos de pseudoaneurisma em procedimentos predominantemente artroscópicos do joelho e relatar um caso…”
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Estudo anatômico do ligamento poplíteo oblíquo
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2013)“…Estudar a anatomia do ligamento poplíteo oblíquo no que se refere às suas dimensões, expansões e relações anatômicas. Onze joelhos de cadáveres foram…”
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Estudo anatômico da inserção dos tendões flexores do joelho
Published in Revista brasileira de ortopedia (01-09-2013)“…Determinar parâmetros anatômicos para localizar a inserção dos tendões flexores do joelho na tíbia. Foram selecionados 10 joelhos de cadáveres com estruturas…”
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Análise comparativa de dois produtos de higienização de próteses totais na remoção do biofilme
Published in Archives of oral research (28-11-2012)“…Introdução: A higiene das próteses totais é importante na prevenção de doenças cardíacas e pulmonares em pacientes idosos. Objetivo: Comparar a eficácia dos…”
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Dentin-bonding agents
Published in RGO - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia (01-01-2008)“…New dental restorative materials have been developed to meet not only the functional demands, but esthetics as well, and in the last few years an enormous…”
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Published in Publicatio UEPG. Ciências biológicas e da saúde (2007)Get full text
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