Search Results - "de Morais, Carlos Eduardo Pereira"
Fault Location in Multitapped Transmission Lines Using Unsynchronized Data and Superposition Theorem
Published in IEEE transactions on power delivery (01-10-2011)“…Lines with several taps are frequent and involve a large number of small towns and customers. With the need for costs reduction, this solution has been adopted…”
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A predictive model for ammonium removal in polishing ponds operated in sequential bath mode
Published in Water science and technology (01-01-2023)“…The magnitude of pH changes in polishing ponds can be predicted by simple stoichiometric rules if the extent of processes affecting this parameter is known…”
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Fault location method applied to transmission lines of general configuration
Published in International journal of electrical power & energy systems (01-07-2015)“…•A fault location method applied to transmission lines of any topology is proposed.•The method uses the grids’ admittance and impedance matrices.•The search…”
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Reaproveitamento de resíduos agroindustriais de casca banana para tratamento de efluentes
Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (02-04-2015)“…A casca da banana é um resíduo proveniente da agroindústria. Trata-se de um material biodegradável, com baixo custo e que apresenta afinidade por compostos…”
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An optimisation approach for fault location in transmission lines using one terminal data
Published in International journal of electrical power & energy systems (01-05-2007)“…A new algorithm for fault location in transmission lines is presented, using in the calculation of fault distance phasors of voltage and current at one of the…”
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Análise da concepção da população do município de Pombal, PB, sobre o adequado gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos
Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (01-10-2014)“…The waste when stored and / or disposed of incorrectly without treatment, can contaminate soil and groundwater, altering its physicochemical and biological…”
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Fault location in transmission lines using one-terminal postfault voltage data
Published in IEEE transactions on power delivery (01-04-2004)“…A new algorithm for fault location in transmission lines, with fault distance calculation based on steady-state measured phasors in local terminal is…”
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An Optimisation Approach for Fault Location in Transmission Lines Using One Terminal Data
Published in International journal of electrical power & energy systems (01-05-2008)“…An optimisation approach for fault location in transmission lines using one terminal data is presented. The voltage and current fundamental components at the…”
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Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (01-10-2014)“…RESUMO - Os resíduos quando armazenados e/ou dispostos de forma incorreta sem qualquer tratamento, pode contaminar o solo e os lençóis freáticos, alterando…”
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Optimization algorithm for fault location in transmission lines considering current transformers saturation
Published in IEEE transactions on power delivery (01-04-2005)“…This paper deals with fault location calculations that use voltages and currents during transient conditions and pre fault values. The method uses transmission…”
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Panorama do abastecimento de água na Paraíba: breve análise contextual
Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (01-04-2015)“…O saneamento básico é um bem fundamental que se reflete significativamente na saúde e no bem-estar do indivíduo e no desenvolvimento socioeconômico das nações…”
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Panorama do abastecimento de água na Paraíba: breve análise contextual
Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (01-04-2015)“…O saneamento básico é um bem fundamental que se reflete significativamente na saúde e no bem-estar do indivíduo e no desenvolvimento socioeconômico das nações…”
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Estudo do potencial hidrogeniônico e das condições físicas dos clubes de Pombal, PB
Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (2015)“…The pools are a set of artificial structures that lead to human being a direct contact with the water through water activities such as swimming. The water…”
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Panorama do abastecimento de água na Paraíba: breve análise contextual
Published in Revista verde de agroecologia e desenvolvimento sustentável (2014)“…Sanitation is a fundamental good that is significantly reflected in the health and well-being of the individual and socio-economic development of nations. It…”
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Determinação de constantes de transferência de compostos voláteis em lagoas de tratamento de esgoto
Published in Revista DAE (15-02-2021)“…Em lagoas que tratam águas residuárias, há componentes voláteis em intercâmbio com gases na atmosfera. Os principais componentes são dióxido de carbono,…”
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