Search Results - "de Lobo, Francisco Almeida"
Soil respiration and aboveground litter dynamics of a tropical transitional forest in northwest Mato Grosso, Brazil
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences (01-03-2008)“…Measurements of soil CO2 efflux, litter production, and the surface litter pool biomass were made over a 1 year period in a tropical transitional forest near…”
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Phenology of Copernicia alba in Flooded and Not Flooded Environments
Published in Floresta e ambiente (01-01-2020)“…Abstract The objective of this study is to describe the reproductive and vegetative phenological patterns of individuals of Copernicia alba, popularly known as…”
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Temporal Evolution of Vapor Pressure Deficit Observed in Six Locations of Different Brazilian Ecosystems and Its Relationship with Micrometeorological Variables
Published in Forests (01-08-2023)“…In this study, data collected from 2000 to 2019 on vapor pressure deficit ( VPD ) and its relationship with micrometeorological variables (fire occurrences,…”
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Nitrogen and phosphorus pools and fluxes in upland and seasonally flooded forests and woodlands of the Cerrado-Pantanal transition of Brazil
Published in Trees, Forests and People (Online) (01-06-2023)“…Brazilian tropical savanna (referred to as Cerrado) has enormous structural variability ranging from tree- and shrub-free grasslands to tall, dense forests…”
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Is intrinsic water use efficiency independent of leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit?
Published in Theoretical and experimental plant physiology (01-06-2023)“…Intrinsic water-use efficiency ( i WUE , the ratio between net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance to water vapor) is assumed to be insensitive to…”
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Increased Production of Tara (Caesalpinia spinosa) by Edaphoclimatic Variation in the Altitudinal Gradient of the Peruvian Andes
Published in Agronomy (Basel) (01-03-2023)“…Tara production occurs mainly in the altitude gradient, where the edaphoclimatic conditions that affect the production of pods still need to be understood. The…”
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Temporal patterns of net CO2 exchange for a tropical semideciduous forest of the southern Amazon Basin
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences (01-09-2011)“…The carbon cycling of tropical ecosystems has received considerable attention over the last 1–2 decades; however, interactions between climate variation and…”
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Energy balance and canopy conductance of a tropical semi-deciduous forest of the southern Amazon Basin
Published in Water resources research (01-03-2008)“…Deforestation and climate change have the capacity to alter rainfall regimes, water availability, and surface-atmosphere flux of water and energy of tropical…”
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Seasonal and interannual litter dynamics of a tropical semideciduous forest of the southern Amazon Basin, Brazil
Published in Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences (01-12-2008)“…This study analyzed how seasonal and interannual variations in climate alter litter dynamics, including production, decomposition, and accumulation. Monthly…”
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Tree growth responses to climate variation in upland and seasonally flooded forests and woodlands of the Cerrado-Pantanal transition of Brazil
Published in Forest ecology and management (01-02-2022)“…•Tree RGR was measured in Brazilian upland and flooded savanna using dendrometers.•Measurements were made during an intense El Niño-La Niña cycle.•Community…”
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Spatial heterogeneity of soils of the Cerrado-Pantanal ecotone
Published in Ciência agronômica (01-12-2014)“…In areas of the Cerrado-Pantanal ecotone in Brazil, the soil displays features which are inherent to the processes of soil formation, both of the Central…”
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Patterns of energy exchange for tropical ecosystems across a climate gradient in Mato Grosso, Brazil
Published in Agricultural and forest meteorology (01-03-2015)“…•Energy balance of six sites in Amazon, Cerrado, and the Pantanal were measured.•Spatial and temporal variations lead to a complex pattern of energy…”
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Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart. ex Hayne growth–climate relationships are regulated by soil water saturation in Cerrado-Pantanal ecotone
Published in Dendrochronologia (Verona) (01-10-2023)“…The expected intensification of the dry season, and concentration of rainfall during the wet season, can disrupt tree growth and regional biodiversity in the…”
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Adubos e coberturas orgânicas, fontes de nutrientes de liberação lenta na produção de acelga de colheitas múltiplas
Published in Revista de ciências agroveterinárias (30-07-2019)“…Objetivou-se avaliar o desempenho de coberturas e adubos orgânicos na estabilidade produtiva da acelga. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados,…”
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Is the dry season an important driver of phenology and growth for two Brazilian savanna tree species with contrasting leaf habits?
Published in Plant ecology (01-03-2015)“…Brazilian savanna (known as cerrado) has highly seasonal variation in rainfall yet trees have widely different phenological strategies ranging from evergreen…”
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Variations in aboveground vegetation structure along a nutrient availability gradient in the Brazilian pantanal
Published in Plant and soil (01-04-2015)“…Background and aims Forest expansion into seasonally flooded (hyperseasonal) savanna of the Brazilian Pantanal has been occurring for decades. Our goal was to…”
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Variations in Stand Structure and Diversity along a Soil Fertility Gradient in a Brazilian Savanna (Cerrado) in Southern Mato Grosso
Published in Soil Science Society of America journal (01-07-2013)“…Brazilian savanna (cerrado) is composed of vegetation and soil types that are spatially variable, and links between cerrado physiognomy and soil properties are…”
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Coconut fiber biochar alters physical and chemical properties in sandy soils
Published in Acta scientiarum. Agronomy (01-01-2021)“…This work aimed to characterize the biochar produced from residues of coconut fruit and to evaluate how it might beneficially alter the retention capacity of…”
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Differential responses of C3 and CAM native Brazilian plant species to a SO2- and SPMFe-contaminated Restinga
Published in Environmental science and pollution research international (01-09-2015)“…Aiming to evaluate responses in terms of growth rates, physiological parameters, and degree of sensitivity to SO 2 and SPM Fe in Eugenia uniflora L…”
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Net Primary Production and Ecosystem Carbon Flux of Brazilian Tropical Savanna Ecosystems From Eddy Covariance and Inventory Methods
Published in Journal of geophysical research. Biogeosciences (01-08-2022)“…Estimates of net primary (NPP) and ecosystem production (NEP) are needed for tropical savanna, which is structurally diverse but understudied compared to…”
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