Search Results - "de Lira, Zulina Souza"
Voice and Temporal Auditory Processing in Elderly People: A Correlation Study
Published in International Archives of Otorhinolaryngology (01-01-2024)“…Introduction The voice and hearing can be affected to different degrees by aging, which can cause communication difficulties for elderly people. Vocal…”
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Pediatric voice-related quality of life and acoustic analysis of voice: a study in schoolchildren
Published in Revista CEFAC (01-07-2021)“…ABSTRACT Purpose: to assess the self-reported voice-related quality of life of schoolchildren without voice complaints and correlate it to acoustic parameters…”
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Occurrence of vocal changes in preschoolers with no voice complaints: an auditory-perceptual and acoustic analysis
Published in Revista CEFAC (01-03-2021)“…ABSTRACT Purpose: to verify, with the auditory-perceptual and acoustic parameters, the occurrence of voice changes in children with no voice complaints, per…”
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The use of voice in higher education: What the professors have to say?
Published in Revista CEFAC (01-07-2020)“…ABSTRACT Purpose: to describe the perception of university professors regarding their use of voice at work. Methods: a total of 247 higher education professors…”
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Relationship Between Oropharyngeal Geometry and Vocal Parameters in Subjects With Parkinson's Disease
Published in Journal of voice (01-07-2024)“…To verify whether the dimensions of different segments of the oropharyngeal cavity have different proportions between Parkinson's disease patients and vocally…”
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Immediate Effect of the Finger-Kazoo Technique Associated with Glissandos in the Voice of Individuals with Parkinson's Disease
Published in Journal of voice (01-07-2022)“…OBJECTIVETo verify the immediate effect of the Finger Kazoo technique associated with glissandos in the voice of individuals with Parkinson's disease…”
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Performance of the phonatory deviation diagram in monitoring voice quality before and after voice exercise in individuals with Parkinson's Disease
Published in CoDAS (São Paulo) (01-01-2023)“…To assess the performance of the phonatory deviation diagram and its measurements in monitoring voice quality before and after voice exercise in individuals…”
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Voice therapy with a respiratory approach in older adults: the practice of Brazilian speech-language-hearing therapists
Published in Revista CEFAC (2023)“…ABSTRACT Purpose: to investigate the practice of Brazilian speech-language-hearing therapists in voice therapy for older adults focused on breathing and verify…”
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Oropharyngeal geometry and acoustic parameters of voice in healthy and Parkinson's disease subjects
Published in CoDAS (São Paulo) (2023)“…to verify whether there are differences in acoustic measures and oropharyngeal geometry between healthy individuals and people with Parkinson's disease,…”
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The voice use of street artists
Published in CoDAS (São Paulo) (18-03-2019)“…To investigate the voice use of street artists from their vocal complaints, vocal disadvantage related to their profession, the perception of the conditions…”
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Desempenho do diagrama de desvio fonatório no monitoramento da qualidade vocal pré e pós exercício vocal em indivíduos com Doença de Parkinson
Published in CoDAS (São Paulo) (2023)“…RESUMO Objetivo Verificar o desempenho do diagrama de desvio fonatório e de suas medidas no monitoramento da qualidade da voz, pré e pós exercício vocal, em…”
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Geometria orofaríngea e parâmetros acústicos vocais de indivíduos hígidos e com doença de Parkinson
Published in CoDAS (São Paulo) (2023)“…RESUMO Objetivo verificar se existem diferenças nas medidas acústicas e da geometria orofaríngea entre indivíduos hígidos e pessoas com Doença de Parkinson,…”
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O uso da voz em artistas de rua
Published in CoDAS (São Paulo) (2019)“…RESUMO Objetivo Investigar o uso da voz em artistas de rua, a partir da autorreferência de queixas vocais, desvantagem vocal associada à profissão, percepção…”
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Sotaque e telejornalismo: representações de comunicadores de mídia nordestinos
Published in Revista CEFAC (01-12-2015)“…RESUMO: Objetivo: descrever o conteúdo das representações sociais do comunicador de mídia nordestino acerca do seu sotaque. Métodos: a coleta de dados foi…”
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Perfil de extensão vocal em coristas após técnica de vibração de língua associada a escalas
Published in Revista CEFAC (01-06-2016)“…RESUMO: Objetivo: identificar o efeito imediato da técnica de vibração sonorizada de língua associada à variação tonal sobre o perfil de extensão vocal de…”
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Prosodic Differences in the Voices of Transgender and Cisgender Women: Self-Perception of Voice - An Auditory and Acoustic Analysis
Published in Journal of voice (01-07-2024)“…The voice is an important parameter for identifying the speaker's gender. Transgender people seek to adapt their bodies to gender identity, and transgender…”
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Relationship Between Oropharyngeal Geometry and Acoustic Parameters in Singers: A Preliminary Study
Published in Journal of voice (09-08-2022)“…To verify possible correlations between formant and cepstral parameters and oropharyngeal geometry in singers, stratified by sex. Voice records and…”
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Oropharyngeal Geometry and the Singing Voice: Immediate Effect of Two Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises
Published in Journal of voice (01-07-2022)“…The aim of this study was to verify the immediate effect of a flexible resonance tube in water and of lip trill on oropharyngeal geometry and vocal acoustic…”
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Do Flexible Silicone Tubes Immersed in Water Combined with Vocalise Improve the Immediate Effect on Voice?
Published in Journal of speech, language, and hearing research (01-12-2021)“…Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the immediate effect on a singer's voice of a flexible silicone tube immersed in water combined with ascending and…”
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Effect of Resonance Tube Technique on Oropharyngeal Geometry and Voice in Individuals with Parkinson's Disease
Published in Journal of voice (01-09-2021)“…To verify the immediate effect of the flexible resonance tube vocal technique on the oropharyngeal geometry and vocal acoustic parameters of individuals with…”
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