Search Results - "de Farias, Darlan Lopes"
Resistance training-induced gains in muscle strength, body composition, and functional capacity are attenuated in elderly women with sarcopenic obesity
Published in Clinical interventions in aging (01-01-2018)“…The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of resistance training (RT) on body composition, muscle strength, and functional capacity in elderly women…”
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Decreased functional capacity and muscle strength in elderly women with metabolic syndrome
Published in Clinical interventions in aging (01-01-2013)“…To compare the metabolic parameters, flexibility, muscle strength, functional capacity, and lower limb muscle power of elderly women with and without the…”
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Relation of neck circumference and relative muscle strength and cardiovascular risk factors in sedentary women
Published in Einstein (São Paulo, Brazil) (01-07-2012)“…To verify the relation of neck circumference and relative muscle strength and cardiovascular risk factors in sedentary women. A cross-sectional study with 60…”
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Identification of high responders for interleukin-6 and creatine kinase following acute eccentric resistance exercise in elderly obese women
Published in Journal of science and medicine in sport (01-11-2014)“…Abstract Objectives Resistance exercise is used as a non-pharmacological tool to elicit both gains in and maintenance of physical function in the elderly…”
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Respostas da percepção subjetiva de esforço em teste incremental de mulheres idosas sedentárias
Published in Revista brasileira de cineantropometria & desempenho humano (2014)“…Apesar da percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) ser utilizada para a avaliação e prescrição de exercícios em idosos, alguns indivíduos podem apresentar…”
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Sustained effect of resistance training on blood pressure and hand grip strength following a detraining period in elderly hypertensive women: a pilot study
Published in Clinical interventions in aging (2014)“…Hypertension is the most prevalent modifiable risk factor with a high prevalence among older adults. Exercise is a nonpharmacological treatment shown to…”
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Variáveis cardiovasculares durante e após a prática do VÍDEO GAME ativo "Dance Dance Revolution" e televisão
Published in Motriz : Revista de Educação Física. Unesp (01-06-2013)“…As doenças cardiovasculares (DCVs) estão entre as principais causas de morte no mundo e os processos patológicos associados com o seu desenvolvimento têm…”
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Relação da circunferência do pescoço com a força muscular relativa e os fatores de risco cardiovascular em mulheres sedentárias
Published in Einstein (São Paulo, Brazil) (01-09-2012)“…OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a relação da circunferência do pescoço com a força muscular relativa e os fatores de risco cardiovascular…”
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Relação da circunferência do pescoço com a força muscular relativa e os fatores de risco cardiovascular em mulheres sedentárias
Published in Einstein (São Paulo, Brazil) (01-09-2012)“…OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a relação da circunferência do pescoço com a força muscular relativa e os fatores de risco cardiovascular…”
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Understanding the individual responsiveness to resistance training periodization
Published in AGE (01-06-2015)“…This study was designed to compare the effects of linear periodization (LP) and undulating periodization (UP) on functional capacity, neuromuscular function,…”
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High Supervised Resistance Training in Elderly Women: The Role of Supervision Ratio
Published in International journal of exercise science (2020)“…The objective of this study was to compare the effects of very high supervision (VHS-RT) versus high supervision (HS-RT) ratio resistance training (RT) on…”
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Effects of eight weeks of resistance training on the risk factors of metabolic syndrome in overweight /obese women - "A Pilot Study"
Published in Diabetology and metabolic syndrome (28-02-2013)“…The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of eight weeks of resistance training (RT) on anthropometric, cardiovascular and biochemical risk…”
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Resistance exercise leading to failure versus not to failure: effects on cardiovascular control
Published in BMC cardiovascular disorders (19-11-2013)“…The aim of the present study was to evaluate the acute effects of resistance exercise (RE) leading to failure and RE that was not to failure on 24 h blood…”
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Reprodutibilidade do teste anaeróbio de Wingate em ciclistas
Published in Motricidade (01-12-2013)Get full text
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Respostas da percepção subjetiva de esforço em teste incremental de mulheres idosas sedentárias
Published in Revista brasileira de cineantropometria & desempenho humano (12-12-2013)Get full text
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Reliability of the Wingate anaerobic test in cyclists
Published in Motricidade (01-12-2013)“…The aim of this study was to verify the reliability of selected variables during Wingate anaerobic test, physiologic markers and perceptual associated in…”
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Variáveis cardiovasculares durante e após a prática do VÍDEO GAME ativo "Dance Dance Revolution" e televisão
Published in Motriz : Revista de Educação Física. Unesp (01-06-2013)“…As doenças cardiovasculares (DCVs) estão entre as principais causas de morte no mundo e os processos patológicos associados com o seu desenvolvimento têm…”
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Análise do perfil físico e cardiovascular de policiais militares na formação BOPE
Published in Universitas Ciências da saúde (26-06-2017)“…Os índices de obesidade vêm aumentando de forma alarmante na maioria dos países e vários estudos têm encontrado em suas análises índices preocupantes de…”
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Ratings of perceived exertion in an incremental test in elderly women
Published in Revista brasileira de cineantropometria & desempenho humano (01-01-2014)Get full text
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Comparação da força muscular entre mulheres brasileiras com e sem síndrome metabólica
Published in Conscientiae saúde (28-12-2011)“…Introdução: A síndrome metabólica (SM) é caracterizada pelo agrupamento de fatores de risco cardiovascular como obesidade abdominal, hipertensão arterial…”
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