Search Results - "de Carvalho Freitas, Carlos Edwar"
Evaluation of fisheries management strategies using a biotic integrity index in floodplain lakes in the lower Solimões River, Amazonas, Brazil
Published in Acta amazonica (01-12-2022)“…ABSTRACT Fisheries is an important activity in the Amazon basin and potentially has a high impact on ichthyofauna. With the aim of achieving sustainability in…”
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Spatial and Temporal Distribution of a Multiple Gear Fishing Fleet Exploiting the Caribbean Sea and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems
Published in Marine and coastal fisheries (01-04-2020)“…An industrial multigear fishing fleet from Venezuela emerged in 2009 as a governmental strategy to reduce the impact of industrial trawling on the Venezuelan…”
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Growth of the Cichla temensis Humboldt, 1821 (Perciformes: Cichlidae) from the middle rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil
Published in Neotropical Ichthyology (01-06-2015)“…This study aimed to estimate age and growth of the peacock bass Cichla temensis from the rio Negro (Brazilian Amazonia) by analyzing scale annuli. Specimens…”
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Factors determining the structure of fish assemblages in an Amazonian river near to oil and gas exploration areas in the Amazon basin (Brazil): establishing the baseline for environmental evaluation
Published in Zoologia (Curitiba, Brazil) (01-10-2015)“…ABSTRACT Determining the significance of biotic and abiotic factors in the structuring of fish assemblages in freshwater environments is an important question…”
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FishDNAIDs: DNA barcoding as a tool in the development and validation in silico and in vitro of detection systems to four species of Characiformes of commercial importance in the Brazilian Amazon
Published in Molecular biology reports (01-12-2023)“…Background The COI mitochondrial gene has been chosen as the “DNA barcode in animals” and the large quantity of genetic information in public databanks gives…”
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Structural and socioeconomic aspects of the peacock bass Cichla vazzoleri (Kullander & Ferreira, 2006) fishery performed in a large hydroelectric reservoir of the Amazon Basin
Published in Environment, development and sustainability (01-12-2020)“…The execution of a reservoir for the production of electric energy substantially affects the daily lives of the populations living in the area, mainly those of…”
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Alimentação de Auchenipterichthys punctatus (Siluriformes, Auchenipteridae) em lagos do rio Cuiuni, Amazonas, Brasil
Published in Neotropical biology and conservation (01-11-2019)“…Auchenipterichthys punctatus é uma espécie de peixe muito abundante durante o período de águas baixas no rio Cuiuni, sendo objetivo deste estudo investigar a…”
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Stable mean trophic level and decreasing fish size in Central Amazonian fishery landings
Published in Fisheries management and ecology (01-04-2024)“…Evaluating trends in fisheries, especially data‐limited small‐scale fisheries, is challenging. We used fish landings to evaluate changes in composition of fish…”
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Selection of reference lakes and adaptation of a fish multimetric index of biotic integrity to six amazon floodplain lakes
Published in Ecological engineering (01-12-2016)“…•A fish-based index of biotic integrity was defined for the floodplain lakes of the Solimões River (Amazonas, Brazil).•Lakes in pristine condition were…”
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Review of Fisheries Resource Use and Status in the Madeira River Basin (Brazil, Bolivia, and Peru) Before Hydroelectric Dam Completion
Published in Reviews in fisheries science (02-10-2018)“…The Madeira River, which drains one of the major tributary river basins of the upper Amazon, contributes to small-scale fisheries in Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil…”
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Fish diversity and species composition in small-scale artificial reefs in Amazonian floodplain lakes: Refugia for rare species?
Published in Ecological engineering (01-06-2014)“…We designed a controlled experiment to evaluate the effects of introducing small-scale artificial reefs on fish species composition and diversity in four black…”
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Diet and ecomorphology of predator fish species of the Amazonian floodplain lakes
Published in Biota neotropica (01-01-2019)“…Amazonian floodplain lakes host a high diversity of predatory fish which coexist and exploit the high diversity of available prey. Morphology could be the…”
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Perverse incentives in fishery management: The case of the defeso in the Brazilian Amazon
Published in Ecological economics (01-10-2014)“…The policy of a closed season with compensation for fishers (called the defeso) was implemented in Amazonia in 2005, with the idea of protecting fishery stocks…”
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Length‐weight relationships of five fish species from lakes of the Central Amazonian floodplains
Published in Journal of applied ichthyology (01-06-2019)“…Parameters of the length‐weight relationship (LWR) were calculated for five fish species from Amazon Basin. Samplings were carried out in ten lakes of the…”
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Status of Arapaima spp. in Brazil: threatened in its places of origin, a rapidly spreading invader elsewhere
Published in Management of biological invasions (01-11-2022)“…The introduction of non-native fish poses a major threat to aquatic fauna in freshwater ecosystems around the world, often as a consequence of increased…”
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Intra- and inter-annual changes in the condition factors of three Curimatidae detritivores from Amazonian floodplain lakes
Published in Biota neotropica (01-12-2015)“…The flood pulse is a key factor that drives the biota of large rivers with adjacent floodplains, but the direction and intensity of its effects are not uniform…”
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Small dams for aquaculture negatively impact fish diversity in Amazonian streams
Published in Aquaculture Environment Interactions (01-01-2018)“…Much has been written about the negative impacts of large hydroelectric dams on fish species diversity in the Amazon River Basin; however, less is known about…”
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Perfil produtivo e impactos no desenvolvimento da atividade piscícola nas microrregiões do Estado do Amazonas
Published in Revista em agronegócio e meio ambiente (01-12-2021)“…O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver um breve diagnóstico do perfil produtivo da atividade piscícola no Estado do Amazonas, a fim de reunir dados sobre a…”
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Desembarque e esforço de pesca da frota pesqueira comercial de Manicoré (Médio Rio Madeira), Amazonas, Brasil
Published in Acta amazonica (2007)“…A adequação das estratégias do pescador à sazonalidade existente na Amazônia atesta o nível de conhecimento tradicional em relação à ecologia dos peixes e às…”
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Trophic ecology of the ichthyofauna of a stretch of the Urucu River (Coari, Amazonas, Brazil)
Published in Acta limnológica brasiliensia (01-03-2013)“…INTRODUCTION: The floodplains of the large Amazonian rivers are very productive as a result of seasonal fluctuations of water levels. This favors the fishes as…”
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