Search Results - "da Silva Teixeira, Mariana"
Interpersonal violence against people with intellectual disabilities in São Paulo, Brazil: characteristics of victims, perpetrators and referrals
Published in BMC public health (05-07-2024)“…Interpersonal violence is a phenomenon that can occur with different people and conditions. However, people with intellectual disabilities have increased…”
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Gastroschisis annual incidence, mortality, and trends in extreme Southern Brazil
Published in Jornal de pediatria (01-01-2022)“…To analyze gastroschisis annual incidence, mortality rates, and trends in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul from the year 2000 to the year 2017…”
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Diazotrophic bacteria and substrates in the growth and nitrogen accumulation of sugarcane seedlings
Published in Scientia agricola (01-01-2021)“…ABSTRACT Little is known about the interaction between the inoculation of diazotrophic bacteria, the variety, and the substrate used in inoculated sugarcane…”
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Successful strategies for preventing and controlling violence against people with intellectual disabilities: a scoping review
Published in BMC public health (14-10-2024)“…Violence against people with intellectual disabilities is unfortunately a reality all over the world, as they are one of the populations most vulnerable to…”
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Innovative substrates for sugarcane seedling production: Sewage sludges and rice husk ash in a waste-to-product strategy
Published in Industrial crops and products (01-12-2020)“…Recent advances in the sucroenergy production chain include a new way of planting sugarcane based on a method of seedling propagation which requires a…”
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Exploring regional disparities in lung cancer mortality in a Brazilian state: A cross-sectional ecological study
Published in PloS one (23-06-2023)“…Lung cancer (LC) is one of the main causes of mortality in Brazil; geographic, cultural, socioeconomic and health access factors can affect the development of…”
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External Focus of Attention Enhances Children's Learning of a Classical Ballet Pirouette
Published in Journal of dance medicine & science (15-12-2017)“…The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence of instructions promoting an external versus internal focus of attention on the learning of a…”
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Breast Cancer Mortality in Young Women in Brazil
Published in Frontiers in oncology (25-01-2021)“…Malignant breast cancer is the leading cause of death by cancer in young women. The study aimed to determine if breast cancer mortality among young women has…”
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A look through Latin America truck drivers' health, a systematic review and meta-analysis
Published in BMC public health (02-01-2023)“…Heavy truck drivers represent a social group of great importance to any country's economy. Their professional activity requires a high level of dedication. Due…”
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Built environment influence on the incidence of elderly pedestrian collisions in a medium-large city in southern Brazil: a spatial analysis
Published in International journal of injury control and safety promotion (03-07-2023)“…Trauma disproportionately affects vulnerable road users, especially the elderly. We analyzed the spatial distribution of elderly pedestrians struck by vehicles…”
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The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors, Coverage and Access to Health on Heart Ischemic Disease Mortality in a Brazilian Southern State: A Geospatial Analysis
Published in Global heart (20-01-2021)“…No other disease has killed more than ischemic heart disease (IHD) for the past few years globally. Despite the advances in cardiology, the response time for…”
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Prevalence and incidence of pressure ulcers/injuries in emergency services: A systematic review protocol
Published in Journal of tissue viability (01-02-2022)“…To develop a systematic review protocol on the prevalence and/or the incidence of pressure ulcers/injuries in adult patients in emergency services. This…”
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Determination of essential and potentially toxic trace elements in natural and processed coconut water by microwave induced plasma optical emission spectrometry, and risk assessment
Published in Journal of food composition and analysis (01-05-2023)“…The levels of ten elements, including essential (Ca, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, P, and Zn) and potentially toxic trace elements (Al, B, and Ni) in coconut water were…”
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A inclusão no mercado de trabalho de adultos com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo: uma revisão bibliográfica
Published in Revista Educação Especial (12-12-2019)“…Há uma crescente representatividade das pessoas com Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) por meio das mídias sociais e engajamento de familiares de…”
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A Caatinga em imagens: representações de estudantes de dois contextos socioculturais da Bahia | Caatinga in images: Representation of students from two socio-cultural contexts in Bahia (Brazil)
Published in Revista de Educação PUC-Campinas (Online) (23-10-2018)“…O presente trabalho visa investigar as representações do bioma Caatinga existentes entre estudantes do Ensino Fundamental de duas escolas situadas em…”
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Ecoinovação no Setor do Plástico da Região de Aveiro: O Papel da Proximidade e da Sustentabilidade
Published 01-01-2022“…Perante o contexto de pressão económica sobre o setor dos plásticos, torna-se imperativo que a inovação ocorra a um nível relativamente acelerado para garantir…”
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Dissertation -
O Museu do Porto: Uma Museologia Polinucleada
Published 01-01-2023“…A proposta desta dissertação passa por realizar um estudo de caso sobre o Museu da Cidade do Porto, atualmente denominado Museu do Porto. Desde 2022, este tem…”
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Dissertation -
Uso indiscriminado de medicamentos para emagrecer por profissionais da enfermagem no noroeste do Paraná
Published in Saúde e Pesquisa (25-08-2024)“…No Brasil e no mundo a automedicação é praticada para diversos problemas de saúde, e dentre esses está a obesidade. O uso desses fármacos pode causar diversos…”
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A arteterapia e a promoção do desenvolvimento infantil no contexto da hospitalização Arteterapia y la promoción del desarrollo infantil en el contexto de la hospitalización Art therapy and child development in a hospitalization context
Published in Revista gaúcha de enfermagem (01-09-2011)“…O presente estudo teve como objetivos avaliar e comparar o desenvolvimento de crianças hospitalizadas, antes e após intervenções de Arteterapia. Esta pesquisa…”
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Art therapy and the promotion of child development in a hospitalization context
Published in Revista gaúcha de enfermagem (01-09-2011)“…This study aimed to evaluate and compare the development of hospitalized children before and after art therapy interventions. Qualitative case studies were…”
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