Search Results - "da Silva Cabral, Lucas Manoel"
Challenges to the provision of specialized care in remote rural municipalities in Brazil
Published in BMC health services research (22-11-2022)“…This case study analyses the challenges to providing specialized care in Brazilian remote rural municipalities (RRM). Interviews were conducted with managers…”
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Water, land, and air: how do residents of Brazilian remote rural territories travel to access health services?
Published in Archives of public health = Archives belges de santé publique (22-11-2022)“…Ensuring adequate and safe means of travel is essential for maintaining and improving the health and well-being of residents of rural communities worldwide…”
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Provision of specialized care in remote rural municipalities of the Brazilian semi-arid region
Published in Rural and remote health (01-12-2021)“…Specialized care barriers are widespread and multifactorial, with consequences for timely access, health outcomes, and equity, especially in rural contexts…”
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Dinâmica da regionalização e repercussões dos vazios assistenciais na comercialização da saúde em municípios rurais remotos
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (09-09-2024)“…Analisam-se a dinâmica da regionalização em municípios rurais remotos e as possíveis implicações dos vazios assistenciais na comercialização da saúde. Trata-se…”
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Contexto e organização da atenção primária à saúde em municípios rurais remotos no Norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (2021)“…Resumo: Analisam-se as características estruturais da atenção primária à saúde (APS), em suas dimensões de contexto e organizacional, em municípios rurais…”
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Consórcio Interfederativo de Saúde na Bahia, Brasil: implantação, mecanismo de gestão e sustentabilidade do arranjo organizativo no Sistema Único de Saúde
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (2022)“…Neste artigo, analisa-se a implantação, gestão, funcionamento e sustentabilidade dos Consórcios Interfederativos de Saúde e das Policlínicas Regionais de…”
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Atenção Primária à Saúde em municípios rurais remotos brasileiros: contexto, organização e acesso à atenção integral no Sistema Único de Saúde
Published in Saúde e sociedade (2023)“…Resumo A despeito da diversidade socioespacial, localidades rurais remotas têm em comum pequenos povoados dispersos em um vasto território, populações isoladas…”
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Organização da Atenção Primária à Saúde em um município rural remoto do norte do Brasil
Published in Saúde em Debate (2021)“…RESUMO O objetivo do artigo foi caracterizar a organização da Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) e suas interfaces com os demais serviços da rede assistencial em…”
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Additional compensation for health care professionals in COVID-19 pandemic: an essay in the light of health law
Published in Revista brasileira de medicina do trabalho (2022)“…This theoretical-critical assay is intended to perform a detailed reflection on the mandatory payment of an additional compensation to health care…”
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Organizational models for the sustainability of the National Tobacco Control Program: a pilot proposal to be adopted nationally
Published in Physis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) (2023)“…Abstract Introduction The consumption of tobacco products, from planting to consumption, is responsible for serious health problems, representing a cycle of…”
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The Councils of Municipal Health Secretariats and the National Tobacco Control Policy: a necessary approach
Published in Physis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) (2023)“…Abstract Tobacco-related diseases burden the entire public health system, at the three levels of governance: municipal, state and federal. The insertion of the…”
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Dynamics of regionalization and repercussions of gaps in care on health marketing in remote rural municipalities
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (2024)“…This article analyzed the dynamics of regionalization in municipalities within hinterlands and the possible implications of gaps in care for the marketing of…”
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Restricting the sale of tobacco products only in tobacconists: a necessary measure to strengthen the National Tobacco Control Policy
Published in Physis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) (2023)“…Abstract Objective To investigate and analyze current legislation, existing experiences and scenarios regarding the restriction of the sale of tobacco products…”
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Provision of specialized care in remote rural municipalities of the Brazilian semi-arid region
Published in Rural and remote health (01-12-2021)“…Introduction: Specialized care barriers are widespread and multifactorial, with consequences for timely access, health outcomes, and equity, especially in…”
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Primary Health Care sustainability in rural remote territories at the fluvial Amazon: organization, strategies, and challenges
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-04-2022)“…The article analyzes singularities of the Primary Health Care (PHC) organization in rural remote municipalities (RRM) in the Amazon under the influence of…”
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Impact of the use of heated tobacco products (HTP) on indoor air quality
Published in Physis (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) (2023)“…Abstract Introduction: Heated tobacco products (HTP) have gained popularity in recent years. However, questions have been raised about the damage they cause to…”
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Public health and communication: impasses facing Brazil's National Health System in democratic public opinion formation
Published in Ciência & saude coletiva (01-04-2022)“…This article discusses the political relations between construction of Brazil's national health system (SUS) and communication. Understanding communication as…”
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Context and organization of primary health care in remote rural communities in Northern Minas Gerais State, Brazil
Published in Cadernos de saúde pública (01-01-2021)Get full text
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