Search Results - "da Silva Andrade Neto, José"
Effect of Different Types of Paint on the Hygrothermal Behavior of Facade-Rendering Mortars in Brazil
Published in Journal of architectural engineering (01-06-2024)“…Facade-rendering mortars and their painting layers are constantly exposed to weather and, therefore, influence the hygrothermal behavior of buildings. The…”
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Effects of sulfates on the hydration of Portland cement – A review
Published in Construction & building materials (12-04-2021)“…•Calcium sulfate delays the C3A hydration but enhances the C3S hydration.•The sulfate depletion needs to be after the main C3S hydration peak.•The SO3 content…”
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Impact of C3A Polymorphism, Lignosulfonate Admixture, Limestone, and Calcium Sulfate Sources in the Hydration Kinetics and Rheology of Cement Pastes
Published in Journal of materials in civil engineering (01-06-2024)“…AbstractThe effect of C3A polymorphism, the calcium sulfate source, and the addition of limestone on the hydration kinetics and rheology of cement pastes and…”
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Single-burn clinkering of endodontic calcium silicate-based cements: Effects of ZnO in the C3S phase formation and hydration rate
Published in Materials letters (15-03-2022)“…•The incorporation of ZnO allowed to obtain cements with more than 80 wt% of C3S.•Hydration delays were not evidenced when ZnO is incorporated into C3S…”
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Effect of the superplasticizer addition time on the fresh properties of 3D printed limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) concrete
Published in Case Studies in Construction Materials (01-12-2023)“…Although 3D concrete printing (3DCP) is considered one of the most significant innovations in the construction sector, its large cement consumption remains an…”
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Effects of adding sugarcane bagasse ash on the properties and durability of concrete
Published in Construction & building materials (10-01-2021)“…•Effects of adding SCBA on the concrete properties and durability were investigated.•The durability in terms of chloride migration, carbonation and ASR was…”
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Eco-efficient cement production: Investigating water treatment plant sludge and eggshell filler use in LC3 systems
Published in Construction & building materials (29-08-2023)“…[Display omitted] •Up to 45% Portland cement was replaced with calcined WTPS and eggshell filler.•WTPS pozzolanic reactions consumed almost all portlandite at…”
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Effect of the combined use of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and metakaolin on the properties of cementitious matrices
Published in Construction & building materials (15-02-2021)“…•The addition of CNTs did not influence the hydration of the cement pastes.•CNTs and metakaolin increases the plastic viscosity and yield stress of the…”
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Effects of kaolinite and montmorillonite calcined clays on the sulfate balance, early hydration, and artificial pore solution of limestone calcined clay cements (LC3)
Published in Materials and structures (01-10-2024)“…This study investigated the physicochemical effects of kaolinite (CK) and montmorillonite (CM) calcined clays on the sulfate balance, early hydration, and…”
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Rheological behavior of fresh latex polymeric mortar by squeeze-flow technique
Published in Construction & building materials (18-01-2021)“…•Squeeze-flow is a convenient method for the rheological characterization of PM.•Viscosity and yield stress have linear correlation with the resin content of…”
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Hidratação na idade inicial de cimentos contendo ye’elemita (YCC) produzidos com catalisador gasto (SFCC)
Published in Ambiente construído (01-12-2024)“…Resumo Diante dos impactos ambientais associados à produção do cimento Portland convencional, o estudo de cimentos especiais de reduzido impacto ambiental tem…”
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Exploring sulfate optimization techniques in Limestone Calcined Clay Cements (LC3): limitations and insights
Published in Cement and concrete research (01-01-2024)Get full text
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Adição de finos de rocha granítica e seus efeitos nas propriedades de argamassas autoadensáveis
Published in Ambiente construído (01-07-2020)“…Resumo O presente estudo avalia a utilização de finos de rocha granítica (FRG) em argamassas autoadensáveis, visando obter características reológicas adequadas…”
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