Search Results - "da Silva, Luiz Antônio Franco"
Auricular pavilion arteriography in cattle
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (03-10-2017)“…Although bovine auricular pavilion has been considered to have large surface vessels, descriptions of its vascularization are scarce. Notwithstanding this…”
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Barbatiman and chitosan creams as adjuvants in rabbit skin wound healing
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (22-06-2016)“…In this study, 5% barbatiman and 5% chitosan creams were evaluated as adjuvants in the tissue repair process by secondary intention of rabbit’s skin wounds…”
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Mineral composition and microstructure of the abaxial hoof wall in dairy heifers after biotin supplementation
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-01-2021)“…The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of daily biotin supplementation on the mineral composition and microstructure of the abaxial hoof wall in…”
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Different methods of processing thermographic images to evaluate the carpal temperature of healthy calves
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (2022)“…Abstract The aim of this study was to compare three methods of processing thermographic images for the evaluation of carpal temperature in healthy calves…”
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Half a century of research on cattle foot and claw diseases: a scientometric analysis
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-01-2020)“…The objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate scientific publications on cattle foot and claw diseases using the Scopus database. A combination of…”
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Certification, agricultural waste, organic production, herbal medicine and biotechnology in the conception of farmers of the State of Goiás
Published in Revista Ceres (01-08-2016)“…ABSTRACT The organic production system aims not at the intensive exploitation of resources, but the correct management of waste, the use of alternative…”
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The effect of topical application of Stryphnodendron adstringens (Martius) Coville extract and oral biotin supplementation on recovery of wounds from digital dermatitis surgery
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-01-2015)“…Digital dermatitis can impair the health and milk yield of dairy cattle. Treatment of digital dermatitis involves corrective trimming and footbaths. The…”
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Published in Ciência animal brasileira (01-06-2015)“…Among the main benefits of laparoscopic adrenalectomy (LA) compared to open adrenalectomy (OA) the rapid recovery of patients with decreased length of stay in…”
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Methylene blue 1% solution on the prevention of intraperitoneal adhesion formation in a dog model
Published in Ciência rural (01-09-2013)“…Intraperitoneal adhesions usually are formed after abdominal surgeries and may cause technical difficulties during surgical intervention, chronic abdominal…”
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Mammary fibroadenomatoid hyperplasia in a heifer
Published in Ciência rural (2017)“…This manuscript described the anatomopathological and immunohistochemical findings in a rare case of mammary fibroadenomatoid hyperplasia in a 12-month-old…”
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The macroscopic and microscopic description of ruminal lesions in feedlot bovine
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (2022)“…Abstract Administration of diets rich in highly fermentable carbohydrates and low fiber content can cause an imbalance between the microorganisms in the rumen…”
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Antibacterials and behaviors adopted by milk producers in Goiás, Brazil
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (2023)“…Abstract Milk and its derivatives are rich in nutrients and widely consumed by the population. However, the presence of chemical residues is frequent in these…”
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Microstructure of the hoof capsule of pigmented and partial albino buffaloes
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-07-2022)“…In this study, atomic force microscopy (AFM), microtomography (MCT‐2D and MCT‐3D) and energy‐dispersive X‐ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF) were used to…”
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Comparison between poliglecaprone and chitosan absorbable sutures in laparorrhaphy and cecorrhaphy in rabbits
Published in Journal of biomedical materials research. Part B, Applied biomaterials (01-08-2019)“…Despite improvements in the development of sutures and surgical techniques of laparorrhaphy and enterorrhaphy, complications resulting from the process of…”
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Ocular echobiometry and head measurements in Jersey cattle from different age groups
Published in Anatomia, histologia, embryologia (01-03-2021)“…A longitudinal study was conducted to identify the morphological development of eyes and head of Jersey cattle at different ages. A total of 48 healthy Jersey…”
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Needle hygiene reduces the occurrence of post-vaccine abscesses in cattle
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-11-2019)“…Although vaccination is indispensable for animal production, the use of unhygienic needles can lead to post-vaccine abscesses and consequently loss of meat…”
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Antibacterianos e condutas adotadas por produtores de leite em Goiás, Brasil
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (01-02-2023)“…Resumo O leite e seus derivados são ricos em nutrientes e largamente consumidos pela população. Contudo, a presença de resíduos de substâncias químicas é…”
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Descrição macroscópica e microscópica das lesões ruminais em bovinos confinados
Published in Ciência animal brasileira (01-10-2022)“…Resumo O uso de dietas ricas em carboidratos altamente fermentáveis e com baixos teores de fibras pode ocasionar desequilíbrio entre os microrganismos do rúmen…”
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Tratamento de hérnia umbilical em bovinos
Published in Revista Ceres (01-02-2012)“…Bovinos jovens são frequentemente acometidos por hérnias umbilicais. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a ocorrência e estabeleceu-se o tratamento cirúrgico para…”
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Tramadol effects on clinical variables and the mechanical nociceptive threshold in horses
Published in Ciência rural (01-03-2014)“…This study assessed the clinical effects and the mechanical antinociceptive potential of intravenous (IV) tramadol in horses.A blinded and randomized study was…”
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