Search Results - "da Silva, Eulene Francisco"
Concentrations of metals in water, sediments and aquatic macrophytes in a river located in a region with a hot semi-arid climate
Published in Acta limnológica brasiliensia (2024)“…Abstract Aim i) is there a difference in the level of contamination in the different parts of the basin in the water, sediment and aquatic macrophytes…”
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Physical, chemical, and mineralogical attributes and organic fractions of biogenic aggregates of earthworms and toposequence of Inceptisol in semi-arid region
Published in Ciência e agrotecnologia (01-01-2021)“…ABSTRACT Earthworms are known to improve soil fertility by altering the physicochemical properties of soil. However, the changes in properties of biogenic…”
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Characterization and Classification of Soils in Agroecosystems in a Moist Enclave in Northeastern Brazil
Published in Land (Basel) (01-10-2023)“…Modern times have required studies that take into account the main soil features, aligning the use of land with the protection of more sensitive environments…”
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Clay Fraction Mineralogy and Structural Soil Attributes of Two Soil Classes under the Semi-Arid Climate of Brazil
Published in Land (Basel) (01-12-2022)“…Mineralogical studies are incipient and necessary in the Apodi Plateau, Brazil. This study aimed to evaluate the interrelationship between the mineralogy of…”
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Published in Caatinga (01-01-2016)“…ABSTRACT The Rafael Fernandes experimental farm is located in the Alagoinha district, northwest of Mossoró, State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, over two…”
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Inceptisol Physicochemical Attributes in the Caatinga Biome Agroforestry Systems
Published in Floresta e ambiente (01-01-2018)“…ABSTRACT We evaluated two areas of sustainable management within the Caatinga and one area of conventional agricultural cultivation to compare their…”
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Frações lábeis e recalcitrantes da matéria orgânica em solos sob integração lavoura-pecuária
Published in Pesquisa agropecuaria brasileira (01-10-2011)“…O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o estoque de carbono orgânico total (COT) e nitrogênio total (NT), C e N nas frações lábeis e recalcitrantes da matéria…”
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Nutrient and Heavy Metals Release from Mixtures of Organic Residues and Food Wastes in Composting
Published in Water, air, and soil pollution (01-06-2020)“…Composting has various benefits to achieve sustainability, such as substituting the use of fertilizers and preventing organic residues from being dumped in…”
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Estudo nutricional da canafístula (I): crescimento e qualidade de mudas em resposta à adubação com nitrogênio e fósforo
Published in Revista árvore (01-08-2013)“…A canafístula é uma importante espécie florestal nativa, encontrada em áreas de Cerrado, que ainda carece de informações nutricionais e de obtenção de mudas de…”
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Estudo nutricional da canafístula (II): eficiência nutricional em função da adubação com nitrogênio e fósforo
Published in Revista árvore (01-10-2012)“…Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar o efeito de doses combinadas de N e P no conteúdo de nutrientes, bem como na eficiência nutricional de mudas de…”
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Decomposition of sugar cane crop residues under different nitrogen rates
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-09-2014)“…The deposition of organic residues through mechanical harvesting of cane sugar is a growing practice in sugarcane production system. The maintenance of these…”
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Protective effect of divalent cations against aluminum toxicity in soybean
Published in Revista brasileira de ciência do solo (01-10-2008)“…A large proportion of soybean fields in Brazil are currently cultivated in the Cerrado region, where the area planted with this crop is growing considerably…”
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Quality evaluation and sugar beet postharvest conservation under modified atmosphere
Published in Brazilian archives of biology and technology (2000)“…This work had as objective the evaluation of sugar beets postharvest conservation under modified atmosphere and at environmental temperature (15 - 26° C). The…”
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Desenvolvimento de gladíolos em função da adubação nitrogenada e diâmetro do cormo
Published in Ornamental Horticulture (Campinas) (22-09-2014)“… O gladíolo é uma das plantas ornamentais mais cultivadas no Brasil, entretanto poucas são as informações científicas relacionadas à cultura. O objetivo desta…”
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Vermicompost and millicompost as a resource in sustainable agriculture in semiarid: decomposition, nutrient release, and microstructure under the action of nitrogen and organic-mineral fertilizers
Published in Environmental science and pollution research international (01-05-2024)“…With the expansion of organic agriculture, research is needed to indicate economically and ecologically viable fertilizer options, especially in semiarid…”
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Estudo nutricional da canafístula (I): crescimento e qualidade de mudas em resposta à adubação com nitrogênio e fósforo
Published in Revista árvore (01-08-2013)“…A canafístula é uma importante espécie florestal nativa, encontrada em áreas de Cerrado, que ainda carece de informações nutricionais e de obtenção de mudas de…”
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Adubação fosfatada no desenvolvimento de Hemerocallis fulva L
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (17-10-2013)Get full text
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Phosphorus fertilization on the development of Hemerocallis fulva L.Adubação fosfatada no desenvolvimento de Hemerocallis fulva L
Published in Semina. Ciências agrárias : revista cultural e científica da Universidade Estadual de Londrina (01-10-2013)“…In clayey Oxisol from the Brazilian Cerrado, where there is high P fixation, the phosphorus fertilization is necessary to increase the growth and flowering of…”
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