Search Results - "Zumbuhl, J."
Last phase of the Little Ice Age forced by volcanic eruptions
Published in Nature geoscience (01-08-2019)“…During the first half of the nineteenth century, several large tropical volcanic eruptions occurred within less than three decades. The global climate effects…”
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The Little Ice Age history of the Glacier des Bossons (Mont Blanc massif, France): a new high-resolution glacier length curve based on historical documents
Published in Climatic change (01-03-2012)“…Historical and proxy records document that there is a substantial asynchronous development in temperature, precipitation and glacier variations between…”
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The Glacier Views of Jean-Antoine Linck – A Milestone for the Mont Blanc Glacier History from the 18th to the 19th Century
Published in Revue de géographie alpine (01-01-2023)“…Interdisciplinary approaches are needed to reconstruct the behaviour of glaciers beyond the beginning of systematic measurements. For example, historical…”
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Glacier and lake-level variations in west-central Europe over the last 3500 years
Published in Holocene (Sevenoaks) (01-09-2005)“…On the basis of glacier and lake-level records, this paper attempts, for the first time, a comparison between high-resolution palaeohydrological and…”
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Historical glacier fluctuations of Jostedalsbreen and Folgefonna (southern Norway) reassessed by new pictorial and written evidence
Published in Holocene (Sevenoaks) (01-05-2011)“…Glaciers are sensitive indicators of past climate and thus valuable sources of climate history. Unfortunately, direct determinations of glacier changes…”
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Little Ice Age glacier history of the Central and Western Alps from pictorial documents
Published in Cuadernos de investigación geográfica (01-01-2018)“…The Lower Grindelwald Glacier (Bernese Oberland, Switzerland) consists of two parts, the Ischmeer in the east (disconnected) and the Bernese Fiescher Glacier…”
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32 Decay of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid IgG in Seropositive Health Care Workers Over Time
Published in Annals of emergency medicine (01-08-2021)Get full text
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Les vues glaciaires de Jean-Antoine Linck – un jalon de l’histoire des glaciers du Mont Blanc du xviiie au xixe siècle
Published in Revue de géographie alpine (06-11-2023)“…Des approches interdisciplinaires sont nécessaires pour reconstruire les fluctuations des glaciers au xixe siècle, au-delà du début des mesures systématiques…”
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209 Seroprevalence of Anti-SARS CoV-2 Nucleocapsid IgG in a Cohort of Healthcare Workers Over Nine Months
Published in Annals of emergency medicine (01-10-2021)Get full text
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Alpine climate during the Holocene: a comparison between records of glaciers, lake sediments and solar activity
Published in Journal of quaternary science (01-10-2011)“…The European Alps are very sensitive and vulnerable to climate change. Recent improvements in Alpine glacier length records and climate reconstructions from…”
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Sensitivity of European glaciers to precipitation and temperature - two case studies
Published in Climatic change (01-10-2008)“…A nonlinear backpropagation network (BPN) has been trained with high-resolution multiproxy reconstructions of temperature and precipitation (input data) and…”
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Glacier fluctuations in the western Swiss and French Alps in the 16th century
Published in Climatic change (01-09-1999)“…This article reviews evidence for 16th century glacial fluctuations in the western Swiss and the French Alps. Previously available sources and new historical…”
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19th century glacier representations and fluctuations in the central and western European Alps: An interdisciplinary approach
Published in Global and planetary change (2008)“…European Alpine glaciers are sensitive indicators of past climate and are thus valuable sources of climate history. Unfortunately, direct determinations of…”
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Glacier and Lake Level Variations in Werst-Central Europe over the Last 3500 Years
Published in Holocene (Sevenoaks) (01-01-2005)Get full text
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The practice of Irish kingship in the Central Middle Ages
Published 01-01-2005“…The institution of kingship was a fundamental feature of medieval Irish society; if we can better understand kingship, we can similarly gain a greater…”
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Dissertation -
Published in Erdkunde (2010)“…This article gives an introduction to the spatial and temporal diversity of mountain glaciers as climate indicators. Alongside some information about the…”
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Die Schwankungen der Grindelwaldgletscher in den Historischen Bild- und Schriftquellen des 12. bis 19. Jahrhunderts (The fluctuations of the Grindelwald Glaciers from written and illustrated sources from the 12th to the 19th Century)
Published in Mountain Research and Development (01-12-1981)Get full text
Book Review Journal Article -
Fluctuations of Climate and Glaciers in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, and Their Geoecological Significance, 1600 to 1975
Published in Arctic and alpine research (01-05-1978)Get full text
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Fluctuations of Climate and Glaciers in the Bernese Oberland, Switzerland, and Their Geoecological Significance, 1600 to 1975
Published in Arctic and alpine research (01-05-1978)“…Huge moraine masses and changes in area and volume of ice that have occurred since A.D. 1600 seem to indicate significant climatic fluctuations. On the other…”
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