Search Results - "Zetra, Yulfi"

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  1. 1

    Organic Geochemical Characteristics of Ngrayong Formation Polaman Sediment Rock, Northeast Java Basin-Indonesia by Zetra, Yulfi, Burhan, Rafwan Year Perry, Sulistiyono, Sulistiyono, Firmansyah, Arizal, Salsabila, Darin

    Published in Indonesian journal of chemistry (01-12-2023)
    “…A study of the sedimentary rocks of the Ngrayong formation has been carried out on five samples from the Polaman outcrop point to determine the potential of…”
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    Synthesis of 2-Hydroxyethyl Esters from Castor Oil as Lubrication Bio-Additive Candidates for Low-Sulfur Fossil Diesel by Firmansyah, Arizal, Zetra, Yulfi, Burhan, Rafwan Year Perry, Prasetyoko, Didik, Jamarun, Novesar

    Published in Indonesian journal of chemistry (01-08-2022)
    “…The present work aims to study the synthesis of 2-hydroxyethyl esters from castor oil and its lubrication properties, promising as a lubrication bio-additive…”
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  3. 3

    Low-Calorie Coal Liquefaction Products as an Alternative Fuel Oil by Zetra, Yulfi, Febriati, Anis, Nirmala, Dyah, Burhan, Rafwan Year Perry, Firmansyah, Arizal, Nugraheni, Zjahra Vianita

    Published in Indonesian journal of chemistry (01-12-2022)
    “…Liquefaction of low-rank coal has been done to optimize the utilization of low-rank coal, which is less economical for obtaining alternative fuel oil. Coal…”
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    Synthesis and Characterization of Diesel Lubricity Enhancer through Transesterification Reaction of Palm Oil with 1,2-Ethanediol by Zetra, Yulfi, Sholihah, Sovia Masfuri Walidatus, Burhan, R. Y. Perry, Firmansyah, R. Arizal

    Published in Automotive experiences (30-05-2021)
    “…Desulphurization of diesel fuel is necessary to be done to reduce sulphur content in the air. However, the desulphurization process will reduce the lubrication…”
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    Synthesis of Bio-additive for Low Sulphur Diesel: Transesterification of Soybean Oil and Ethylene Glycol using K2CO3 Catalyst by Hariyanto, Rhiby Ainur Basit, Firmansyah, R. Arizal, Burhan, R. Y. Perry, Zetra, Yulfi

    Published in Automotive experiences (13-03-2021)
    “…The desulphurization process of diesel fuel is carried out to reduce the amount of SO2 emissions that can cause acid rain. However, the desulphurization…”
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  6. 6

    The Oxygenated Biomarker as an Indicator of Origin and Maturity of Miocene Brown Coal, Sangatta Coal Mines, East Kalimantan by Zetra, Yulfi, Kusuma, Hendra Siswanto, Riandra, Fina, Sosrowidjojo, Imam B., Burhan, R.Y. Perry

    Published in Indonesian journal on geoscience (01-08-2018)
    “…DOI: 10.17014/ijog.5.2.107-116The Middle to Late Miocene brown coal extracted from Inul area, Sangatta coal mines, East Kalimantan, was studied to recognize…”
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    Aliphatic Biomarker Signatures of Crude Oil from Tarakan Subbasin, Tarakan Basin, North Kalimantan, Indonesia by Zetra, Yulfi, Burhan, R.Y. Perry, Fitriyyah, Maulida, Nugrahaeni, Zjahra Vianita

    Published in Indonesian journal on geoscience (01-08-2023)
    “…Organic geochemical studies of crude oil from Pamusian Field, Tarakan Subbasin, Tarakan Basin, North Kalimantan, have been done. Biomarker aliphatic…”
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