Search Results - "Zanetti, Antonio"
Effects of copper and selenium supplementation on performance and lipid metabolism in confined brangus bulls
Published in Animal bioscience (01-04-2014)“…Twenty-eight Brangus cattle were used to determine the effect of copper and selenium supplementation on performance, feed efficiency, composition of fatty…”
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The Effect of a Nutritional Intervention with the Use of Biofortified Beef Meat on Selected Biochemical Parameters in Blood from Older Adults
Published in Nutrients (16-07-2024)“…This study aimed to investigate the effects of meat biofortified with antioxidants and canola oil on the health of older adults through blood parameters…”
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Influence of Molybdenum and Organic Sources of Copper and Sulfur on the Performance, Carcass Traits, Blood Mineral Concentration, and Ceruloplasmin Activity in Lambs
Published in Animals (Basel) (01-09-2023)“…This study aimed to evaluate the effects of molybdenum (Mo) and organic and inorganic sources of copper (Cu) and sulfur (S) on the performance, carcass traits,…”
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Increasing Selenium and Vitamin E in Dairy Cow Milk Improves the Quality of the Milk as Food for Children
Published in Nutrients (29-05-2019)“…In this study, we investigated the beneficial effects of milk biofortified with antioxidants on the health of children. Two experiments were conducted:…”
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Effects of dietary selenium, sulphur and copper levels on selenium concentration in the serum and liver of lamb
Published in Animal bioscience (01-08-2014)“…Thirty-two lambs were distributed in eight treatments under 2×2×2 factorial experiment to compare the effects of two levels of selenium (0.2 to 5 mg/kg dry…”
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Copper and selenium supplementation in the diet of Brangus steers on the nutritional characteristics of meat
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-01-2013)“…Twenty-eight Brangus cattle were used to determine the effect of copper and selenium supplementation on the carcass characteristics, fatty acid composition of…”
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Metabolic changes in ruminant calves fed cation-anion diets with different proportions of roughage and concentrate
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-02-2012)“…Two experiments were carried out with twenty-four male weaned Holstein calves to verify the influence of different dietary cation-anion concentrate and…”
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Supplementation of diets for Santa Ines sheep with organic and inorganic zinc sources
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-09-2012)“…This research was conducted with objective to evaluate the effect of different zinc (Zn) sources and doses in the diet for Santa Ines sheep. Forty lambs at…”
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Assessment, evaluation and nutrition monitoring in older people living in a rest home
Published in Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición (01-06-2015)“…Institutionalized elderly have an increased risk of changes in nutritional status, therefore sensitive parameters are necessary for the identification of…”
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Effect of oral selenium administration on cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats
Published in Pharmacological research (01-01-2001)“…Cis -diamminedichloroplatinum(II) (CP), an important antineoplasic drug, shows remarkable toxicity to the kidney. Methods to reduce CP nephrotoxicity include…”
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Changes in ruminal fermentation and mineral serum level in animals kept in high temperature environments
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-04-2010)“…In order to evaluate the effect of environmental temperature on ruminal fermentation and on mineral levels of growing ruminants, it was used 12 male calves…”
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Desempenho e resposta metabólica de bezerros recebendo dietas suplementadas com cromo
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-12-2003)“…Quatorze bezerros com quatro meses de idade, foram distribuídos em dois tratamentos, sendo um controle e um com suplementação de 0,4 mg de cromo orgânico por…”
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Contagem de células somáticas no leite de vacas suplementadas com selênio e vitamina E
Published in Brazilian journal of veterinary research and animal science (01-12-2006)“…O selênio e a vitamina E são antioxidantes importantes na defesa de células e tecidos e atuam diretamente na manutenção da saúde do úbere, influenciando a…”
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Contagem de células somáticas no leite de vacas suplementadas no pré-parto com selênio e vitamina E
Published in Ciência rural (01-10-2006)“…O selênio e a vitamina E são antioxidantes importantes na defesa de células e tecidos e atuam diretamente na manutenção da saúde do úbere, influenciando a…”
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Substituição do milho em grão moído pela polpa cítrica na desmama precoce de bezerros leiteiros
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-02-2001)“…O presente trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estudar a substituição do milho em grão moído pela polpa cítrica no concentrado de 28 bezerros da raça…”
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Desempenho de novilhos consumindo suplemento mineral proteinado convencional ou com uréia
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (2000)“…Foram utilizados 48 bovinos mestiços, com a finalidade de testar quatro suplementos minerais comerciais: Tratamento A - Sal proteinado sem uréia (com 20% de…”
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Changes on meat fatty acid profile, cholesterol and hepatic metabolism associated with antioxidants and canola oil supplementation for Nellore cattle
Published in Livestock science (01-03-2022)“…•Changes in lipid metabolism were related to antioxidant and oil supplementation.•Supplementation with canola oil was associated with better meat nutritional…”
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Effect of different selenium sources and concentrations on glutathione peroxidase activity and cholesterol metabolism of beef cattle
Published in Journal of animal science (01-12-2021)“…Abstract The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different Se sources and concentrations on glutathione forms and cholesterol metabolism…”
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Balanço cátion-aniônico da dieta na composição do leite
Published in Ciência rural (01-10-2006)“…Foram utilizadas oito vacas Holandesas em lactação, distribuídas em um quadrado latino (4x4), replicado, num experimento conduzido durante o verão, por um…”
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Changes in ruminal fermentation and mineral serum level in animals kept in high temperature environments Mudança na fermentação ruminal do alimento e na concentração sérica de minerais em animais mantidos em ambientes de alta temperatura
Published in Revista brasileira de zootecnia (01-04-2010)“…In order to evaluate the effect of environmental temperature on ruminal fermentation and on mineral levels of growing ruminants, it was used 12 male calves…”
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