Search Results - "Zakarya, Driss"
Structure-cytotoxicity relationships for a series of HEPT derivatives
Published in Journal of molecular modeling (01-01-2002)“…Structure-cytotoxicity relationships were studied for a series of 90 HEPT derivatives by means of multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural…”
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Pattern recognition system based on empirical knowledge: Sandalwood and camphoraceous odours application
Published in Mathematics and computers in simulation (01-05-2008)“…In the first part of this paper, structure–odour relationships for sandalwood odourants were studied for a set of 158 compounds (75 inactive and 83 active)…”
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Structure-olfactive threshold relationships for pyrazine derivatives
Published in Journal of molecular modeling (01-09-2006)“…Structure-olfactive threshold relationships for 40 pyrazine derivatives have been studied by multivariate statistical analysis. Variable descriptors used to…”
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Application Des Reseaux de Neurones Avec la Regularisation Bayesienne pour la Modelisation de la Synthese de l'hydroxyapatite Elaboree a Partir du Carbonate de Calcium et de L'acide Phosphorique
Published in Phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements (01-08-2010)“…We have used a new, robust model mapping technique-a Bayesian-regularized neural network-to develop a quantitative relationships model for the synthesis of the…”
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Experimental Design-Based Response Surface Methodology Optimization for Synthesis of β-Mercapto Carbonyl Derivatives as Antimycobacterial Drugs Catalyzed by Calcium Pyrophosphate
Published in International Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (Online) (01-01-2014)“…A simple protocol for the efficient preparation of β-mercapto carbonyl derivatives as antimycobacterial drugs has been achieved via Thia-Michael reaction…”
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Published in Journal of engineering studies and research (01-10-2013)“…The optimization for process production of stainless steel corrosion inhibitor formulated with 1.3-Diphenyl-3-phenylsulfanyl-propan-1-one was studied using a 2…”
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Prediction of solubility of aliphatic alcohols using the restricted components of autocorrelation method (RCAM)
Published in Journal of molecular modeling (01-12-2003)“…Structure-water solubility modeling of aliphatic alcohols was performed using the multifunctional autocorrelation method. The molecule is represented by using…”
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Determination of fuzzy logic membership functions using genetic algorithms: application to structure-odor modeling
Published in Journal of molecular modeling (01-12-2004)“…Fuzzy logic has been used as a tool in structure-camphoraceous odor relationships. The data base studied included 99 molecules. The rules used to discriminate…”
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Structure-toxicity relationships study of a series of organophosphorus insecticides
Published in Journal of molecular modeling (01-05-2002)“…Structure-toxicity relationships were studied for a set of 47 insecticides by means of multiple linear regression (MLR) and artificial neural network (ANN). A…”
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Application Des Réseaux de Neurones Avec la Régularisation Bayésienne pour la Modélisation de la Synthèse de l'hydroxyapatite Élaborée à Partir du Carbonate de Calcium et de L'acide Phosphorique
Published in Phosphorus, sulfur, and silicon and the related elements (30-07-2010)“…We have used a new, robust model mapping technique-a Bayesian-regularized neural network-to develop a quantitative relationships model for the synthesis of the…”
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Quantitative structure-diastereoselectivity relationships for arylsulfoxide derivatives in radical chemistry
Published in Journal of molecular modeling (01-08-2003)“…Quantitative structure-diastereoselectivity relationships were studied for the intermolecular radical addition of deuterium and allyltributyltin to chiral…”
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Autocorrelation Method Adapted To Generate New Atomic Environments: Application for the Prediction of 13-C Chemical Shifts of Alkanes
Published in Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences (01-05-2002)“…The concept of the multifunctional autocorrelation method governing global description of molecules was changed in order to take into account the structural…”
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Structure–boiling point relationships of alkanes using the multifunctional autocorrelation method
Published in Journal of molecular modeling (01-01-2001)Get full text
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Application of neural networks to structure-sandalwood odour relationships
Published in Journal of physical organic chemistry (01-08-1997)“…Neural networks have proved to be particularly successful in their ability to identify non‐linear relationships. This paper shows that a three‐layer…”
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Quantitative structure-enantioselectivity relationships using neural networks. Bioconversion of carbonyl compounds using baker's yeast
Published in Journal of physical organic chemistry (01-10-1996)“…Quantitative structure‐enantioselectivity relationships were studied for the reduction of a set of 73 carbonyl compounds with baker's yeast. The established…”
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