Search Results - "Zahner, Gwendolyn E. P."
Dementia subtypes in China: prevalence in Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, and Chengdu
Published in Archives of neurology (Chicago) (01-03-2005)“…Prevalences of Alzheimer disease (AD) and vascular dementia (VaD) in China reportedly differ from those in Western countries. To estimate prevalence of AD and…”
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Parkinson's disease in China: Prevalence in Beijing, Xian, and Shanghai
Published in The Lancet (British edition) (12-02-2005)“…A cross-sectional prevalence study of Parkinson's disease in China was undertaken in 1997-98. We assessed 29?454 residents aged > or =55 years from 79 rural…”
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Multivariate Logistic Models for Incomplete Binary Responses
Published in Journal of the American Statistical Association (01-03-1996)“…In this article we describe a likelihood-based regression model appropriate for analyzing incomplete multivariate binary responses. We focus on "marginal…”
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Socio-demographic variation of dementia subtypes in china: Methodology and results of a prevalence study in Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, and Xian
Published in Neuroepidemiology (01-01-2006)“…To characterize sociodemographic variations in the prevalence of AD and VaD in China. Data were collected in a 1997-1998, cross-sectional, door-to-door…”
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Bivariate logistic regression analysis of childhood psychopathology ratings using multiple informants
Published in American journal of epidemiology (01-12-1995)“…A central issue in studies of risk factors for childhood psychopathology is utilization of the information obtained about the child's mental health status from…”
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Parkinson's disease in China: prevalence in Beijing, Xian, and Shanghai
Published in The Lancet (British edition) (12-02-2005)“…A cross-sectional prevalence study of Parkinson's disease in China was undertaken in 1997–98. We assessed 29454 residents aged ⩾55 years from 79 rural and 58…”
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Relations over time between psychiatric and somatic disorders: the Stirling County Study
Published in American journal of epidemiology (01-07-1992)“…A longitudinal study of a general population in Atlantic Canada provided information on associations between two broad categories of illness: somatic disorders…”
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Goodness-of-fit for GEE: an example with mental health service utilization
Published in Statistics in medicine (30-01-1999)“…Suppose we use generalized estimating equations to estimate a marginal regression model for repeated binary observations. There are no established summary…”
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Use of multiple informant data as a predictor in psychiatric epidemiology
Published in International journal of methods in psychiatric research (01-02-1999)“…Multiple informant reports of psychopathology are often collected in studies of psychiatric epidemiology. Previous reports have primarily focused on methods…”
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Factors associated with mental health, general health, and school-based service use for child psychology
Published in American journal of public health (1971) (01-09-1997)“…This study was designed to identify factors associated with service use for child psychopathology in three settings: mental health, general health, and school…”
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Diagnostic specificity of a brief measure of expressed emotion: a community study of children
Published in Journal of child psychology and psychiatry (01-02-1993)“…The association between expressed emotion (EE) and psychiatric disorders was investigated in a community survey of 108 preadolescent children. Results…”
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Modelling sources of informant variance in parent and teacher ratings of child psychopathology
Published in International journal of methods in psychiatric research (01-02-1998)“…Factors influencing agreement between parent and teacher ratings of child psychopathology were studied in a population‐based survey of 1458 children aged six…”
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Loss in childhood: anxiety in adulthood
Published in Comprehensive psychiatry (01-11-1989)“…Recent research, especially in Great Britain, has attracted interest by reporting on the relationship between maternal loss and vulnerability to depression…”
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Psychological consequences of infestation of the dwelling unit
Published in American journal of public health (1971) (01-11-1985)“…Interview data from a three-wave panel study of the impact of the residential environment upon the psychological well-being of 337 minority women were used to…”
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Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Evidence supporting a genetic relationship
Published in Archives of general psychiatry (01-12-1986)“…Previous studies have suggested that obsessive-compulsive symptoms frequently occur among patients with Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome (TS). To examine the…”
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