Search Results - "ZINZOW, Heidi"
A Longitudinal Study of Risk Factors for Repeated Sexual Coercion and Assault in U.S. College Men
Published in Archives of sexual behavior (01-01-2015)“…The purpose of the current study was to understand the prevalence, severity, and predictors of repeated sexual coercion and assault (SCA) in a non-criminal…”
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Beliefs About Consent and Sexual Assault Perpetration in a Longitudinal Study of College Men
Published in Violence and victims (01-06-2019)“…This study examined the mediating role of beliefs about both active and passive consent in the prospective associations between sexual assault (SA) risk…”
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Factors associated with use of verbally coercive, incapacitated, and forcible sexual assault tactics in a longitudinal study of college men
Published in Aggressive behavior (01-01-2015)“…Although verbally coerced and incapacitated sexual assaults are common, less is known about perpetrators of these incidents in comparison to perpetrators of…”
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Barriers to Formal Help-seeking following Sexual Violence: Review from within an Ecological Systems Framework
Published in Victims & offenders (18-08-2022)“…Only a minority of adolescent/adult survivors seek formal assistance following sexual victimization, and as such may not receive adequate care. The current…”
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Women's Behavioral Coping Responses During Sexual Assault: Association With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and the Moderating Role of Alexithymia
Published in Violence against women (01-09-2023)“…We examined the associations between women's behavioral coping responses during sexual assault and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, and the…”
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Trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder in adults with severe mental illness: A critical review
Published in Clinical psychology review (01-08-2011)“…There is a great deal of research on the prevalence, correlates, and treatment of PTSD in the general population. However, we know very little about the…”
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Connecting active duty and returning veterans to mental health treatment: Interventions and treatment adaptations that may reduce barriers to care
Published in Clinical psychology review (01-12-2012)“…Recent military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq have involved multiple deployments and significant combat exposure, resulting in high rates of mental health…”
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Driving Aggression and Anxiety: Intersections, Assessment, and Interventions
Published in Journal of clinical psychology (01-01-2018)“…Objective Driving aggression and anxiety are significant contributors to risky driving and motor vehicle crashes (MVCs), which are leading causes of U.S…”
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Applying the uses and gratifications theory to identify motivational factors behind young adult's participation in viral social media challenges on TikTok
Published in Human Factors in Healthcare (Online) (01-12-2022)“…Social media usage can impact its users’ mental and physical health. In particular, social media challenges, activities performed by an individual or a group…”
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Time-Varying Risk Factors and Sexual Aggression Perpetration Among Male College Students
Published in Journal of adolescent health (01-12-2015)“…Abstract Purpose Preventing sexual aggression (SA) can be informed by determining if time-varying risk factors differentiate men who follow different sexual…”
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Prevalence and mental health correlates of witnessed parental and community violence in a national sample of adolescents
Published in Journal of child psychology and psychiatry (01-04-2009)“…Background: Although research suggests that witnessed violence is linked to adverse mental health outcomes among adolescents, little is known about its…”
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Receipt of Post-Rape Medical Care in a National Sample of Female Victims
Published in American journal of preventive medicine (01-08-2012)“…Background It is important for rape victims to receive medical care to prevent and treat rape-related diseases and injuries, access forensic exams, and connect…”
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Internet-based interventions for traumatic stress-related mental health problems: A review and suggestion for future research
Published in Clinical psychology review (01-07-2009)“…Exposure to potentially traumatic events is a common occurrence. Most individuals exposed to such an event are resilient or recover rapidly, although some…”
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A feasibility study on low-dose mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention among prediabetes and diabetes patients
Published in Complementary therapies in medicine (01-05-2022)“…To investigate the feasibility of delivering a low-dose mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) intervention among prediabetes/diabetes patients in a…”
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Correlates of Reasons for Not Reporting Rape to Police: Results From a National Telephone Household Probability Sample of Women With Forcible or Drug-or-Alcohol Facilitated/Incapacitated Rape
Published in Journal of interpersonal violence (01-02-2013)“…Rape tactics, rape incident characteristics, and mental health problems (lifetime depression, PTSD, and substance abuse) were investigated as correlates of…”
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Prevalence and risk of psychiatric disorders as a function of variant rape histories: results from a national survey of women
Published in Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology (01-06-2012)“…Purpose Rape is an established risk factor for mental health disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive episodes (MDE), and…”
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Evaluation of a Brief Suicide Prevention Training Program for College Campuses
Published in Archives of suicide research (02-01-2020)“…Suicide is the second leading cause of death in college students. While research indicates a positive impact of gatekeeper training programs on knowledge and…”
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A Longitudinal Investigation of Interpersonal Violence in Relation to Mental Health and Substance Use
Published in Journal of consulting and clinical psychology (01-08-2008)“…The authors examined longitudinally the mental health status of women as a function of different types and combinations of exposure to interpersonal violence…”
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The Role of Different Stigma Perceptions in Treatment Seeking and Dropout Among Active Duty Military Personnel
Published in Psychiatric rehabilitation journal (01-06-2015)“…Objective: Many military personnel with mental health problems do not seek treatment from mental health professionals, and if they do seek treatment, they drop…”
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Understanding Disparities in Service Seeking Following Forcible Versus Drug- or Alcohol-Facilitated/Incapacitated Rape
Published in Journal of interpersonal violence (01-09-2016)“…Victims of drug- or alcohol-facilitated/incapacitated rape (DAFR/IR) are substantially less likely to seek medical, rape crisis, or police services compared…”
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