Search Results - "Yves Bertot"
Views of PI: Definition and computation
Published in Journal of Formalized Reasoning (01-10-2014)“…We study several formal proofs and algorithms related to the number pi in the context of Coq's standard library. In particular, we clarify the relation between…”
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C-language floating-point proofs layered with VST and Flocq
Published in Journal of Formalized Reasoning (21-12-2020)“…We demonstrate tools and methods for proofs about the correctness and numerical accuracy of C programs. The tools are foundational, in that they are connected…”
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C floating-point proofs layered with VST and Flocq
Published in Journal of Formalized Reasoning (01-03-2021)“…We demonstrate tools and methods for proofs about the correctness and numerical accuracy of C programs. The tools are foundational, in that they are connected…”
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Corrigendum: C floating-point proofs layered with VST and Flocq
Published in Journal of Formalized Reasoning (01-03-2021)Get full text
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C-language oating-point proofs layered with VST and Flocq 1
Published in Journal of Formalized Reasoning (01-01-2020)“…We demonstrate tools and methods for proofs about the correctness and numerical accuracy of C programs. The tools are foundational, in that they are connected…”
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Distant Decimals of π: Formal Proofs of Some Algorithms Computing Them and Guarantees of Exact Computation
Published in Journal of automated reasoning (01-06-2018)“…We describe how to compute very far decimals of π and how to provide formal guarantees that the decimals we compute are correct. In particular, we report on an…”
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Distant Decimals of $$\pi $$ π : Formal Proofs of Some Algorithms Computing Them and Guarantees of Exact Computation
Published in Journal of automated reasoning (01-06-2018)Get full text
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Inductive and Coinductive Components of Corecursive Functions in Coq
Published in Electronic notes in theoretical computer science (12-06-2008)“…In Constructive Type Theory, recursive and corecursive definitions are subject to syntactic restrictions which guarantee termination for recursive functions…”
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Formal Verification of a Geometry Algorithm: A Quest for Abstract Views and Symmetry in Coq Proofs
Published 03-09-2018“…International Colloquium on Theoretical of Computing (ICTAC), Oct 2018, Stellenbosch, South Africa This extended abstract is about an effort to build a formal…”
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The CtCoq system : Design and architecture
Published in Formal aspects of computing (01-09-1999)“…The CtCoq user-interface is a graphical user-interface designed to be added to the Coq proof development system, acting as a broker between the human user and…”
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Distant decimals of $\pi
Published 06-09-2017“…We describe how to compute very far decimals of $$\pi$$ and how to provide formal guarantees that the decimals we compute are correct. In particular, we report…”
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Structural abstract interpretation, A formal study using Coq
Published 13-10-2008“…Dans LERNET Summer School (2008) interpreters are tools to compute approximations for behaviors of a program. These approximations can then be used for…”
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Theorem proving support in programming language semantics
Published 06-07-2007“…We describe several views of the semantics of a simple programming language as formal documents in the calculus of inductive constructions that can be verified…”
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A simple canonical representation of rational numbers
Published in Electronic notes in theoretical computer science (01-09-2003)“…We propose to use a simple inductive type as a basis to represent the field of rational numbers. We describe the relation between this representation of…”
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A Combination of a Dynamic Geometry Software With a Proof Assistant for Interactive Formal Proofs
Published in Electronic notes in theoretical computer science (19-09-2012)“…This paper presents an interface for geometry proving. It is a combination of a dynamic geometry software, Geogebra [Geogebra development team, Introduction to…”
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Extending the Calculus of Constructions with Tarski's fix-point theorem
Published 11-10-2006“…We propose to use Tarski's least fixpoint theorem as a basis to define recursive functions in the calculus of inductive constructions. This widens the class of…”
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A Proof of GMP Square Root
Published in Journal of automated reasoning (01-01-2002)“…We present a formal proof (at the implementation level) of an efficient algorithm proposed by P. Zimmermann in 1999 to compute square roots of arbitrarily…”
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CoInduction in Coq
Published 29-03-2006“…We describe the basic notions of co-induction as they are available in the coq system. As an application, we describe arithmetic properties for simple…”
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Coq in a Hurry
Published 29-03-2006“…Cours (2008) 22 pages These notes provide a quick introduction to the Coq system and show how it can be used to define logical concepts and functions and…”
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