Search Results - "Yorulmaz, Yılmaz İlker"
The Relationship of Organisational Trust with Organisational Justice, Organisational Commitment, and Organisational Citizenship Behaviours in Educational Organisations: A Meta-Analysis
Published in Egitim ve Bilim (01-01-2021)“…The purpose of this study is to determine the mean effect sizes of the relationship of organisational trust with organisational justice, organisational…”
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The Relationship between Teachers’ Structural and Psychological Empowerment and their Autonomy
Published in Eğitim bilimleri araştırmaları dergisi (15-10-2018)“…The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between teachers’ structural and psychological empowerment and their autonomy. This study was…”
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Egitim Örgütlerinde Örgütsel Güven ile Örgütsel Adalet, Örgütsel Baglilik ve Örgütsel Vatandaslik Davranislari Arasindaki Iliskiler: Bir Meta-Analiz Çalismasi
Published in Egitim ve Bilim (01-10-2021)“…Bu arastirmanin amaci, egitim örgütlerinde örgütsel güven ile örgütsel adalet, örgütsel baglilik ve örgütsel vatandaslik davranislari arasindaki iliskilerin…”
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Öğretmenlerin örgütsel güvenleri ile özerklikleri arasındaki ilişkide örgütsel güç mesafesi algısının aracı rolü
Published in MANAS Journal of Social Studies (27-04-2023)“…Bu çalışmada öğretmenlerin örgütsel güvenleri ile özerklikleri arasındaki ilişkide örgütsel güç mesafesi algısının aracı rolünün belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır…”
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The Relationship between Teachers’ Leadership Behaviours and Emotional Labour
Published in Eğitim bilimleri araştırmaları dergisi (15-10-2015)“…In this study, it was aimed to determine the relationship between teachers’ leadership and emotional labour behaviours. The study was designed using…”
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Öğretmenlerin yapısal ve psikolojik güçlendirilmeleri ile özerklik davranışları arasındaki ilişki
Published in Eğitim bilimleri araştırmaları dergisi (01-02-2018)“…Bu araştırmada, öğretmenlerin yapısal ve psikolojik güçlendirilmeleri ile özerklik davranışları arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma…”
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The Relationship between Teachers’ Occupational Professionalism and Organizational Alienation
Published in Education process: international journal (01-01-2015)“…The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between occupational professionalism and organizational alienation levels of teachers. The study is…”
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The examination of teacher burnout in Turkey: A meta-analysis
Published in Turkish journal of education (01-01-2018)“…The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of gender, marital status, subject matter, school type, educational status and seniority variables on…”
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A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Burnout
Published in Eurasian journal of educational research (01-01-2017)“…Purpose: Given the inconsistency among research studies on the relationship between burnout and job satisfaction of teachers in Turkey, it is of great…”
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An evaluation of PISA 2015 achievements of OECD countries within income distribution and education expenditures
Published in Turkish journal of education (31-10-2017)Get full text
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