Search Results - "Yoon, Youngho"
Briançon-Skoda exponents and the maximal root of reduced Bernstein-Sato polynomials
Published in Selecta mathematica (Basel, Switzerland) (01-09-2022)“…For a holomorphic function f on a complex manifold X , the Briançon-Skoda exponent e BS ( f ) is the smallest integer k with f k ∈ ( ∂ f ) (replacing X with a…”
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Structural evolution of the southwestern margin of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (Japan Sea) and tectonic implications
Published in Tectonophysics (20-04-2011)“…Structural mapping and restoration of depth-converted seismic profiles from the southwestern Ulleung Basin in the East Sea (Japan Sea) back-arc basin reveal…”
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Spectrum of projective plane curve arrangements with ordinary singularities
Published in Communications in algebra (03-10-2019)“…The Hodge spectrum is an important analytic invariant of singularities encoding the Hodge filtration and the monodromy of the Milnor fiber. However, explicit…”
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Cross-section restoration and one-dimensional basin modeling of the Central Subbasin in the southern Kunsan Basin, Yellow Sea
Published in Marine and petroleum geology (01-08-2010)“…The petroleum system of the Kunsan Basin in the Northern South Yellow Sea Basin is not well known, compared to other continental rift basins in the Yellow Sea,…”
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Intersection cohomology of pure sheaf spaces using Kirwan’s desingularization
Published in Journal of geometry and physics (01-02-2021)“…Let Mn be the Simpson compactification of twisted ideal sheaves IL,Q(1) where Q is a rank 4 quadratic hypersurface in Pn and L is a linear subspace of…”
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On the explicit calculation of Hirzebruch-Milnor classes of certain low dimensional hyperplane arrangements and some combinatorics
Published in Communications in algebra (02-10-2020)“…The Hirzebruch-Milnor class is given by the difference between the homology Hirzebruch characteristic class and the virtual one. It is known that the…”
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Spectrum of Hyperplane Arrangements in Four Variables
Published in Communications in algebra (03-06-2015)“…One of the most important invariants in singularity theory is the Hodge spectrum. Calculating the Hodge spectrum is a difficult task and formulas exist for…”
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SphereSR: 360^ Image Super-Resolution with Arbitrary Projection via Continuous Spherical Image Representation
Published in 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (01-06-2022)“…The 360^{\circ} imaging has recently gained much attention; however, its angular resolution is relatively lower than that of a narrow field-of-view (FOV)…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Cross-Guided Optimization of Radiance Fields with Multi-View Image Super-Resolution for High-Resolution Novel View Synthesis
Published in 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) (01-06-2023)“…Novel View Synthesis (NVS) aims at synthesizing an image from an arbitrary viewpoint using multi-view images and camera poses. Among the methods for NVS,…”
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Conference Proceeding -
Higher Du Bois singularities of hypersurfaces
Published in Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society (01-09-2022)“…For a complex algebraic variety X$X$, we introduce higher p$p$‐Du Bois singularity by imposing canonical isomorphisms between the sheaves of Kähler…”
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Rank One Local Systems and Forms of Degree One
Published in International mathematics research notices (2016)Get full text
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Geophysical characteristics of the Hupijiao Rise and their implication to Miocene volcanism in the northeastern part of the East China Sea
Published in Marine geology (01-05-2015)“…Results of numerous geological and geophysical surveys of the East China Sea Shelf Basin (ECSSB), mainly from the southwestern part, indicate that the basin…”
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Spectrum of Projective Plane Curve Arrangements with Ordinary Singularities
Published 11-04-2018“…The Hodge spectrum is an important analytic invariant of singularities encoding the Hodge filtration and the monodromy of the Milnor fiber. Explicit formulas…”
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Intersection cohomology of pure sheaf spaces using Kirwan's desingularization
Published 22-10-2020“…Let $\mathbf{M}_n$ be the Simpson compactification of twisted ideal sheaves $\mathcal{I}_{L,Q}(1)$ where $Q$ is a rank $4$ quardric hypersurface in…”
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Tjurina spectrum and graded symmetry of missing spectral numbers
Published 26-11-2024“…For a hypersurface isolated singularity defined by $f$, the Steenbrink spectrum can be obtained as the Poincar\'e polynomial of the graded quotients of the…”
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Spectrum of hyperplane arrangements in four variables
Published 01-01-2013“…Hodge spectrum is one of the most important invariants of hypersurface singularities and a hyperplane arrangement contains the simplest higher dimensional…”
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Dissertation -
GMT: Enhancing Generalizable Neural Rendering via Geometry-Driven Multi-Reference Texture Transfer
Published 01-10-2024“…Novel view synthesis (NVS) aims to generate images at arbitrary viewpoints using multi-view images, and recent insights from neural radiance fields (NeRF) have…”
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Some remarks on the generalized Hertling conjecture for Tjurina spectrum
Published 10-06-2024“…We study the generalized Hertling conjecture on the variance of the Tjurina spectral numbers, and provide a sufficient condition for the conjecture to fail. We…”
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A simple method of correction for profile-length water-column height variations in high-resolution, shallow-water seismic data
Published in Ocean science journal (01-06-2017)“…In high-resolution, shallow-water seismic surveys, correction for water-column height variations caused by tides, weather, and currents is an important part of…”
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On the explicit calculation of Hirzebruch-Milnor classes of hyperplane arrangements
Published 02-07-2018“…The Hirzebruch-Milnor class is given by the difference between the homology Hirzebruch characteristic class and the virtual one. It is known that the…”
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