Search Results - "Yoldi, Alfredo"
Effectiveness and safety of dapagliflozin in real-life patients: data from the DAPA-RWE Spanish multicentre study
Published in Drugs in Context (2022)“…This study aims to evaluate dapagliflozin in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) in clinical practice in Spain. This is a retrospective study including adults…”
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Seguimiento no presencial mediante la carpeta de salud, para ajuste del tratamiento hipoglucemiante en pacientes que inician tratamiento esteroideo
Published in International journal of integrated care (08-08-2019)“…Introducción y Objetivos: La necesidad de insulinización transitoria es frecuente en pacientes diabéticos que reciben tratamiento esteroideo de forma aguda y a…”
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Eficacia del papel de la enfermer@ gestor@ de casos (EGC) como modelo integrador para la reducción de comorbilidades en una unidad de atención al paciente diabético crónico
Published in International journal of integrated care (08-08-2019)“…Introducción: La diabetes fue creada como modelo de integración entre los distintos niveles de salud para dar una respuesta integral al paciente…”
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P1– Transition from the pediatric to adolescent health care service for type 1 diabetes mellitus patients
Published in Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery (01-07-2010)Get full text
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P15– Good practice for clinical management in Type 1 diabetes patients with special needs
Published in Otolaryngology-head and neck surgery (01-07-2010)Get full text
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A real-life study of the medium to long-term effectiveness of a hypercaloric, hyperproteic enteral nutrition formula specifically for patients with diabetes on biochemical parameters of metabolic control and nutritional status
Published in Endocrinología, diabetes y nutrición. (01-05-2022)“…Although current recommendations suggest the use of specific formulas in enteral nutrition in people with diabetes, there is little evidence of their long-term…”
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A real-life study of the medium to long-term effectiveness of a hypercaloric, hyperproteic enteral nutrition formula specifically for patients with diabetes on biochemical parameters of metabolic control and nutritional status
Published in Endocrinología, diabetes y nutrición. (11-06-2021)“…Although current recommendations suggest the use of specific formulas in enteral nutrition in people with diabetes, there is little evidence of their long-term…”
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Treatment of patients with hyperglycemia at discharge
Published in Medicina clinica (04-06-2013)Get more information
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Height and weight development in an adolescent with complete growth hormone deficiency secondary to a craniopharyngioma
Published in Endocrinologia y nutricion (01-05-2011)Get more information
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Insulin requirements and residual beta-cell function 12 months after concluding immunotherapy in type I diabetic patients treated with combined azathioprine and thymostimulin administration for one year
Published in Journal of autoimmunity (01-10-1990)“…An increase in clinical and functional remissions with immunosuppression, as well as abnormal T-cell function, in Type I diabetic patients has been reported in…”
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Diabetes mellitus onset in young patient: Type 1 diabetes?
Published in Endocrinologia y nutrición (English ed.) (01-04-2012)Get full text
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Adrenal endothelial cyst with a preoperative image suggesting malignancy
Published in Endocrinologia y nutrición (English ed.) (01-03-2012)Get full text
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Diabetes mellitus onset in young patient: type 1 diabetes?
Published in Endocrinologia y nutricion (01-04-2012)Get more information
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Adrenal endothelial cyst with a preoperative image suggesting malignancy
Published in Endocrinologia y nutricion (01-03-2012)Get more information
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