Search Results - "Yaqub, Lukuman S"
Redox balance and metabolic responses in pregnant ewes at different periods of the dry season in the tropics
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (01-05-2019)“…The study investigated the influence of ambient temperature and gestation on the redox homeostasis and metabolic profile of Yankasa ewes during the dry season…”
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Diurnal, seasonal, and sex patterns of heart rate in grip‐restrained African giant rats (Cricetomys gambianus, Waterhouse)
Published in Physiological reports (01-10-2015)“…This study was carried out to determine heart rate (HR) values, including diurnal, seasonal, and sex patterns, in the African giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus,…”
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Redoks-ravnoteža i metabolički odgovori gravidnih ovaca u različitim razdobljima sušne sezone u tropskim krajevima
Published in Veterinarski arhiv (12-07-2019)“…Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio ustanoviti utjecaj temperature okoliša i gravidnosti na redoks-homeostazu i metabolički profil ovaca pasmine Yankasa za vrijeme…”
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