Search Results - "Yannelis, Nicholas C"
On monotone pure-strategy Bayesian-Nash equilibria of a generalized contest
Published in Games and economic behavior (01-07-2023)“…We introduce a new approach to studying the existence of a monotone pure-strategy Bayesian-Nash equilibrium in an n-player single-prize contest model that…”
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Existence of Walrasian equilibria with discontinuous, non-ordered, interdependent preferences, without free disposal, and with an infinite-dimensional commodity space
Published in Economic theory (01-09-2024)“…A new proof of the existence of a Walrasian equilibrium with an infinite dimensional commodity space is provided, which allows agents’ preferences to be…”
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Incentive compatibility under ambiguity
Published in Economic theory (01-04-2022)“…The paper examines notions of incentive compatibility in an environment with ambiguity-averse agents. In particular, we propose the notion of maxmin transfer…”
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Robust coalitional implementation
Published in Games and economic behavior (01-03-2022)“…The paper introduces coalition structures to study belief-free full implementation. When the mechanism designer does not know which coalitions are admissible,…”
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Existence of Walrasian equilibria with discontinuous, non-ordered, interdependent and price-dependent preferences, without free disposal, and without compact consumption sets
Published in Economic theory (01-04-2022)“…We extend a result on existence of Walrasian equilibria in He and Yannelis (Econ Theory 61:497–513, 2016 ) by replacing the compactness assumption on…”
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On nondegenerate equilibria of double auctions with several buyers and a price floor
Published in Economic theory (01-04-2022)“…This paper investigates the existence of a nondegenerate pure-strategy Bayesian-Nash equilibrium in a double auction between one seller and several…”
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On monotone approximate and exact equilibria of an asymmetric first-price auction with affiliated private information
Published in Journal of economic theory (01-11-2019)“…This paper develops a new approach to investigating equilibrium existence in first-price auctions with many asymmetric bidders whose types are affiliated and…”
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Persuasion in an asymmetric information economy: a justification of Wald’s maxmin preferences
Published in Economic theory (01-10-2021)“…To justify the use of Wald’s maxmin preferences in an asymmetric information economy, we introduce a mechanism designer who can convince/persuade agents to…”
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Stable sets for asymmetric information economies
Published in International journal of economic theory (01-03-2015)“…An exchange economy with asymmetrically informed agents is considered with an exogenous rule that regulates the information sharing among agents. In this…”
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Existence of Walrasian equilibria with discontinuous, non-ordered, interdependent and price-dependent preferences
Published in Economic theory (01-03-2016)“…We generalize the classical equilibrium existence theorems by dispensing with the assumption of continuity of preferences. Our new existence results allow us…”
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Saturation and the integration of Banach valued correspondences
Published in Journal of mathematical economics (01-07-2008)“…This note illustrates that the saturation property of a probability space can be used to routinely generalize results on the integration of Banach valued…”
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Uncertainty, efficiency and incentive compatibility: Ambiguity solves the conflict between efficiency and incentive compatibility
Published in Journal of economic theory (01-09-2018)“…A fundamental result of modern economics is the conflict between efficiency and incentive compatibility, that is, the fact that some Pareto optimal (efficient)…”
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Existence of equilibria in discontinuous Bayesian games
Published in Journal of economic theory (01-03-2016)“…We provide easily-verifiable sufficient conditions on the primitives of a Bayesian game to guarantee the existence of a behavioral-strategy Bayes–Nash…”
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Randomization under ambiguity: Efficiency and incentive compatibility
Published in Journal of mathematical economics (01-10-2020)“…We generalize de Castro and Yannelis (2018) by taking into account the use of randomization. We answer the following questions: Is each efficient allocation of…”
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Full Implementation under Ambiguity
Published in American economic journal. Microeconomics (01-02-2021)“…This paper introduces the maxmin expected utility framework into the problem of fully implementing a social choice set as ambiguous equilibria. Our model…”
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Discontinuous games with asymmetric information: An extension of Reny's existence theorem
Published in Games and economic behavior (01-05-2015)“…We introduce asymmetric information to games with discontinuous payoffs and prove new equilibrium existence theorems. In particular, the seminal work of Reny…”
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On strategic complementarities in discontinuous games with totally ordered strategies
Published in Journal of mathematical economics (01-05-2017)“…This paper studies the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in games with strategic complementarities where the strategy sets are totally ordered. By…”
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Mixed strategy implementation under ambiguity
Published in Economic theory bulletin (01-05-2022)“…We extend the previous work of De Castro et al. ( 2017a , 2017b ) into mixed strategies…”
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Shapley and Scarf housing markets with consumption externalities
Published in Journal of public economic theory (01-09-2020)“…We introduce externalities into the classical model by Shapley and Scarf; that is, agents care about others and their preferences are defined over allocations…”
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Core and stable sets of exchange economies with externalities
Published in Economic theory bulletin (01-04-2023)“…It is known that the core of an economy with externalities may be empty. We consider two concepts of dominance that allow us to prove that the set formed by…”
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