Search Results - "Yani Aranguren"
Microalgae: Potential for Bioeconomy in Food Systems
Published in Applied sciences (01-12-2021)“…The efficient use of natural resources is essential for the planet’s sustainability and ensuring food security. Colombia’s large availability of water…”
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Docking and Molecular Dynamic of Microalgae Compounds as Potential Inhibitors of Beta-Lactamase
Published in International journal of molecular sciences (31-01-2022)“…Bacterial resistance is responsible for a wide variety of health problems, both in children and adults. The persistence of symptoms and infections are mainly…”
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Phycoremediation as a Strategy for the Recovery of Marsh and Wetland with Potential in Colombia
Published in Resources (Basel) (01-02-2022)“…Colombia is the country with the sixth highest amount of water reserves in the world, and 25% of its territory is covered by wetlands. However, approximately…”
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The mitochondrial genome of the terrestrial carnivorous plant Utricularia reniformis (Lentibulariaceae): Structure, comparative analysis and evolutionary landmarks
Published in PloS one (19-07-2017)“…The carnivorous plants of the family Lentibulariaceae have attained recent attention not only because of their interesting lifestyle, but also because of their…”
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Pigment Production Improvement in Rhodotorula mucilaginosa AJB01 Using Design of Experiments
Published in Microorganisms (Basel) (14-02-2021)“…The discovery of biopigments has received considerable attention from the industrial sector, mainly for potential applications as novel molecules with…”
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Cross-Correlation and Fractal Analysis in the Images Diatoms Symmetry
Published in Applied sciences (01-04-2023)“…Diatoms are one of the main species of interest due to their possible impact on the maintenance of ecosystems, as well as their photosynthetic capacity and…”
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Development of microsatellite markers for the carnivorous plant Genlisea aurea (Lentibulariaceae) using genomics data of NGS
Published in Molecular biology reports (01-02-2018)“…Genlisea aurea A.St.-Hil. is a carnivorous plant endemic species to Brazil in the Lentibulariaceae family. Very few studies have addressed the genetic…”
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Identificación y caracterización de rizobacterias nativas fijadoras de nitrógeno de Capsicum sp. de la región caribe colombiana
Published in Revista de Investigación Agraria y Ambiental (01-07-2022)“…Contextualización del tema: El uso de inoculantes biológicos o biofertilizantes basados en bacterias promotoras del crecimiento constituye una alternativa…”
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Caracterización fenotípica y genotípica de cultivares de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) de Dibulla, La Guajira, Colombia
Published in Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria (04-09-2020)“…En la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta los cultivos de cacao están conformados mayoritariamente por cultivares híbridos comerciales y, aunque se encuentran cacaos…”
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Understanding the local endemism of Magnolia calimaensis (Lozano) Goovaerts: analysis of its genetic diversity and structure
Published in Conservation genetics (21-11-2024)“…This study aims to comprehend the factors that influence local endemism in Magnolia calimaensis , a tree species inhabiting the rain forests of Buenaventura in…”
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Bacillus strain selection with plant growth-promoting mechanisms as potential elicitors of systemic resistance to gray mold in pepper plants
Published in Saudi journal of biological sciences (01-08-2020)“…•Bacillus licheniformis induced resistance against gray mold in pepper plants.•Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus pumilus inhibited the growth of Botrytis…”
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Microbiological water quality and sources of contamination along the coast of the Department of Atlántico (Caribbean Sea of Colombia). Preliminary results
Published in Marine pollution bulletin (01-05-2019)“…Microbiological sea water quality is a public health problem that has serious repercussions in the tourism and economy of Colombia. This study determines the…”
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The mitochondrial genome of the terrestrial carnivorous plant Utricularia reniformis
Published in PloS one (19-07-2017)“…The carnivorous plants of the family Lentibulariaceae have attained recent attention not only because of their interesting lifestyle, but also because of their…”
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Caracterización fenotípica y genotípica de cultivares de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) de Dibulla, La Guajira, Colombia: Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of cocoa isolates (Threobroma cacao L.) from Dibulla, Guajira
Published in Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria (04-09-2020)“…En la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta los cultivos de cacao están conformados mayoritariamente por cultivares híbridos comerciales y, aunque se encuentran cacaos…”
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Filogenia del reino Chromista
Published in Revista Sextante Barranquilla (02-12-2019)“…La clasificación de los organismos vivos ha sido modificada numerosas veces, debido a que algunos grupos han sido difíciles de catalogar. Actualmente se…”
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