Search Results - "Xue, Jason"
Near-Free Lifetime Extension for 3-D nand Flash via Opportunistic Self-Healing
Published in IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems (01-11-2024)“…3-D nand flash memories are the dominant storage media in modern data centers due to their high performance, large storage capacity, and low-power consumption…”
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Exploiting Asymmetric Errors for LDPC Decoding Optimization on 3D NAND Flash Memory
Published in IEEE transactions on computers (01-04-2020)“…By stacking layers vertically, the adoption of 3D NAND has significantly increased the capacity for storage systems. The complex structure of 3D NAND…”
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Access Characteristic Guided Read and Write Regulation on Flash Based Storage Systems
Published in IEEE transactions on computers (01-12-2018)“…NAND flash memory is now used in various storage systems, such as embedded systems, personal computers, and web servers. The developments in bit density and…”
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Minimizing Retention Induced Refresh Through Exploiting Process Variation of Flash Memory
Published in IEEE transactions on computers (01-01-2019)“…Refresh schemes have been the default approach in NAND flash memory to avoid data losses. The critical issue of the refresh schemes is that they introduce…”
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DaTuM: Dynamic tone mapping technique for OLED display power saving based on video classification
Published in 2015 52nd ACM/EDAC/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC) (01-06-2015)“…The adoption of the latest OLED (organic light emitting diode) technology does not change the fact that screen is still one of the most energy-consuming…”
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Exploiting Parallelism for Access Conflict Minimization in Flash-Based Solid State Drives
Published in IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems (01-01-2018)“…Solid state drives (SSDs) have been widely deployed in personal computers, data centers, and cloud storages. In order to improve performance, SSDs are usually…”
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Optimizing Scheduling and Intercluster Connection for Application-Specific DSP Processors
Published in IEEE transactions on signal processing (01-11-2009)“…Signal processing applications have high instruction level parallelism (ILP) and real-time performance requirements. Embedded and application specific…”
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Checkpointing-Aware Loop Tiling for Energy Harvesting Powered Nonvolatile Processors
Published in IEEE transactions on computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems (01-01-2019)“…As power failures often occur in energy harvesting powered nonvolatile processors (NVPs), checkpointing is needed during program execution. It is observed that…”
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Dynamic localisation of mature microRNAs in Human nucleoli is influenced by exogenous genetic materials
Published in PloS one (06-08-2013)“…Although microRNAs are commonly known to function as a component of RNA-induced silencing complexes in the cytoplasm, they have been detected in other…”
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Thread Criticality Assisted Replication and Migration for Chip Multiprocessor Caches
Published in IEEE transactions on computers (01-10-2017)“…Non-Uniform Cache Architecture (NUCA) is a viable solution to mitigate the problem of large on-chip wire delay due to the rapid increase in the cache capacity…”
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Optimized address assignment with array and loop transformations for minimizing schedule length
Published in IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Regular papers (2008)“…Reducing address arithmetic operations by optimization of address offset assignment greatly improves the performance of digital signal processor (DSP)…”
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DVFS-Based Long-Term Task Scheduling for Dual-Channel Solar-Powered Sensor Nodes
Published in IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems (01-11-2017)“…Solar-powered sensor nodes (SCSNs) with energy storages have the greatest potential and are widely used in the coming era of the Internet of Things, since they…”
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Minimizing Access Cost for Multiple Types of Memory Units in Embedded Systems Through Data Allocation and Scheduling
Published in IEEE transactions on signal processing (01-06-2012)“…Software-controlled memories, such as scratch-pad memory (SPM), have been widely adopted in many digital signal processors to achieve high performance with low…”
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Task Allocation on Nonvolatile-Memory-Based Hybrid Main Memory
Published in IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems (01-07-2013)“…In this paper, we consider the task allocation problem on a hybrid main memory composed of nonvolatile memory (NVM) and dynamic random access memory (DRAM)…”
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Loop scheduling and bank type assignment for heterogeneous multi-bank memory
Published in Journal of parallel and distributed computing (01-06-2009)“…Many high-performance DSP processors employ multi-bank on-chip memory to improve performance and energy consumption. This architectural feature supports higher…”
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Wear-Leveling Aware Page Management for Non-Volatile Main Memory on Embedded Systems
Published in IEEE transactions on multi-scale computing systems (01-04-2016)“…Non-volatile Memories (NVMs), have many promising characteristics, such as low leakage power, low cost, non-volatility, and high scalability, which are all…”
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Genome Sequences of Gordonia Phages Hotorobo, Woes, and Monty
Published in Genome announcements (Washington, DC) (11-08-2016)“…Hotorobo, Woes, and Monty are newly isolated bacteriophages of Gordonia terrae 3612. The three phages are related, and their genomes are similarly sized…”
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Joint task assignment and cache partitioning with cache locking for WCET minimization on MPSoC
Published in Journal of parallel and distributed computing (01-11-2011)“…Cache locking technique is often utilized to guarantee a tighter prediction of Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET) which is one of the most important performance…”
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Sleep-aware mode assignment in wireless embedded systems
Published in Journal of parallel and distributed computing (01-07-2011)“…Minimizing energy consumption is a key issue in designing wireless embedded systems. While a lot of work has been done to manage energy consumption on single…”
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Dual partitioning multicasting for high-performance on-chip networks
Published in Journal of parallel and distributed computing (01-01-2014)“…As the number of cores integrated onto a single chip increases, power dissipation and network latency become ever-increasingly stringent. On-chip network…”
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