Search Results - "Xavier, DDS"

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    Published in Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy (01-10-2021)
    “…Objetivos: Analisar o número de plasma rico em plaquetas desprezados em razão do uso de medicamentos com atividade antiagregante plaquetária no Hemocentro…”
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    Clinical trial investigating success rates for polyether and vinyl polysiloxane impressions made with full-arch and dual-arch plastic trays by Johnson, Glen H., DDS, MS, Mancl, Lloyd A., PhD, Schwedhelm, E. Ricardo, DDS, MSD, Verhoef, Douglas R., DDS, Lepe, Xavier, DDS, MS

    “…Statement of problem Success rates for making fixed prosthodontic impressions based on material and tray selection are not known. Purpose The purpose of this…”
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    Retention of Metal-Ceramic Crowns With Contemporary Dental Cements by Johnson, Glen H., DDS, MS, Lepe, Xavier, DDS, MS, Zhang, Hai, DMD, PhD, Wataha, John C., DMD, PhD

    “…ABSTRACT Background New types of crown and bridge cement are in use by practitioners, and independent studies are needed to assess their effectiveness. The…”
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    Accuracy of a reformulated fast-set vinyl polysiloxane impression material using dual-arch trays by Kang, Alex H., DDS, MSD, Johnson, Glen H., DDS, MS, Lepe, Xavier, DDS, MS, Wataha, John C., DMD, PhD

    Published in The Journal of prosthetic dentistry (01-05-2009)
    “…Statement of problem A common technique used for making crown impressions involves use of a vinyl polysiloxane impression material in combination with a…”
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    Assessment of preference of mixing techniques and duration of mixing and tray loading for two viscosities of vinyl polysiloxane material by Nam, Jung, DMD, MS, MSD, Raigrodski, Ariel J., DMD, MS, Townsend, John, DDS, MSD, Lepe, Xavier, DDS, MS, Mancl, Lloyd A., PhD

    “…Statement of problem Information regarding operators' preferences for different impression mixing techniques and duration of mixing and tray loading is…”
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    Influence of Atopy in the Outcome of Avulsed and Replanted Teeth during 5 Years of Follow-up by Roskamp, Liliane, DDS, MSc, PhD, Silva Neto, Ulisses Xavier da, DDS, MSc, PhD, Carneiro, Everdan, DDS, MSc, PhD, Fariniuk, Luiz Fernando, DDS, MSc, PhD, Westphalen, Vania Portela Ditzel, DDS, MSc, PhD

    Published in Journal of endodontics (01-01-2017)
    “…Abstract Introduction The goal of replantation after dental avulsion is to maintain the tooth in its socket. Presence of vital periodontal ligament cells on…”
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    Effect of abutment angulation on the strain on the bone around an implant in the anterior maxilla: A finite element study by Saab, Xavier E., DDS, Griggs, Jason A., PhD, Powers, John M., PhD, Engelmeier, Robert L., DMD, MS

    Published in The Journal of prosthetic dentistry (01-02-2007)
    “…Statement of problem Angled abutments are often used to restore dental implants placed in the anterior maxilla due to esthetic or spatial needs. The effect of…”
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    Can Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Novel Gabapentin-Lactam Enhance Maxillary Bone Formation? by Oshima, Toshiyuki, DDS, DMD, Duttenhoefer, Fabian, DDS, MD, DMD, Xavier, Samuel, DDS, PhD, Nelson, Katja, DDS, PhD, Sauerbier, Sebastian, MD, DDS, PhD

    Published in Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery (01-03-2014)
    “…Purpose Novel gabapentin-lactam (GBP-L) has shown its potency in enhancing new bone formation (NBF) in vitro. The objective of the present preclinical trial…”
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    Reliability and Reproducibility of Manual and Automated Volumetric Measurements of Periapical Lesions by Aoki, Eduardo Massaharu, DDS, Abdala-Júnior, Reinaldo, DDS, Oliveira, Jefferson Xavier de, DDS, PhD, Arita, Emiko Saito, DDS, PhD, Cortes, Arthur Rodriguez Gonzalez, DDS, PhD

    Published in Journal of endodontics (01-09-2015)
    “…Abstract Introduction The present study aimed to test the reliability and reproducibility of 2 methods: manual and automated segmentation (using a…”
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    Enlargement of the Pharynx Resulting From Surgically Assisted Rapid Maxillary Expansion by Vinha, Pedro Pileggi, DDS, Faria, Ana Célia, DDS, PhD, Xavier, Samuel Porfirio, DDS, PhD, Christino, Mariana, DDS, de Mello-Filho, Francisco Veríssimo, MD, PhD

    Published in Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery (01-02-2016)
    “…Purpose Given that transverse maxillary deficiency is an etiologic factor of obstructive sleep apnea and is intimately connected to pharyngeal size, the…”
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    Finite Element Analysis of Bone Stress After SARPE by de Assis, Diogo Souza Ferreira Rubim, DDS, PhD, Xavier, Tathy Aparecida, DDS, PhD, Noritomi, Pedro Yoshito, PhD, Gonçales, Eduardo Sanches, DDS, PhD

    “…Purpose This study investigated stress distribution in maxillas that underwent surgically assisted palatal expansion (SARPE). Materials and Methods Five…”
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