Search Results - "Wuensch, S"
Frequency-multiplexed bias and readout of a 16-pixel superconducting nanowire single-photon detector array
Published in Applied physics letters (17-07-2017)“…We demonstrate a 16-pixel array of microwave-current driven superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors with an integrated and scalable frequency-division…”
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Synchronous single-photon detection with self-resetting, GHz-gated superconducting NbN nanowires
Published in Applied physics letters (28-09-2020)“…We demonstrate a GHz-gated operation of resonator-coupled superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors suitable for synchronous applications. In comparison…”
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Probing the density of states of two-level tunneling systems in silicon oxide films using superconducting lumped element resonators
Published in Applied physics letters (12-01-2015)“…We have investigated dielectric losses in amorphous silicon oxide (a-SiO) thin films under operating conditions of superconducting qubits (mK temperatures and…”
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Superconducting noise bolometer with microwave bias and readout for array applications
Published in Applied physics letters (24-07-2017)“…We present a superconducting noise bolometer for terahertz radiation, which is suitable for large-format arrays. It is based on an antenna-coupled…”
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Integrated Four-Pixel Narrow-Band Antenna Array for Picosecond THz Spectroscopy
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-04-2016)“…One of the most promising sources for pulsed terahertz (THz) radiation is coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR). Due to their response time in the picosecond…”
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Optimized Microwave LEKID Arrays for High-Resolution Applications
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-06-2013)“…High-resolution applications demand a strong increase in number of pixels of detector arrays. In terms of the lumped-element kinetic inductance detector, this…”
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A Novel Analytical Model of Resonance Effects of Log-Periodic Planar Antennas
Published in IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation (01-11-2009)“…In this paper a new analytical model about the calculation of resonance frequencies and bandwidth of log-periodic planar antennas is proposed. The two previous…”
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Investigation and Optimization of LEKID Coupling Structures and Multi-Pixel Arrays at 4.2 K
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-06-2011)“…The development of large multi-pixel detector applications with lumped element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKID) requires a detailed knowledge about the…”
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Infrared Photo-Response of Fe-Shunted Ba-122 Thin Film Microstructures
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-06-2013)“…We present a study of the response to pulsed infrared radiation of Fe layer shunted pnictide thin film microstructures. The thin film multilayer consisting of…”
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Dimensionen des Universums. Von Daniela Wuensch
Published in Physik in unserer Zeit (01-01-2011)Get full text
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Development of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Amplifiers as Readout for Detectors at 4.2 K
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-06-2011)“…Readout amplifiers with high bandwidth and extremely low power dissipation at liquid helium temperature for various superconducting detectors (e.g. SNSPD, HEB…”
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Cryogenic Semiconductor Amplifier for RSFQ-Circuits With High Data Rates at 4.2 K
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-06-2009)“…The connection of RSFQ circuits with commercial room temperature electronics and amplifying SFQ pulses with high data rates require cryogenic interface…”
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Superconductor-to-Semiconductor Interface Circuit for High Data Rates
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-02-2009)“…We present a new kind of rapid-single-flux-quantum (RSFQ) output driver together with a pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (p-HEMT) amplifier both…”
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Coupling of Microwave Resonators to Feed Lines
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-06-2009)“…Superconducting transmission line resonators can be used to read out different sensors, e.g. flux qubit, transition edge sensor, or as detection element in…”
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Intraocular pressure, safety and quality of life in glaucoma patients switching to latanoprost from adjunctive and monotherapy treatments
Published in European journal of ophthalmology (01-09-2004)“…To evaluate efficacy, safety and quality of life in ocular hypertensive or open-angle glaucoma patients changed to latanoprost from previous therapy. A…”
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Daniela Wuensch. Der Erfinder der 5. Dimension: Theodor Kaluza, Leben und Werk . 715 pp., bibl., index. Göttingen: Termessos, 2007. €59.50 (cloth)
Published in Isis (01-06-2009)Get full text
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Design and implementation of cryogenic semiconductor amplifiers as interface between RSFQ circuits
Published in Cryogenics (Guildford) (01-11-2009)“…Rapid single flux quantum (RSFQ) circuits create high interest in cryogenic amplifiers as interface to commercial room temperature electronics. The…”
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Buchbesprechung: Der Erfinder der 5. Dimension – Theodor Kaluza. Leben und Werk. Von D. Wuensch
Published in Physik in unserer Zeit (01-09-2007)Get full text
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Thermal noise of microwave superconducting filter-amplifier combinations
Published in IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity (01-06-2005)“…Superconducting filters in radioastronomical receiver frontends at cm-wavelengths may eliminate nearby terrestrial interference signals since they offer very…”
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Anisotropic rare-earth spin ensemble strongly coupled to a superconducting resonator
Published in Physical review letters (08-04-2013)“…Interfacing photonic and solid-state qubits within a hybrid quantum architecture offers a promising route towards large scale distributed quantum computing…”
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