Search Results - "Woźniak, Piotr"
Application of Polymeric Tubular Ultrafiltration Membranes for Separation of Car Wash Wastewater
Published in Membranes (Basel) (28-09-2024)“…The commercial ultrafiltration tubular polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) (100 and 200 kDa) and polyethersulfone (PES) (4 kDa) membranes were applied for…”
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The Resistance of Polyethersulfone Membranes on the Alkaline Cleaning Solutions
Published in Membranes (Basel) (01-01-2024)“…Polyethersulfone (PES) is a polymer popularly used to produce ultrafiltration (UF) membranes. PES is relatively hydrophobic; thus, hydrophilic ingredients are…”
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The Local Last Glacial Maximum of the southern Scandinavian Ice Sheet front: Cosmogenic nuclide dating of erratics in northern Poland
Published in Quaternary science reviews (01-09-2019)“…This paper presents new results of terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide dating of erratics in northern Poland. We report the first exposure ages of erratics located…”
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Carwash Oily Wastewater Separated by Ultrafiltration
Published in Separations (01-06-2024)“…In the present study, oily wastewater generated during car washing was separated using ultrafiltration (UF). Wastewater was collected from the settling tank of…”
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Wettability Studies of Capillary PTFE Membranes Applied for Membrane Distillation
Published in Membranes (Basel) (08-01-2023)“…In the present study, the membrane distillation (MD) process was studied with the use of commercial polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) capillary membranes. For…”
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Effects of Alkaline Cleaning Agents on the Long-Term Performance and Aging of Polyethersulfone Ultrafiltration Membranes Applied for Treatment of Car Wash Wastewater
Published in Membranes (Basel) (24-05-2024)“…The commercial ultrafiltration polyethersulfone (PES) membranes (10 and 100 kDa) blended with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) were applied for the filtration of car…”
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Debris flows with soft-sediment clasts in a Pleistocene glaciolacustrine fan (Gdańsk Bay, Poland)
Published in Catena (Giessen) (01-06-2018)“…Clast-rich debris-flow deposits in a glaciolacustrine fan are exposed in a cliff along the north-western part of the Gdańsk Bay (Baltic Sea) in Poland. The…”
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Debris flow and glacioisostatic-induced soft-sediment deformation structures in a Pleistocene glaciolacustrine fan: The southern Baltic Sea coast, Poland
Published in Geomorphology (Amsterdam, Netherlands) (01-02-2019)“…Middle Pleistocene glaciolacustrine fan sediments are exposed along a cliff at the Baltic Sea coast, where plastic and brittle soft-sediment deformation…”
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The Late Weichselian glacial record in northern Poland: A new look at debris transport routes by the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet
Published in Quaternary international (02-11-2015)“…The area of the Kashubian Coastland and areas adjacent to the northern part of the Lower Vistula Valley (northern Poland) were involved in the major…”
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Cleaning of Ultrafiltration Membranes: Long-Term Treatment of Car Wash Wastewater as a Case Study
Published in Membranes (Basel) (19-07-2024)“…Car wash wastewaters (CWWs) contain various pollutants with different contents. Hence, selecting an appropriate process for their treatment is a great…”
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Liquefaction and re-liquefaction of sediments induced by uneven loading and glacigenic earthquakes: Implications of results from the Latvian Baltic Sea coast
Published in Sedimentary geology (15-07-2021)“…Seven internally-deformed layers were recognised in the shallow marine bay sediments deposited during mid Marine Isotope Stage 2 along the Latvian Baltic Sea…”
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Deep inspiration breath hold reduces the mean heart dose in left breast cancer radiotherapy
Published in Radiology and oncology (29-01-2021)“…Patients with left breast cancer who undergo radiotherapy have a non-negligible risk of developing radiation-induced cardiovascular disease (CVD)…”
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Directional properties of glacial relief and sediments as an effect of multi-stage evolution: Case study of the Tczew Hump, northern Poland
Published in Quaternary international (15-01-2019)“…This paper focuses on the upland territory south-west of the Gulf of Gdańsk characterized by the existence of numerous hills with distinct ordering of their…”
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Ce(III) formate-derived hierarchical cerium oxide particles with icosahedral symmetry-based architectures: Effect of third level of structural hierarchy in soot and propane oxidation
Published in Acta materialia (01-12-2024)“…The article investigates the role of architecture of complex hierarchically structured ceria and gadolinium doped ceria particles in soot combustion…”
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Myofascial and balance tests after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in adolescent patients
Published in Biomedical human kinetics (01-01-2023)“…: The functional assessment of patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) is one of the key points in deciding whether one can safely…”
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A case of fulminant sepsis caused by Capnocytophaga canimorsus after a dog bite
Published in IDCases (01-01-2020)“…Many species of microorganisms of various human pathogenicity have been identified in the oral cavities of dogs and cats. One of them is Capnocytophaga…”
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Size‐Dependent Photon Avalanching in Tm3+ Doped LiYF4 Nano, Micro, and Bulk Crystals
Published in Advanced optical materials (01-10-2022)“…Photon avalanche (PA) is a highly nonlinear mode of upconversion that is characterized by 100–1000‐fold increase in luminescence intensity upon minute…”
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Unravelling the complex nature of the Upper Weichselian till section at Gdynia Babie Doły, northern Poland
Published in Geologos (01-03-2016)“…The complexity of glacial sequences may increase when these formed underneath ice sheets despite subsequent changes in their extent that are accompanied by…”
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Polyethersulfone membrane fouling mitigation during ultrafiltration of wastewaters from car washes
Published in Desalination (06-04-2024)“…The car wash wastewater was separated by ultrafiltration. The commercial ultrafiltration (UF) polyethersulfone (PES) membranes (10 and 100 kDa) were applied…”
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Application of polypropylene microfiltration membranes for separation of wastewater from car wash
Published in Separation and purification technology (01-03-2024)Get full text
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