Search Results - "Wermeskerken, Margot"
Looking through Sherlock's eyes: Effects of eye movement modelling examples with and without verbal explanations on deductive reasoning
Published in Journal of computer assisted learning (01-10-2022)“…Background Eye movement modelling examples (EMME) are demonstrations in which learners' not only see a model's (e.g., a teacher's) task performance on a…”
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Do social cues in instructional videos affect attention allocation, perceived cognitive load, and learning outcomes under different visual complexity conditions?
Published in Journal of computer assisted learning (01-08-2023)“…Background There are only few guidelines on how instructional videos should be designed to optimize learning. Recently, the effects of social cues on attention…”
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What Am I Looking at? Interpreting Dynamic and Static Gaze Displays
Published in Cognitive science (01-01-2018)“…Displays of eye movements may convey information about cognitive processes but require interpretation. We investigated whether participants were able to…”
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Inferring task performance and confidence from displays of eye movements
Published in Applied cognitive psychology (01-11-2020)“…Summary Eye movements reveal what is at the center of people's attention, which is assumed to coincide with what they are thinking about. Eye‐movement displays…”
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Causal diagramming to improve students' monitoring accuracy and text comprehension: Effects of diagram standards and self‐scoring instructions
Published in Applied cognitive psychology (01-01-2024)“…Students' monitoring of their text comprehension must be accurate for self‐regulated learning to be effective. Completing causal diagrams after reading (i.e.,…”
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Attention to the model's face when learning from video modeling examples in adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder
Published in Journal of computer assisted learning (01-02-2018)“…We investigated the effects of seeing the instructor's (i.e., the model's) face in video modeling examples on students' attention and their learning outcomes…”
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The Role of Affordances in the Evolutionary Process Reconsidered: A Niche Construction Perspective
Published in Theory & psychology (01-08-2010)“…Gibson asserted that affordances are the primary objects of perception. Although this assertion is especially attractive when considered in the context of…”
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Observation of Depictive Versus Tracing Gestures Selectively Aids Verbal Versus Visual-Spatial Learning in Primary School Children
Published in Applied cognitive psychology (01-09-2016)“…Summary Previous research has established that gesture observation aids learning in children. The current study examined whether observation of gestures (i.e…”
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Measuring teacher sense making strategies of learning analytics: a case study
Published in Learning (Abingdon (England)) (02-01-2017)“…Teacher orchestration of the classroom is a demanding task because of the multitude of activities and the rapid pace at which these activities occur. Teachers…”
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Task Experience as a Boundary Condition for the Negative Effects of Irrelevant Information on Learning
Published in Educational psychology review (01-03-2018)“…Research on multimedia learning has shown that learning is hampered when a multimedia message includes extraneous information that is not relevant for the…”
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Getting the closer object? An information-based dissociation between vision for perception and vision for movement in early infancy
Published in Developmental science (01-01-2013)“…In human adults two functionally and neuro‐anatomically separate systems exist for the use of visual information in perception and the use of visual…”
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Seeing the instructor's face and gaze in demonstration video examples affects attention allocation but not learning
Published in Computers and education (01-10-2017)“…Although the use of video examples in which an instructor demonstrates how to perform a task has become widespread in online and blended education, specific…”
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Effects of instructor presence in video modeling examples on attention and learning
Published in Computers in human behavior (01-12-2018)“…Video modeling examples are videos in which an instructor explains and/or demonstrates how to perform a task or procedure. These examples have become…”
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Learning from video modeling examples: Content kept equal, adults are more effective models than peers
Published in Learning and instruction (01-08-2016)“…Learning from (video) modeling examples in which a model demonstrates how to perform a task is an effective instructional strategy. The model-observer…”
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Model-observer similarity and task-appropriateness in learning from video modeling examples: Do model and student gender affect test performance, self-efficacy, and perceived competence?
Published in Computers in human behavior (01-12-2018)“…In video modeling examples, a human model demonstrates and explains how to perform a task. The model-observer similarity (MOS) hypothesis predicts that…”
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Effectiveness of eye movement modeling examples in problem solving: The role of verbal ambiguity and prior knowledge
Published in Learning and instruction (01-12-2018)“…Eye movement modeling examples (EMME) are video modeling examples with the model's eye movements superimposed. Thus far, EMME on problem-solving tasks seem to…”
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Showing a model's eye movements in examples does not improve learning of problem-solving tasks
Published in Computers in human behavior (01-12-2016)“…Eye movement modeling examples (EMME) are demonstrations of a computer-based task by a human model (e.g., a teacher), with the model's eye movements…”
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Effects of visual complexity and ambiguity of verbal instructions on target identification
Published in Journal of cognitive psychology (Hove, England) (17-02-2019)“…Research has shown that visual complexity and the ambiguity of verbal information affect the speed and accuracy of locating targets during visual search. The…”
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The role of feedback on students’ diagramming: Effects on monitoring accuracy and text comprehension
Published in Contemporary educational psychology (01-03-2024)“…•Generative activities (e.g., diagramming) after reading possibly improve monitoring.•We tested if feedback (correct diagram) further improves monitoring and…”
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Individual differences in learning to perceive length by dynamic touch: Evidence for variation in perceptual learning capacities
Published in Attention, perception & psychophysics (2009)“…Recent studies of perceptual learning have explored and commented on variation in learning trajectories. Although several factors have been suggested to…”
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