Search Results - "Wendisch, C."

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  1. 1

    Centrality determination of Au + Au collisions at 1.23A GeV with HADES by Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Scozzi, F., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Zanevsky, Y., Zumbruch, P.

    “… The centrality determination for Au + Au collisions at 1.23 A GeV, as measured with HADES at the GSI-SIS18, is described. In order to extract collision…”
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  2. 2

    Strong Absorption of Hadrons with Hidden and Open Strangeness in Nuclear Matter by Adamczewski-Musch, J, Arnold, O, Atomssa, E T, Behnke, C, Belounnas, A, Belyaev, A, Berger-Chen, J C, Biernat, J, Blanco, A, Blume, C, Böhmer, M, Chernenko, S, Chlad, L, Chudoba, P, Ciepał, I, Deveaux, C, Dittert, D, Dreyer, J, Epple, E, Fabbietti, L, Fateev, O, Fonte, P, Franco, C, Friese, J, Fröhlich, I, Galatyuk, T, Garzón, J A, Gernhäuser, R, Golubeva, M, Greifenhagen, R, Guber, F, Gumberidze, M, Harabasz, S, Heinz, T, Hennino, T, Höhne, C, Holzmann, R, Ierusalimov, A, Ivashkin, A, Kämpfer, B, Kardan, B, Koenig, I, Koenig, W, Kolb, B W, Korcyl, G, Kornakov, G, Kornas, F, Kotte, R, Kuboś, J, Kugler, A, Kunz, T, Kurepin, A, Kurilkin, A, Kurilkin, P, Ladygin, V, Lalik, R, Lapidus, K, Lebedev, A, Linev, S, Lopes, L, Lorenz, M, Mahmoud, T, Maier, L, Malige, A, Markert, J, Maurus, S, Metag, V, Michel, J, Mihaylov, D M, Mikhaylov, V, Morozov, S, Müntz, C, Münzer, R, Naumann, L, Nowakowski, K, Parpottas, Y, Pechenov, V, Pechenova, O, Petukhov, O, Pietraszko, J, Prozorov, A P, Przygoda, W, Ramstein, B, Rathod, N, Reshetin, A, Rodriguez-Ramos, P, Rost, A, Sadovsky, A, Salabura, P, Scheib, T, Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K, Schuldes, H, Schwab, E, Scozzi, F, Seck, F, Sellheim, P, Siebenson, J, Silva, L, Smyrski, J, Spataro, S

    Published in Physical review letters (12-07-2019)
    “…We present the first observation of K^{-} and ϕ absorption within nuclear matter by means of π^{-}-induced reactions on C and W targets at an incident beam…”
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  3. 3

    Production and electromagnetic decay of hyperons: a feasibility study with HADES as a phase-0 experiment at FAIR by Belyaev, A., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Charlotte, C., Borisenko, D. S., Chlad, L., Chudoba, P., Derichs, A., Dittert, D., Dreyer, J., Esmail, W., Fateev, O., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Förtsch, J., Galatyuk, T., Golosov, O., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Grunwald, M., Grzonka, D., Guber, F., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Heybeck, B., Holzmann, R., Huck, H., Ierusalimov, A., Imre, M., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Kedych, V., Kohls, M., Kotte, R., Kozela, A., Kugler, A., Kulessa, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Le Galliard, C., Lebedev, A., Linev, S., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Malige, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Michel, J., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Orfanitsky, S., Otto, J. -H., Patel, V., Pechenov, V., Perez Andrade, G., Petukhov, O., Pfeifer, D., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Prozorov, A., Przygoda, W., Pysz, K., Ramstein, B., Rathod, N., Regina, J., Reshetin, A., Reznikov, S., Ritman, J., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Salabura, P., Saraiva, J., Schild, N., Schwab, E., Seck, F., Selyuzhenkov, I., Shabanov, A., Smyrski, J., Spies, S., Strikhanov, M., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sumara, K., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Szewczyk, J., Taranenko, A., Wagner, V., Wasiluk, M., Wendisch, C., Wintz, P., Włoch, B., Zbroszczyk, H. P., Zherebzova, E., Zhilin, A., Zumbruch, P.

    “…A feasibility study has been performed in order to investigate the performance of the HADES  detector to measure the electromagnetic decays of the hyperon…”
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  4. 4

    Hadron production and propagation in pion-induced reactions on nuclei by Yassine, R. Abou, Arnold, O., Atomssa, E. T., Behnke, C., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Chudoba, P., Ciepał, I., Deb, S., Dittert, D., Dreyer, J., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Fröhlich, I., Förtsch, J., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Greifenhagen, R., Grunwald, M., Hojeij, F., Idzik, M., Kämpfer, B., Kampert, K.-H., Kardan, B., Kedych, V., Koenig, W., Kohls, M., Kolas, J., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krueger, W., Kugler, A., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Linev, S., Linz, F., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Malige, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Mikhaylov, V., Molenda, A., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Nabroth, M., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Otto, J. -H., Pauly, C., Pechenova, O., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Povar, T., Prościński, K., Pysz, K., Ramstein, B., Rathod, N., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Smyrski, J., Spataro, S., Spies, S., Stefaniak, M., Ströbele, H., Sumara, K., Svoboda, O., Tsertos, H., Udrea, I. C., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Władyszewska, A., Zbroszczyk, H. P., Zherebtsova, E., Zielinski, M., Zumbruch, P., Curceanu, C., Scordo, A.

    “…Hadron production ( π ± , proton, Λ , K S 0 , K ± ) in π - + C and π - + W collisions is investigated at an incident pion beam momentum of 1.7 GeV / c . This…”
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  5. 5

    High-rate timing resistive plate chambers with ceramic electrodes by Laso Garcia, A., Kotte, R., Naumann, L., Stach, D., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Kämpfer, B.

    “…We describe recent advances in developing radiation-hard ceramic resistive plate chambers (CRPCs) with Si3N4/SiC composites. Bulk resistivity measurements for…”
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  6. 6

    Subthreshold Ξ^{-} production in collisions of p(3.5  GeV)+Nb by Agakishiev, G, Arnold, O, Balanda, A, Belver, D, Belyaev, A V, Berger-Chen, J C, Blanco, A, Böhmer, M, Boyard, J L, Cabanelas, P, Chernenko, S, Dybczak, A, Epple, E, Fabbietti, L, Fateev, O V, Finocchiaro, P, Fonte, P, Friese, J, Fröhlich, I, Galatyuk, T, Garzón, J A, Gernhäuser, R, Göbel, K, Golubeva, M, González-Díaz, D, Guber, F, Gumberidze, M, Heinz, T, Hennino, T, Holzmann, R, Ierusalimov, A, Iori, I, Ivashkin, A, Jurkovic, M, Kämpfer, B, Karavicheva, T, Koenig, I, Koenig, W, Kolb, B W, Kornakov, G, Kotte, R, Krása, A, Krizek, F, Krücken, R, Kuc, H, Kühn, W, Kugler, A, Kurepin, A, Ladygin, V, Lalik, R, Lang, S, Lapidus, K, Lebedev, A, Liu, T, Lopes, L, Lorenz, M, Maier, L, Mangiarotti, A, Markert, J, Metag, V, Michalska, B, Michel, J, Müntz, C, Müntzer, R, Naumann, L, Pachmayer, Y C, Palka, M, Parpottas, Y, Pechenov, V, Pechenova, O, Pietraszko, J, Przygoda, W, Ramstein, B, Reshetin, A, Rustamov, A, Sadovsky, A, Salabura, P, Schmah, A, Schwab, E, Siebenson, J, Sobolev, Yu G, Spataro, S, Spruck, B, Ströbele, H, Stroth, J, Sturm, C, Tarantola, A, Teilab, K, Tlusty, P, Traxler, M, Trebacz, R, Tsertos, H, Vasiliev, T, Wagner, V, Weber, M, Wendisch, C, Wüstenfeld, J, Yurevich, S, Zanevsky, Y V

    Published in Physical review letters (29-05-2015)
    “…Results on the production of the double strange cascade hyperon Ξ^{-} are reported for collisions of p(3.5  GeV)+Nb, studied with the High Acceptance…”
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  7. 7

    A facility for pion-induced nuclear reaction studies with HADES by Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, C., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K. N., Palka, M., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schmidt, C. J., Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K., Schuldes, H., Scordo, A., Scozzi, F., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wendisch, C., Wirth, J., Zumbruch, P.

    “… The combination of a production target for secondary beams, an optimized ion optical beam line setting, in-beam detectors for minimum ionizing particles with…”
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  8. 8

    Charged-pion production in Au+Au collisions at sNN=2.4GeV by Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Ciepał, I., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Gernhäuser, R., Gläßel, S., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, W., Kohls, M., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornas, F., Kotte, R., Kugler, A., Ladygin, V., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Malige, A., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Pysz, K., Ramstein, B., Rathod, N., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Selyuzhenkov, I., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Singh, U., Smyrski, J., Spies, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wirth, J., Wójcik, D., Zanevsky, Y., Zumbruch, P.

    “…We present high-statistic data on charged-pion emission from Au + Au collisions at s NN = 2.4 GeV (corresponding to E beam = 1.23 A GeV ) in four centrality…”
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  9. 9

    Analysis of the exclusive final state npe+e- in the quasi-free np reaction by Arnold, O., Atomssa, E. T., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Ivashkin, A., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Mihaylov, D. M., Morinière, E., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petousis, V., Petukhov, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Silva, L., Spataro, S., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Svoboda, O., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Zanevsky, Y., Zumbruch, P., Sarantsev, A. V.

    “… We report on the investigation of dielectron production in tagged quasi-free neutron-proton collisions by using a deuteron beam of kinetic energy 1.25GeV/u…”
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  10. 10

    Time-Like Baryon Transitions studies with HADES by Ramstein, B., Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Arnoldi-Meadows, B., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chlad, L., Chudoba, P., Ciepał, I., Deveaux, C., Dittert, D., Dreyer, J., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Gillitzer, A., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Himmelreich, M., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivanov, V., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Kajetanowicz, M., Kampert, K-H., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Khomyakov, V., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kornas, F., Kotte, R., Kozela, A., Kuboś, J., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, P., Kushpil, V, Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lebedev, A., Linev, S., Liu, M., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Lykasov, G., Mahmoud, T., Malakhov, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D.M., Mikhaylov, V., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Parpottas, Y., Patel, V., Pauly, C., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pereira, A., Petousis, V., Petukhov, O., Pfeifer, D., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Pysz, K., Ramos, S., Reshetin, A., Ritman, L., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H.

    Published in EPJ Web of conferences (2019)
    “…The HADES collaboration uses the e + e − production as a probe of the resonance matter produced in collisions at incident energies of 1-3.5 GeV/nucleon at GSI…”
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  11. 11

    Exploring time like tranistions in pp, πp and AA reactions with HADES by Salabura, Piotr, Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnoldi-Meadows, B., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Borisenko, S, Chlad, L., Chudoba, P, Ciepał, I., Dittert, D., Dreyer, J., Esmail, W., Dürr, M., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, S., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Förtsch, J., Galatyuk, T., Gernhäuser, R., Golosov, O., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Hensch, R., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Huck, H., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Kampert, K-H., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kornakov, G., Kornas, F., Kotte, R., Kozela, A., Kres, I., Kuboś, J., Kugler, A., Kulesa, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lebedev, A., Lebedev, S., Linev, S., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Lykasov, G., Mahmoud, T., Malige, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Otto, J.-H., Patel, V., Pauly, C., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Pfeifer, D., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Prozorov, A., Przygoda, W., Pysz, K., Ramstein, B., Rathod, N., Reshetin, A., Ritman, L., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rost, A., Salabura, P., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Selyuzhenkov, I., Shabanov, I., Singh, US, Smyrski, J., Spies, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Stumm, J., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P.

    Published in EPJ Web of Conferences (01-01-2020)
    “…Radiative transition of an excited baryon to a nucleon with emission of a virtual massive photon converting to dielectron pair (Dalitz decays) provides…”
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  12. 12

    Highlights of Resonance Measurements With HADES by Epple, Eliane, Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Atomssa, E.T., Behnke, C., Berger-Chen, J.C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Deveaux, C., Dybczak, A., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gill, K., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, K., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krebs, E., Kuc, H., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petousis, V., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Rehnisch, L., Reshetin, A., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K., Schuldes, H., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu.G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V.

    Published in EPJ Web of conferences (01-01-2015)
    “…This contribution aims to give a basic overview of the latest results regarding the production of resonances in different collision systems. The results were…”
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  13. 13

    Investigating hadronic resonances in pp interactions with HADES by Przygoda, Witold, Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Atomssa, E.T., Behnke, C., Berger-Chen, J.C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Deveaux, C., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gill, K., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krebs, E., Kuc, H., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petousis, V., Pietraszko, J., Ramstein, B., Rehnisch, L., Reshetin, A., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K., Schuldes, H., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu.G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V.

    Published in EPJ Web of conferences (01-01-2015)
    “…In this paper we report on the investigation of baryonic resonance production in proton-proton collisions at the kinetic energies of 1.25 GeV and 3.5 GeV,…”
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  14. 14

    Probing dense baryon-rich matter with virtual photons by Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dittert, D., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K. N., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Selyuzhenkov, I., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spies, S.

    Published in Nature physics (01-10-2019)
    “…About 10 μs after the Big Bang, the universe was filled—in addition to photons and leptons—with strong-interaction matter consisting of quarks and gluons,…”
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  15. 15

    Directed, Elliptic, and Higher Order Flow Harmonics of Protons, Deuterons, and Tritons in Au + Au Collisions at √sNN = 2.4 GeV by Adamczewski-Musch, J

    Published in Physical review letters (31-12-2020)
    “…Flow coefficients vn of the orders n = 1 – 6 are measured with the High-Acceptance Spectrometer (HADES) at GSI for protons, deuterons, and tritons as a…”
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    Towards new front-end electronics for the HADES drift chamber system by Wiebusch, M., Müntz, C., Wendisch, C., Pietraszko, J., Michel, J., Stroth, J.

    “…Operating HADES at the future FAIR SIS-100 accelerator challenges the rate capability of DAQ and electronics. A new, more robust version of front-end…”
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  17. 17

    Measurement of global polarization of Λ hyperons in few-GeV heavy-ion collisions by Abou Yassine, R., Adamczewski-Musch, J., Asal, C., Becker, M., Belounnas, A., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Chlad, L., Chudoba, P., Ciepał, I., Dreyer, J., Esmail, W.A., Fabbietti, L., Floersheimer, H., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Förtsch, J., Galatyuk, T., Gniazdowski, T., Greifenhagen, R., Grunwald, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Höhne, C., Hojeij, F., Holzmann, R., Huck, H., Idzik, M., Kämpfer, B., Kampert, K-H., Kardan, B., Kedych, V., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kohls, M., Kolas, J., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kres, I., Krueger, W., Kugler, A., Lalik, R., Lebedev, S., Linev, S., Linz, F., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Malige, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Nabroth, M., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Orliński, J., Otto, J.-H., Parschau, M., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pfeifer, D., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Prozorov, A., Przygoda, W., Pysz, K., Ramstein, B., Rathod, N., Ritman, J., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Salabura, P., Saraiva, J., Schild, N., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Selyuzhenkov, I., Singh, U., Skorpil, L., Spies, S., Stefaniak, M.S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sumara, K., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Wagner, V., Wasiluk, M., Weber, A.A., Wendisch, C., Wirth, J., Zherebtsova, E., Zielinski, M., Zumbruch, P.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-12-2022)
    “…The global polarization of Λ hyperons along the total orbital angular momentum of a relativistic heavy-ion collision is presented based on the high statistics…”
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  18. 18

    Searching a dark photon with HADES by Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J.C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J.L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J.A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B.W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y.C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petousis, V., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu.G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y.

    Published in Physics letters. B (04-04-2014)
    “…We present a search for the e+e− decay of a hypothetical dark photon, also named U vector boson, in inclusive dielectron spectra measured by HADES in the p(3.5…”
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    Deep sub-threshold ϕ production in Au+Au collisions by Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J.C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J.A., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B.W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Mihaylov, D.M., Morozov, S., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K.N., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu.G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wiebusch, M.G., Wirth, J., Zumbruch, P.

    Published in Physics letters. B (10-03-2018)
    “…We present data on charged kaons (K±) and ϕ mesons in Au(1.23A GeV)+Au collisions. It is the first simultaneous measurement of K− and ϕ mesons in central…”
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    Journal Article
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    Partial wave analysis of the reaction p(3.5 GeV)+p→pK+Λ to search for the “ppK−” bound state by Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J.C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J.L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J.A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B.W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y.C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu.G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y., Sarantsev, A.V.

    Published in Physics letters. B (06-03-2015)
    “…Employing the Bonn–Gatchina partial wave analysis framework (PWA), we have analyzed HADES data of the reaction p(3.5 GeV)+p→pK+Λ. This reaction might contain…”
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