Search Results - "Warmenbol, Eugène"
Strontium isotopes and concentrations in cremated bones suggest an increased salt consumption in Gallo-Roman diet
Published in Scientific reports (03-06-2022)“…The high temperatures reached during cremation lead to the destruction of organic matter preventing the use of traditional isotopic methods for dietary…”
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Le projet Crumbel et l’apport de la recherche archéométrique
Published in Nouvelles de l'archéologie (09-07-2020)“…The CRUMBEL project aims to investigate the mobility of the former population in Belgium from the Neolithic period until the Early Middle Ages. To reach these…”
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These boots are made for burnin’: Inferring the position of the corpse and the presence of leather footwears during cremation through isotope (δ13C, δ18O) and infrared (FTIR) analyses of experimentally burnt skeletal remains
Published in PloS one (13-10-2021)“…Cremation is a complex mortuary practice, involving a number of activities of the living towards the dead before, during, and after the destruction of the…”
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Multi-proxy analyses reveal regional cremation practices and social status at the Late Bronze Age site of Herstal, Belgium
Published in Journal of archaeological science (01-08-2021)“…The funerary Bronze Age culture in the Belgian part of the Meuse valley is poorly understood due to the challenging nature of cremation deposits that dominate…”
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Revisiting metric sex estimation of burnt human remains via supervised learning using a reference collection of modern identified cremated individuals (Knoxville, USA)
Published in American journal of physical anthropology (01-08-2021)“…Objectives This study aims to increase the rate of correctly sexed calcined individuals from archaeological and forensic contexts. This is achieved by…”
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Divergence, diet, and disease: the identification of group identity, landscape use, health, and mobility in the fifth- to sixth-century AD burial community of Echt, the Netherlands
Published in Archaeological and anthropological sciences (01-06-2021)“…This study aims to better understand the development of group identity, mobility, and health in the Early Medieval Meuse Valley. This is achieved by combining…”
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Is it hot enough? A multi-proxy approach shows variations in cremation conditions during the Metal Ages in Belgium
Published in Journal of archaeological science (01-12-2021)“…Studies of funerary practices provide information about many aspects of death in past societies. However, only limited archaeological evidence documents the…”
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Hidden transitions. New insights into changing social dynamics between the Bronze and Iron Age in the cemetery of Destelbergen (Belgium)
Published in Journal of archaeological science, reports (01-06-2023)“…•- Subtle but significant changes in social differentiation between Bronze and Iron Age.•- Sr concentration analysis reveals animal protein intake differences…”
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These boots are made for burnin': Inferring the position of the corpse and the presence of leather footwears during cremation through isotope analyses of experimentally burnt skeletal remains
Published in PloS one (13-10-2021)“…Cremation is a complex mortuary practice, involving a number of activities of the living towards the dead before, during, and after the destruction of the…”
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These boots are made for burnin': Inferring the position of the corpse and the presence of leather footwears during cremation through isotope
Published in PloS one (13-10-2021)“…Cremation is a complex mortuary practice, involving a number of activities of the living towards the dead before, during, and after the destruction of the…”
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Étude des vestiges anthropologiques, fauniques et archéologiques découverts dans la Grotte des Enfants à Freyr, Belgique (Néolithique récent)
Published in Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris (17-01-2023)“…En 1964, un groupe de spéléologues amateurs de Villers-la-Ville, appelé "Vampire", fouille une cavité dans les Rochers de Freyr situés dans la Province de…”
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Gold pickings and PIXE analysis. More about the Bronze age gold found in the cave of Han-sur-Lesse (Namur, Belgium)
Published in Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms (01-11-2004)“…Gold remains a rare material during the whole Bronze Age. It is a metal that circulates amongst the elites exclusively. The exchange of gold artefacts over…”
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Le projet Crumbel et l’apport de la recherche archéométrique
Published in Nouvelles de l'archéologie (05-10-2020)“…Le projet CRUMBEL vise à étudier la mobilité ancienne des populations sur le territoire de la Belgique, du Néolithique au début du Moyen Âge. Pour atteindre…”
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Tomographie en archéologie
Published in Nouvelles de l'archéologie (05-10-2020)Get full text
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Trois Seshemnefer et trente-six domaines
Published in Journal of Egyptian archaeology (01-12-1998)“…The tomb of Seshemnefer-Heba in Saqqara was excavated in 1860 by Mariette. Only the false-door was published, and allegedly transferred to the Cairo Museum,…”
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Joachim Weidig, Bazzano – Ein Gräberfeld bei L’Aquila (Abruzzen). Die Bestattungen des 8.-5. Jahrhunderts. Untersuchungen zu Chronologie, Bestattungsbräuchen und Sozialstrukturen im Apenninischen Mittelitalien. Mainz, Schnell & Steiner, 2014
Published 2018“…Warmenbol Eugène. Joachim Weidig, Bazzano – Ein Gräberfeld bei L’Aquila (Abruzzen). Die Bestattungen des 8.-5. Jahrhunderts. Untersuchungen zu Chronologie,…”
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Book Review -
Arnaud Bertinet, Les musées de Napoléon III. Une institution pour les arts (1849-1872). Paris, Mare & Martin Arts, 2015
Published 2018“…Warmenbol Eugène. Arnaud Bertinet, Les musées de Napoléon III. Une institution pour les arts (1849-1872). Paris, Mare & Martin Arts, 2015. In: L'antiquité…”
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Iaroslav Lebedynsky, Les Sarmates. Amazones et lanciers cuirassés entre Oural et Danube. VIIe siècle av. J.-C. – VIe siècle ap. J.-C. Arles, Errance, 2014
Published 2015“…Warmenbol Eugène. Iaroslav Lebedynsky, Les Sarmates. Amazones et lanciers cuirassés entre Oural et Danube. VIIe siècle av. J.-C. – VIe siècle ap. J.-C. Arles,…”
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Les Sarmates. Amazones et lanciers cuirassés entre Oural et Danube. VIIe siècle av. J.-C. – VIe siècle ap. J.-C
Published in Antiquité Classique (01-01-2015)Get full text
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Luc Βaray e.a., Nécropoles protohistoriques du Sénonais
Published in L'Antiquité Classique (1996)“…Warmenbol Eugène. Luc Βaray e.a., Nécropoles protohistoriques du Sénonais.. In: L'antiquité classique, Tome 65, 1996. pp. 602-604…”
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