Search Results - "Wanzer, Dana"
Relationships Among Noncognitive Factors and Academic Performance: Testing the University of Chicago Consortium on School Research Model
Published in AERA open (01-10-2019)“…In response to interest in the role of noncognitive factors in academic performance, several theoretical models have been developed; however, there have been…”
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Promoting intentions to persist in computing: an examination of six years of the EarSketch program
Published in Computer science education (01-10-2020)“…Background and Context: EarSketch was developed as a program to foster persistence in computer science with diverse student populations. Objective: To test the…”
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What Is Evaluation?: Perspectives of How Evaluation Differs (or Not) From Research
Published in The American journal of evaluation (01-03-2021)“…With a lack of consensus of what evaluation is within the field of evaluation, there is a difficulty in communicating to nonevaluators what evaluation is and…”
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Experiencing Flow While Viewing Art: Development of the Aesthetic Experience Questionnaire
Published in Psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts (01-02-2020)“…Aesthetic experiences are the attitudes, perceptions, or acts of attention involved with viewing art. When the viewer is fully engaged, aesthetic experiences…”
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Dealing With a Challenging Student: Strategies From the Team‐Based Learning Listserv
Published in The National teaching & learning forum (01-12-2020)Get full text
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The manifestations of politics in evaluation: An exploratory study across the evaluation process
Published in Evaluation and program planning (01-10-2021)“…•Findings suggest that evaluations are particularly susceptible to the political context when initially attempting to identify stakeholders, and when it's time…”
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The role of titles in enhancing data visualization
Published in Evaluation and program planning (01-02-2021)“…•Many assumptions in data visualization need to be scrutinized more closely.•One assumption is that informative titles are more effective than generic…”
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Enhancing the Effectiveness of Logic Models
Published in The American journal of evaluation (01-09-2020)“…One of the most widely used communication tools in evaluation is the logic model. Despite its extensive use, there has been little research into the…”
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Selective deployment of dynamic telecytology for rapid evaluation of cytology smears: assessment of workflow processes and role of cytopathology fellows as on-site operators
Published in Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology JASC (01-11-2021)“…The deployment of telecytology (TC) requires a substantial investment of financial and human resources. To offset the high demand for rapid on-site evaluation,…”
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Role of cytotechnologists in rapid onsite adequacy assessment of cytology materials for diagnostic workup and specimen allocation for ancillary testing using a standardized protocol
Published in Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology JASC (01-03-2020)“…Data on the performance of cytotechnologists in assessing specimen adequacy of needle core biopsies (NCB) is scant and their role in specimen triaging for…”
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Improving Evidence Use: The Importance of Relationship Quality in Research-Practice Partnerships
Published 01-01-2019“…At the heart of research-practice partnerships (RPPs) is the importance of relationships among researchers and practitioners. Although research on RPPs…”
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Amplification of the HER‐2/neu oncogene is uncommon in pediatric osteosarcomas
Published in Cancer (01-08-2001)“…BACKGROUND Recent reports have described overexpression of p185c‐erbB2, the product of the HER‐2/neu oncogene, in more than 40% of archival osteosarcomas that…”
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Differences in How Evaluators and Researchers Approach Partnerships with Practitioners
Published in AERA Online Paper Repository (18-04-2020)“…Research-practice partnerships have become increasingly popular for promoting evidence use, and this is similar to how evaluators partner with practitioners…”
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A subset of pancreatic adenocarcinomas demonstrates coamplification of topoisomerase IIalpha and HER2/neu: use of immunolabeling and multicolor FISH for potential patient screening andtreatment
Published in American journal of clinical pathology (01-01-2005)“…We sought to identify the frequency of amplification of the topoisomerase IIalpha gene (TOP2A) in pancreatic cancer and determine the usefulness of TOP2A…”
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