Search Results - "Wanjari, R.H"
Long-term fertilization, manure and liming effects on soil organic matter and crop yields
Published in Soil & tillage research (01-06-2007)“…Yield decline or stagnation and its relationship with soil organic matter fractions in soybean ( Glycine max L.)–wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) cropping system…”
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Impact of long-term application of fertilizer, manure and lime under intensive cropping on physical properties and organic carbon content of an Alfisol
Published in Geoderma (15-12-2008)“…Intensive cropping with conventional tillage results in a decline of soil organic carbon (SOC) with consequent deterioration of soil physical properties. Some…”
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Long-term effect of fertilizer and manure application on soil organic carbon storage, soil quality and yield sustainability under sub-humid and semi-arid tropical India
Published in Field crops research (2005)“…In south Asian countries, production fatigue has been observed as yields which have started declining or stagnating under long-term experiments in multiple…”
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Untangling the effect of soil quality on rice productivity under a 16-years long-term fertilizer experiment using conditional random forest
Published in Computers and electronics in agriculture (01-06-2022)“…•Most of the soil properties changed under different long-term fertilizer application treatments.•Conditional random forest was used to describe the rice yield…”
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Soil N transformation as modulated by soil microbes in a 44 years long term fertilizer experiment in a sub-humid to humid Alfisol
Published in Applied soil ecology : a section of Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-01-2020)“…•Only N/NP fertilization for 44 years adversely affected nitrogen mineralization.•Heterotrophic nitrification differentiated N/NP application from NPK + FYM…”
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Impact of levels of residue retention on soil properties under conservation agriculture in Vertisols of central India
Published in Archiv für Acker- und Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde (23-02-2022)“…Residue management is one of the most difficult tasks in the modern-mechanized agriculture with the intensification of cropping systems, which leads to reduced…”
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Effects of carbon input on soil carbon stability and nitrogen dynamics
Published in Agriculture, ecosystems & environment (01-05-2014)“…•Soil carbon stability and nitrogen dynamics in long-term experiment was analyzed.•Application of FYM in addition to NPK produced greater size of resistant C…”
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Carbon fractions and productivity under changed climate scenario in soybean–wheat system
Published in Field crops research (01-04-2013)“…► We examined long-term effect of manure and fertilizers application on soil organic carbon pools ► We studied temperature sensitivity of C pools and…”
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Soil organic matter in a West Bengal Inceptisol after 30 years of multiple cropping and fertilization
Published in Soil Science Society of America journal (01-01-2006)“…Rice-based multiple cropping systems are predominant in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of Indian subcontinent. A decline in yield of such systems has been observed…”
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Interspecific Interaction and Nutrient Use in Soybean/Sorghum Intercropping System
Published in Agronomy journal (01-07-2006)“…Intercropping soybean (Glycine max L.) with sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) is common in the semiarid tropics of India. In most intercropping studies, little…”
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Optimization of fertilizer schedules in fallow and groundnut-based cropping systems and an assessment of system sustainability
Published in Field crops research (20-01-2003)“…Low native soil nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) availability coupled with their low level of application through fertilizer is a major constraint limiting the…”
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Legume Effect for Enhancing Productivity and Nutrient Use-Efficiency in Major Cropping Systems- An Indian Perspective: A Review
Published in Journal of sustainable agriculture (31-05-2007)“…Inclusion of legumes in the cropping system has been known since times immemorial. Legume is a natural mini-nitrogen manufacturing factory in the field and the…”
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Sustainable yield index: an approach to evaluate the sustainability of long-term intensive cropping systems in India
Published in Journal of sustainable agriculture (01-01-2004)“…Several long-term fertilizer experiments conducted in different agro-ecological regions of India involving intensive cropping systems such as rice-wheat…”
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Rice in India: present status and strategies to boost its production through hybrids
Published in Journal of sustainable agriculture (01-05-2006)“…Rice accounts for a significant contribution to the total food grain production in India. As the rice production area either stabilizes or declines, and there…”
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