Search Results - "Wang, Bronwen"
Organic matter quantity and source affects microbial community structure and function following volcanic eruption on Kasatochi Island, Alaska
Published in Environmental microbiology (01-01-2016)“…In August 2008, Kasatochi volcano erupted and buried a small island in pyroclastic deposits and fine ash; since then, microbes, plants and birds have begun to…”
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Biological Legacies: Direct Early Ecosystem Recovery and Food Web Reorganization after a Volcanic Eruption in Alaska
Published in Écoscience (Sainte-Foy) (01-09-2013)“…Attempts to understand how communities assemble following a disturbance are challenged by the difficulty of determining the relative importance of stochastic…”
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Surface-air mercury fluxes across Western North America: A synthesis of spatial trends and controlling variables
Published in The Science of the total environment (15-10-2016)“…Mercury (Hg) emission and deposition can occur to and from soils, and are an important component of the global atmospheric Hg budget. This paper focuses on…”
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Organic matter quantity and source affects microbial community structure and function following volcanic eruption on K asatochi I sland, A laska
Published in Environmental microbiology (01-01-2016)“…In A ugust 2008, K asatochi volcano erupted and buried a small island in pyroclastic deposits and fine ash; since then, microbes, plants and birds have begun…”
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Characterization of Pyroclastic Deposits and Pre-eruptive Soils following the 2008 Eruption of Kasatochi Island Volcano, Alaska
Published in Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research (01-08-2010)“…The 7–8 August 2008 eruption of Kasatochi Island volcano blanketed the island in newly generated pyroclastic deposits and deposited ash into the ocean and onto…”
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Biological legacies: Direct early ecosystem recovery and food web reorganization after a volcanic eruption in Alaska1
Published in Écoscience (Sainte-Foy) (01-07-2013)“…Attempts to understand how communities assemble following a disturbance are challenged by the difficulty of determining the relative importance of stochastic…”
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Characterization of Pyroclastic Deposits and Pre-eruptive soils following the 2008 Eruption of Kasatochi Island Volcano, Alaska : Impacts of the 2008 volcanic eruption on the terrestrial and nearshore marine ecosystems of Kasatochi Isaland, Alaska
Published in Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research (2010)Get full text
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Catastrophic and persistent environmental consequences of an acid crater-lake discharge, Chiginagak Volcano, Alaska
Published in Acta geochimica (01-03-2006)Get full text
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Oxidation of Dimethylselenide by delta -MnO sub(2): Oxidation Product and Factors Affecting Oxidation Rate
Published in Environmental science & technology (01-06-1995)“…Research has shown that dimethylselenide (DMSe) produced within the soil may be susceptible to oxidation by soil constituents, and one class of potential…”
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Oxidation of Dimethylselenide by .delta.-MnO2: Oxidation Product and Factors Affecting Oxidation Rate
Published in Environmental science & technology (01-06-1995)“…A study examined whether dimethylselenide can be abiotically oxidized by manganese oxide and measured the effect of experimental parameters on the oxidation…”
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Oxidation of dimethylselenide by delta-manganese dioxide
Published 01-01-1992“…Reaction between dimethylselenide and $\delta$-MnO$\sb2$ was investigated. The reaction was a redox reaction whereby $\delta$-MnO$\sb2$ oxidized DMSe. The…”
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